Recessed Phone Repair

Almost every second user pours their mobile phone with tea, coffee or water. It even happens that the device slips out of the fingers and falls straight into a puddle or pond. Obviously, normal performance disappears immediately or is fatally disrupted. If the user does not take any urgent measures, then the mobile device is likely to fail without the possibility of further work. In this article we will consider whether it is possible to repair recessed phones, what exactly needs to be done immediately in such a situation.

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What is the risk of moisture entering the device?

Most ordinary water can harm your mobile phone if it gets inside the case. If we talk about more aggressive fluids that contain acids and alkali in their composition, then things will be even worse.

The electronic circuit board of the telephone contains conductive conductors that are constantly energized, and if liquid that is capable of conducting electric current gets on them, a lot of so-called short circuits arise that interfere with the normal functioning of the circuit. Also, we will not forget that immediately begins corrosion, which diligently destroys all elements of metal. So there is only one verdict: if a cell phone has had a chance to swim, first aid must be provided.

Important! A good battery and a camera are the main criteria by which people now choose their smartphone. We have prepared reviews that will be useful to you if you have to buy a new gadget:

How to fix a recessed phone? For such cases, emergency assistance will be required.

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Mobile device repair

To avoid all the consequences, immediately disconnect and remove the battery from the mobile device, getting rid of the remaining fluid. It may also happen that the phone was flooded with an aggressive environment. In these cases, it is worth getting rid of this substance with clean water from the tap, and only then take on the removal of water.

Important! A positive result can be achieved if the device was able to disassemble on time and flush all nodes in the first two hours. If clean water gets inside the case, the repair will last for about four hours.

Many are interested in whether it is possible to repair a recessed phone? Let's take a closer look at this issue and get acquainted with expert advice.

Important! The restoration of a failed mobile device is best done at a service center with the help of experienced professionals and the right equipment.

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Instructions for saving the “drowned man”

If you do not have time to go to the service center for the help of masters, it is best to immediately use the means at hand. The sequence of actions during recovery is as follows:

  1. Carefully disassemble the device into components that need to be separated from each other.
  2. If a non-aggressive substance has got into the structure, wash all components in lukewarm water for five minutes.
  3. In case of ingress of aggressive substances, it is recommended to use a detergent for dishes. Rinse each knot in clean water for about fifteen minutes.Use alcohol or vodka, which must be poured into a small tank and hold there every part of the structure for twenty minutes. Refresh the solution if necessary.
  4. After removing the substance, dispose of excess water using dry wipes.
  5. Then lay out all the components on a clean white sheet of paper and dry all the parts with a hairdryer. Blow out the components until they are completely dry.
  6. When the parts have cooled to room temperature, reassemble the mobile device in the reverse order. Insert the dried battery inside the case and start checking the operability of the mobile phone in different switching modes.

Important! If you are picking up a new gadget for yourself and don’t know which of the manufacturers to choose, we recommend that you read the articles that will help you choose the smartphone that meets your requirements:

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Stock footage

Repair of recessed phones does not always end with a positive result. But do not despair - just dry the device a second time. There is still an option that involves placing the gadget in a warm place to remove any remaining moisture. If all else fails, it is best to contact a service center for help.


