There is no image on the TV, but there is sound - what should I do?

Modern liquid crystal televisions (LCDs) are not inferior to LED competitors in their comparative characteristics. Manufacturers of household appliances do not stand still, constantly introducing new technologies into devices to expand the functionality of devices. Despite the manufacture of new models, the plasma can still fail. Many users often face the fact that there is no image on the TV, but there is sound. Is it possible to make repairs yourself if there is no image on the TV, but there is sound? Of course you can! How exactly - you will learn about this in our article.

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Symptoms of a TV panel

How to understand that the monitor is broken? Often the display does not show anything at all. But you can encounter other situations:

  • Image blinks, ripples across the screen.
  • The lamp in the monitor blinks.
  • Television video is interrupted periodically.
  • Stripes or squares pass through the image.
  • On the right or on the left side, a white, colored or dark vertical strip appears.
  • The outline of the image has a color border.
  • It is difficult to parse the image.
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Why does the picture disappear?

There are many reasons why a plasma image is not visible, but sound is heard. Self-checking can reveal only the simplest causes that can lead to a number of malfunctions. Only a service center can do full professional diagnostics.

Important! Do not blame the manufacturer for poor-quality equipment, since similar problems can be found on different LCD TVs: Samsung, LG, Philips, etc.  

Sometimes there are cases when the TV turns on, the screen saver lights up, and after that the monitor goes out, the sound remains, you can switch channels using the remote control. Now we will analyze the question, why is this happening.

The reasons for the loss of image visibility and ways to solve them.

The cable is loose

In this case, you need to check the connection of the network cable to the input jack of your TV. Disconnect the cord, connect it to the plasma jack, turn on the equipment, check the picture quality on the monitor again.

Damaged cord

You can solve this problem by ringing the cable or by completely replacing it.

Broken matrix, system board, display backlight unit

Repair the listed reasons for the disappearance of the image should be done only by an experienced television master. These works are complicated due to the necessary soldering of the main details of the TV.

The inverter that supplies voltage to the backlight has failed

The cause of the breakdown is the breakdown of shemales. If during the trance test the working candle does not light up, then this indicates the burning of this part.

Troubleshooting Technology:

  1. First you need to disassemble the display.
  2. After that, unscrew the fasteners (screws) of the stand, remove the inverter transformer, dismantle it, install a new spare part with 4 candles.
  3. Now it remains only to apply voltage to the inverter and set the desired control device.

The above steps can be done independently or seek help from a specialist.

Important! If there is no picture on your TV but sound is heard, check first the quality of the wiring. The Moninfo program will help you with this. With this utility you can check the transmission of video or audio.

Electrolytes have broken in the power supply

Broken condensate electrolytes should be replaced. This work is only possible for a specialist who must first burn out the burned-out elements, and then install new ones.

Loopback from matrix to board

Only a complete loop replacement is required.

Important! There may also be a breakdown in the vertical scan in CRT TVs. First of all, you need to remove the microchip, and then replace it with a new one. It is advisable to carry out a simultaneous replacement of the personnel separation, diode and resistance in order to further prevent the combustion of the listed parts.

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There are spots on the screen, but there is sound - the causes and solutions to the defect

Such a defect that appears on the display of your LCD TV indicates a breakdown of the most important element - the matrix. Most often, this is a factory defect.

The list of the main causes of spots on the plasma screen:

  • The stain appeared during the production of the TV. So, for example, if you bought a plasma TV, came home, turned it on and found a dark spot or numerous spots on the monitor, then, without wasting time, return it back to the store if the warranty on the equipment is still valid.
  • When the screen has undergone mechanical damage - pressure or shock. Most likely, this was your fault, but damage to the equipment during its transportation and delivery is not excluded. In the latter case, you can try to return or exchange under warranty. For this reason, it is extremely important to check the LCD TV for any problems immediately on the spot in the store.

Important! The appearance of a black spot on the TV indicates the "death" of pixels due to improper assembly of the LCD monitor. Very often, dark spots increase in size over time. Repair is powerless here, only a complete replacement of equipment will help.

Tips for eliminating black “blots” on plasma:

  • If you have run out of equipment warrantythen you can try to write a claim letter to the direct manufacturer. Often, in order not to lose its worthy reputation, the plant can replace a broken plasma.
  • In the event of a manufacturer's refusal to request a replacement we recommend buying a new TV, since repairing defective equipment is several times higher than its cost.

Important! The presentation of the warranty period and the quick reaction of the manufacturer take place only when buying equipment from the recommended companies: Samsung, LG, Sony, Hyundai, Philips. But the quality of such companies as Supra, Irbis is worth considering. The middle link between these brands is Toshiba - a time-tested company.

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An example of how to fix a malfunction on a Samsung TV

First of all, we test the video signal by following the instructions below:

  1. We select the key with the house on the control panel.
  2. Now go to “Settings”.
  3. We select the options in this order: “Support”, “Auto Diagnostics”, “Start Image Test”.

Next, try to solve the problems issued by the settings with simple manufacturer's tips:

  • Weak brightness, display flashes. We turn off the task “Energy Saving”.
  • After diagnosis, the test did not reveal a single problem. We check several times the correct connection of all plugs with connectors.
  • Strong video contrast. In the “Advanced Settings” we adjust the brightness, backlight, color palette and other parameters.
  • The pattern is blurry, bifurcated or trembling. We apply the “Auto Motion Plus” task.
  • The TV itself turns off. Turn off the power saving mode.
  • Strong picture distortion. Check the percentage of signal reception.
  • Color rendering blinks strongly. Disconnect the cord, and then reconnect.
  • Distorted colors for advanced settings. We reset all settings.
  • A dotted line runs along the edges of the plasma monitor.. Change the image size to 16: 9.

As you already noticed, many of the breakdowns of the TV can be eliminated with your own hands. The most important thing is to correctly identify the problem in order to understand the plan of your further actions. Remember: everything impossible is possible, if you really try! Be sure to look at a visual master class on TV repair, if there is no image, but there is sound, as suggested below.

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