Phone painting

Today everyone wants to stand out somehow, and for these purposes the mobile phone is the best fit. Not only covers and removable protective panels are capable of making it interesting and bright. Add a gadget of originality will help painting the phone. In order to properly execute the design, you need to know some nuances, as well as phased actions, which is what we will talk about in this article.

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Stripping old paint

To ensure high-quality painting, it is necessary to improve the adhesion of the paint to the surface. If painted over the old, this can cause some problems. Here it is necessary to take into account some points:

  • To remove old paint, it is better to use the “paint remover” - it is called that.

Important! It is worth noting that it has an incredibly strong, unpleasant odor, so all work must be carried out outdoors.

  • Acetone or solvents (exception solvent 646) is undesirable to use, because if the case of your gadget is made of plastic, it can simply corrode.
  • If the old paint stubbornly does not want to be removed, then there is nothing to worry about, it means that it is firmly held on the body and should not cause problems when painting.

Important! If you still want to remove it, you will have to use the skin.

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Surface preparation

Before painting the phone at home, you must properly prepare the surface.

Remove scratches

If there are deep scratches or even chips on the case, then it is better, of course, to eliminate them. To do this, you can use car putty.

However, you still have to take the skin in your hands - you need to sand the top layer of the material, create micro-scratches invisible to the eye to better “stick” the new paint to the surface.

Important! With these steps you can remove possible minor scratches on the case. To do this, you should take a skin of nominal value 180-240, and after that conduct the final cleaning in increasing order: 400, then 800 and finish 1000-1400.

Degrease the surface

It is undesirable to degrease the surface with white spirit or gasoline - an alcohol solution is best suited for these purposes. But if you are tormented by conscience, then you can carry out degreasing using the household “Fairy”.

Perform an operation with a piece of gauze or a cotton swab, and then leave the part to dry.


Before applying new paint, it is advisable to prime the surface. For these purposes, it is recommended to use the soil in the can, since the layer of its application will be much smaller than when painting with a brush, and it will dry faster.

Here's what to consider when doing this job:

  • Before painting, cover all areas that do not need to be painted with masking tape.
  • Apply the soil in layers, holding the spray can about 30 cm from the horizontally lying surface.
  • Do not immediately apply too much soil.
  • Dry the soil at a slightly elevated temperature, but do not blow with a hairdryer, as this can inflate dust or shift the layers of the solution.

Important! For drying, it is better to use a heater or an incandescent lamp.

  • After the soil dries, treat it with a fine sandpaper.
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You need to start by choosing the right paint. Here everything is more or less simple - it is better to take paint in a spray can.

Important! It is advisable to choose not the cheapest paint. But it’s also not worth buying very expensive ones.

When painting, there are also some nuances:

  • It should be painted from the edges to the center.
  • Do not spare the paint on the edges - let a part of the jet pass by.
  • If a drip has formed, then wait until the paint dries, take a small skin and sand it. Then continue painting.
  • Do not touch the paint with your hands until completely dry.

Important! If you use chrome or metallic paint, then the details should be dried for much longer, since these paints dry up to two days.

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Image Application Options

Now let's talk about possible options for how to paint the phone at home. Let's look at them in order of increasing complexity.

Using stencils

Using stencils and the same paint in the spray cans, the drawing can be quite clear, although this option is more suitable for all sorts of texts or mechanisms, rather than for highly artistic images. However, however, this method has the right to life:

  • The simplest stencils are made of thick paper using scissors or an office knife.

Important! Due to the loose contact of the paper to the surface, the paint may creep out of the contour, although in some cases this effect is used specifically.

  • The best option is a self-adhesive film, for example, construction. The contour is also cut with a clerical knife. But if you have a very small and complex pattern, you can take it to cutting with a plotter.

Color transition

Also, a very interesting option for painting the phone will be the transition of colors. The transitions will be quite smooth, so many bands will not work.

In addition, there are such wonderful things as “Caps” - these are special nozzles for spray cans that change the thickness of the stream. As a rule, they are used by people who are engaged in graffiti.

Important! With a thin stream, you can apply more intricate images.


Using an airbrush is the most beautiful, high-quality and, at the same time, expensive way to put an image on your phone. The airbrush makes it possible to draw lines up to 1 mm and create smooth beautiful transitions.

Important! For this option, you will have to invest a lot of money, though with the condition that it will not be a single job, as in previous cases.

For full work you will need the following:

  • The airbrush itself.
  • Compressor.
  • Some little things like hoses for connection, and, of course, paint.


Since the phone is a device that is subjected to numerous mechanical influences, varnishing is very desirable for him. Moreover, this procedure is mandatory for all the same metallic and chrome.

First you need to decide which coating you want - matte or glossy. Sometimes the final result of painting strongly depends on this:

  • Gloss. To obtain a glossy finish, as a rule, ordinary varnish is used in banks. It is applied with a soft brush, not pressing the brush hard so as not to scratch the surface.

Important! The procedure is best repeated several times. The thickness of the layer will depend on the viscosity of the varnish used. That is, the thinner the varnish, the thinner the coating.

  • Matte finish. For this type of varnish is required in cylinders. But be careful, because the varnish in the cylinders is not only matte, but also glossy - consult the seller about the compatibility of varnish and paint.

Important! To create a stable coating, you will have to apply many layers of matte varnish.

Phosphor Painting

Phosphor is a powder that can glow under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Its abundance can be seen in nightclubs, so this is where your phone will be in the spotlight.

It happens both in the form of powder and finished paint in a cylinder. But it’s probably not practical to buy a whole cylinder, since it is better to use the phosphor for some parts, rather than painting the phone completely, but this is a matter of personal taste.

Important! You can buy such a powder in tents with different luminous objects. You will also need nail polish.

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Stock footage

To make a bright and original thing out of your old or simple gadget, you can paint the phone at home. Here you can use different options. Choose the most suitable for yourself, connect your imagination, and create a truly unique little thing that will delight you and surprise everyone around you.


