Overview of 3d printers

It’s probably no secret that 3D printers print three-dimensional models. And if a few years ago it was an innovative technique, accessible only to engineering masters, today this technology is being introduced everywhere in everyday life. How to choose the best device for your home? To do this, we have compiled a review of 3d printers, in which you might like some model.

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A bit about technology

Let's start with the print. This process is called “additive manufacturing,” in other words, AP. In the process, computer control is used, which allows you to sequentially lay the material in layers, which gives a three-dimensional figure at the output.

Two types of plastic are most common in technology:

  • Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS).
  • Polylactic acid or polylactide (PMA) is a more environmentally friendly option.

Important! Both types of plastics are very popular and are mainly used for printing. Although food, metals, and other materials can perfectly suit the creation process.

There is a format for three-dimensional printing, which is very widespread - this is a format called “.stl”. It can always be exported from the vast majority of programs in which the possibility of three-dimensional modeling and scanning is implemented.

Important! The user is given the opportunity to create models on their own, but there is an option for those who do not consider themselves to be a creator - the Thingiverse.com service, from which you can download any model that interests you.

You can draw an analogy with simple two-dimensional printers, which have their own resolution and size. In our case, these parameters also play an important role. High resolution provides the user with a high level of print quality, and large sizes have a positive effect on the speed of “production” - you simply do not have to split the project into several components.

If you are interested in buying such a device at home, then there are simply plenty of options. There are models with single color printing, but you can also find color models. Also, three-dimensional scanners feel great on the technology market.

Obviously, all these devices have completely different costs, so this emphasis was placed on this rating of 3d printers. Let's meet the five most popular models of information output devices.

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Overview of 3d printers

If you figured out all the basics, then you can safely proceed to the selection of the necessary device.

Cubepro trio

The vast majority of home three-dimensional equipment most often has only one or two colors for reproducing prints, but this model is able to work immediately with three different materials.

Important! This feature is very useful especially for those cases when you need to create closed mechanisms.

Nylon materials are perfect for achieving such a goal, ABS is suitable for creating an installation case, and the same PLA will help the user maintain that structure, which can then be dissolved with caustic water at any time.

Important! This device simply ideally solves a lot of issues that may arise in the field of designers and engineers who need to print moving three-dimensional structures.

The disadvantage is that users believe that the price tag is very high - $ 4,000.

Important! Working with several materials at once is the main advantage, which in some cases can close the user's eyes to such a high price tag. Perhaps this is the best 3d printer in its price category.

AirWolf 3D HD2x:

  • This model perfectly copes with two different materials at once.
  • This device is particularly noteworthy in that the printing area is 11x8x12 (inches), which positively affects the conditions for prototyping.
  • The developer took care of the design features and created a semi-closed housing that perfectly protects materials during operation.
  • In order to make life easier for the consumer, the design is equipped with a special slot for working with memory cards - you can always download the model directly from your SD.

Important! This device is perfect for designers who are interested in printing three-dimensional models in different colors from different materials.

The disadvantage is the same as the previous model: the high cost for such functionality is $ 3,300.

Ultimaker 2

The originality of this equipment is a huge set of functions that the most varied masters who like to collect everything with their own hands will always like it. The second generation of this model began to be released in the form of a beautifully tuned installation with an unsurpassed design, which is the hallmark of this gadget.

Cura’s high-level software provides the easiest and most intuitive control of print output settings and quality. The second plus is the absence of noise during operation, which is perfect for your home.

The disadvantage is the most standard functionality.

Important! Such a purchase would cost around $ 2,000.


More often than not, 3d devices are the simplest plastic boxes with built-in tasks. But this company managed to provide not only print quality, but also a stylish design solution. This car is unlikely to fit into your modern apartment interior. The manufacturer even made sure that the device was the most mobile - a convenient handle is located on the case, and the weight of the structure allows you to move the entire installation with ease.

Important! Such equipment costs about $ 1,500 and is perfect for both work and home.

The disadvantage is that it does not have firmware.

Important! This is the best 3D printer for those who live at a fast pace of life.

LulzBot Mini

Our review of 3d printers will end with an interesting product whose work is based on all Open Source projects:

  • The model has open source code, so the user can always build the device specifically for their individual needs.
  • The unit is equipped with a print area of ​​15.2x15.2x15.8 (inches), which allows you to print large-sized objects at one time.
  • The low price ($ 1200) makes the device a wonderful choice for printing in the walls of a house.

The disadvantage is the very large size of the case.

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Stock footage

Top 5 on this can be considered closed. All these devices are good in their own way and are practically devoid of flaws. Compare prices and rely on your needs when choosing, then the creation of various items will be fascinating and enjoyable for you.

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