Why did the headphones start playing quietly?

Headphones are an essential accessory for almost every modern person. With it, you can immerse yourself in the wonderful world of music without disturbing others, or use a laptop, iPhone and computer in the room where people sleep without causing them any inconvenience. After use, they are compactly placed in a pocket of clothes, bags or a drawer. Putting on headphones, a person expects to hear high-quality and full-fledged sound, but sometimes a headset does not justify trust. A breakdown may concern one or two headphones, but do not immediately discard the headset in junk. Understanding the situation, you can extend their life and save money on acquiring a new pair. The reasons for poor-quality reproduction are different, and their elimination is quite feasible.

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Reasons that do not apply to headphones

  • If the left or right earphone has become quieter, First you need to check the sound balance on the software. Very often the problem is in the latter. Experiment with other gadgets and connect the headset to another phone. If the sound plays normally there, then the matter is not in the headphones, but in the player, and troubleshooting should be on the phone player.
  • In the case of computers, the problem may lie in the sound adapter or its settings. Sometimes it’s enough to adjust the sound intensity on the outer channel. A faulty sound card also precedes sound problems. It is worth inspecting it for burnout or improper fastening and fix the problem.
  • The reason may also be in software.and. Just install the new version of Windows and continue to enjoy the music.
  • If the sound "sand" when moving the wire, then the problem should be sought in the headphone jack.
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Headphone mechanical breakdown

Sound distortions are caused by commonplace failures during careless operation, when they often fall from the owner. Enough unsuccessful blow to the surface, and the device will fail.

Accidental or intentional jerk over the wire may result in partial damage.

When in contact with water, the headphones can pick up moisture and play sounds quietly or with interference. If the damage is insignificant, it is enough to carry out several manipulations:

  • In contact with water Do not use wet headphones. Let them dry for 12-24 hours in a warm and dry place.
  • If the wire is damaged inspect for bending and bending. Pay attention to the areas near the plug and at the base. If a mechanical failure is detected, do not try to repair the problem yourself if you have never done so. Call a specialist for help or purchase a new headset.
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Production marriage

High-quality and expensive headphones, such as Apple EarPods, rarely fail after a short use. When buying headphones of dubious brands, you risk getting a poorly assembled device with poor-quality sound, a brittle cord and disposable speakers.

Turn your attention to the accessory of trusted brands, with a guarantee and instruction manual.Or buy yourself several “Chinese” headphones.

Important! A marriage of production, as a rule, is difficult or impossible to fix, and sometimes simply unprofitable in terms of time and money.

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The human factor as the reason for the quiet sound in the headphones

A user who is used to listening to music too loudly will experience hearing loss over time. Each time he needs to increase the volume to get the same effect from listening to his favorite tracks as before. It seems that these headphones began to work poorly, but do not look for defects in the device.

In this case, you need to spend several hours or days without music at the usual volume, and even better - in silence. Then the hearing will recover. If not, then the doctor will help to solve the problem with hearing.

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Headphone contamination and cleaning methods

Careless handling causes the metal earphone mesh to become dirty, which often affects playback quality. It is enough to clean the headphones from extraneous debris, store them with proper accuracy and enjoy full sound.

Earwax inevitably clogs the nets and reduces the conductivity of the sound. To remove it, there is an effective way and several tools. To do this:

  1. Take hydrogen peroxide or alcohol.
  2. Remove the foam tips from the headphones.
  3. Pour the selected product into a shallow container.
  4. Immerse the headset in it so as not to wet the speakers.
  5. Put on 10-15 minutes.
  6. Take out the headphones and hang them to dry the net down for 1-2 hours.
  7. After making sure that the headset is dry, remove any residual dirt.
  8. Put on the nozzles and check the sound.

Important! Clean carefully, do not turn the earphones upside down. If peroxide or alcohol gets inside, the headset will deteriorate completely.

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Technical problems

Sometimes for the necessary dynamics of sound, the headphones do not have enough power. In such cases, a special amplifier is provided. It is inexpensive and significantly increases the volume of weak bass.

Reducing contact when the headphones do not fit snugly to the connection jack leads to worse sound transmission. To do this, just adjust the connection.

Knowing such simple tricks in using the headset, you can independently determine and eliminate the cause of the malfunction. With proper use and proper care, the headphones will never play quietly if you do not want to.

The video below shows how to change the settings and what else you can do if the headphones are playing quietly.

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