Home Subwoofer Overview

For fans of listening to music, sound quality plays a very important role. And to find a review of subwoofers for home on the Internet, which would not be exclusively advertising specific models, but described both their pros and cons, features, it is quite difficult. It is this device that ensures that low frequencies will sound at the level. But choosing it is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. We offer you an article on how to choose the best subwoofer for your home and not make a mistake.

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General information

Multichannel sound systems require a certain location in the apartment, but often it is not possible to achieve the desired result. As a result, the sound is distorted and loses all its appeal. Among the list of things that can affect the sound quality are the following:

  1. It is not possible to arrange the sound sources based on how it is reflected from the walls.
  2. A small amount of space.
  3. Furniture that absorbs and reflects sound.
  4. Glass rattling.
  5. It is not possible to position the listener at the point where the sound is perfect.
  6. Doors that break the reflection pattern.

The biggest problems in the system are experiencing a subwoofer. Its radiation is greatly damped, and the sound is no longer perfect. The low frequencies emitted by this device colliding with upholstered furniture disappear. Therefore, a good subwoofer for the home is the most powerful component of a multi-channel sound system. The frequency range in this device is from 20 to 400 Hz.

Important! In order to guarantee a lower frequency threshold, manufacturers often use electronic damping systems. In this case, unnecessary frequencies are quenched, they lose power, but do not completely disappear.

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Basic characteristics

As mentioned above, it is impossible to ideally build a multi-channel system. That is why, when deciding how to choose a subwoofer for a home, the main thing is to follow some rules of building a system:

  1. The balance of the volume of the frequency range. This will provide an opportunity to create a realistic sound environment. The human ear is very selective and hears some frequencies worse than others, so it is the low-frequency emitter that must emit 150% of the total power of the front speakers.
  2. Given that the system is usually not fixed, as expected, manufacturers are upgrading the design features of the device. As an option, a good subwoofer for the home has strong legs that are adjustable and allow you to set it so that it will stand as flat as possible, which will exclude its movement under the influence of the emitted sound.
  3. Another important characteristic is the sound diffusion filter. The most recommended of them structurally close the speaker, are fine-mesh multilayer lattices or are generally made of fabric.
  4. Often subwoofers are also equipped with a heat dissipation system.

The modern technology market can offer a variety of solutions to these devices, suitable for both the average user and the most demanding connoisseur. Let's talk in more detail about the types of subwoofers, their advantages and disadvantages.

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Types of Subwoofers

There are 3 types of subwoofer design:

  1. Closed systems.
  2. Phase inverter systems.
  3. Combined.

Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages compared to the rest. Let's consider in more detail.

Closed systems

The simplest design of this system is understandable to any user. It is a closed case, on one side of which a large speaker is built-in. Among the design advantages, the following are distinguished:

  1. The strength of the case makes it easy to ensure the stability of the device.
  2. Excluded the possibility of resonance.
  3. The entire range of sound frequencies is felt with the same power.
  4. The sound quality is at a high level due to the fact that the speaker is not distorted by extraneous factors.

Not without minuses. Among them:

  • Due to the tightness of the casing, reverse air pressure is created. It does not allow the subwoofer membrane to move at full power.

Important! This problem is solved by the high power of the amplifier, even with average sound volume.

  • The location of such a device is very important. Nothing should stand in the way of sound propagation.
  • Due to a rather complex constructive implementation, models of this kind have a high cost. The more power, the price becomes many times higher.

Important! This type of sound emitters is most widely used in systems with low power output. It is there that the price-quality ratio is respected.


Phase inverter systems

This system consists of a solid closed case, a speaker located on one of the surfaces, and a bass reflex. The phase inverter is a round or rectangular tube that connects the inside of the subwoofer with the environment. It is she who distinguishes the system from the previous one. Thanks to him, the pressure inside the device does not accumulate and stabilizes.

Among the advantages of such a device are the following:

  1. It does not require increasing the signal power in order to achieve the desired volume.
  2. Thanks to the phase inverter, the location of this device for the home does not matter much, because it is this feature that reduces the significance of spurious effects on it.

There are also disadvantages. Among them are such as:

  1. A phase inverter is an oscillatory circuit, which means that a phenomenon such as resonance may occur.
  2. There are also sound dips in some frequency ranges.
  3. Dust and dirt that interferes with the air flow in the tube can affect the performance of the device.

Important! Despite all these points, this device is a good enough subwoofer for the home. It is this species that is the most popular and attractive. An excellent price-quality ratio also stands out here.

Combined systems

This species is a mixture of the two types presented above. Choosing the best subwoofer for the home, experienced people will pay attention to this particular device.

The design is a two-chamber housing, one chamber of which is sealed, and the second is a bass reflex.

Important! The system is difficult to build and has controls for fine-tuning manually, which can only be appreciated by experienced and very demanding users.

Choosing the best subwoofer for your home, do not stop at just dividing them according to design features. They are also divided according to the type of inclusion in a common multi-channel system. They are divided into active and passive options.



Such devices are equipped with their own signal amplifiers. At the same time, it is difficult to include such a subwoofer in the overall system.

Important! The use of this type of device increases the importance of the arrangement of elements in the system - both the subwoofer and the user.


In order to choose a passive device type, you need to be guided by parameters that are directly related to the system amplifier:

  1. Boundary power of the amplifier - its value should be sufficient to power the device.
  2. The active resistance of the amplifier.

To say which of the systems and models is better is impossible. Most often, it seeks the optimal balance of price and quality for specific purposes.

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General tips for choosing a device

When compiling a rating of subwoofers for a home, you need to be guided by general tips for choosing a device approaching the problem comprehensively. A list of recommendations is presented below.

  • The choice begins with the selection of a durable case. For medium and large system capacities, a plastic case is not suitable. The most common solution is the MDF case, but even it does not have the ability to remove all distortions in particularly powerful systems.

Important! The best choice would be a solid wood case with adjustable, steady legs.

  • Consider what you are purchasing this system for. A closed circuit is characterized by a rather high cost, which grows exponentially for each watt of power. But it has a more dynamic and juicy sound than a bass reflex system in which there is no dynamics - sharp volume surges are impossible. Moreover, the second system is cheaper than the first.

Important! The effects that the first view provides are often not required to watch most films.

  • The size of the room also has a significant impact on choosing the best subwoofer for your home. If the room is small, then there is no need to buy an expensive heavy-duty subwoofer. The situation will nullify all his efforts.
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Rating subwoofers for home

Now let's talk about the top five, according to users and experts, subwoofers. Choosing one of them will impress you with its sound.

Velodyne Optimum-10

Experienced users will not be surprised at all when they see this device in the first place:

  • The model is very compact, its dimensions are 33 * 35 * 38 cm. But do not let them mislead you.
  • Such a device is equipped with a 1200 W amplifier, as well as a 10-inch woofer.
  • Such a subwoofer reproduces sound at frequencies from 13 to 240 Hz.

Wisdom audio SCS

Interesting in its shape. Its parameters are 56 * 94 * 18 cm, and it resembles a suitcase. It has the highest frequency sensitivity from 25 to 80 Hz.


Gotham g213:

  • The dimensions of this device are 86 * 54 * 64 cm and the weight is 163 kg.
  • It is equipped with two 13.5-inch drivers, a D-class amplifier with a power of 3.8 kW.
  • Has the function of ultra-low frequencies in the range from -12 to +3.
  • The range of reproduced frequencies is from 19 to 200 Hz.

Paradigm Sub 2

For those who are looking for the best subwoofer for the home, while wanting to diversify the interior, such a device is more suitable than ever:

It will surprise you with its hexagonal shape and two versions - black and wood.

At the same time, unlike others, it reproduces sounds with a frequency of 7 Hz.

It is also very powerful and with its 4.5 kW produces 122-126 dB.

KEF reference 209

This device is notable for its large cone:

  • Having a size of 64 * 64 * 54 cm, it accommodates an 18-inch driver.
  • The subwoofer is capable of reproducing sounds with a frequency of 15 Hz and a maximum power of 120 dB.

Important! Plus, the fact that this species is presented in different colors even has non-standard colors - sapphire, pomegranate, white, lemon.

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Stock footage

Now you know what to be guided by and what criteria to follow to choose a subwoofer for your home. Having your own multi-channel sound system, you will feel like in a real movie theater, but more convenient for you. After choosing a model, be sure to read reviews about it and do not neglect the expert advice of other users of subwoofers.


