Repair of electronic scales

Many families have scales in their homes in order to regularly monitor their weight. Such “concern” is the key to good health, since any changes have any reason. But during prolonged use, the models begin to wear out and gradually fail. Should I run to the store to look for a replacement in such cases? Not at all, because the repair of electronic scales can be carried out by your own efforts right at home.

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The main nuances in the repair of scales

All devices of this type are based on the same principle, which means that absolutely all faults are of the same nature. If you are even a little familiar with the basic laws of school physics, then it will not be difficult for you to restore the former operability of the device. The most important thing is to be patient.

Important! A kitchen appliance has become a popular household appliance. A huge number of models from different manufacturers are sold, therefore, to understand their differences, click on the link,how to choose a kitchen scale electronic.

It is also worth noting that self-repair will allow you to save on the services of a qualified craftsman. In addition, very often problems are solved in a couple of minutes, and you don’t even need to look for rare tools around the house. It so happens that the device simply runs out of battery or it is time for a new calibration.

In order to repair floor electronic scales, we will start with their filling.

Important! If repairing your device is not possible or unprofitable, we recommend that you read the rating the best models of floor scales.

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Power supply

Most often, the problem lies precisely in the nutrients. This issue is very quickly solved with the help of one’s hands without any extra knowledge and skills. If an informational image does not appear on the digital display, you need to start by replacing the batteries. In order to find the batteries, you need to unscrew a few screws or open the housing cover, which closes the battery compartment.

Important! To check the operation of the power elements themselves, you just need to use another electrical appliance. Place batteries in the equipment or use new batteries that you just need to insert into the scales.

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If you go into the design features of such devices, you can see that a special loop connects the display and the printed circuit board. Malfunctions with this component also lead to inoperability of the device.

It often happens that the contact of this part with other components is greatly weakened, which is why the display stops displaying digital values. In order to get rid of such a problem, it is necessary to put the printed circuit board in place, using, for example, some kind of bar made of wood.

Important! Remember that excessive efforts when using a wooden beam can damage the fragile components of the balance.

Repair of electronic scales with your own hands will help for those cases in which other parts of the device have suffered.

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Contact pads

Continuous use of the device leads to the fact that the contact ends become thinner.This problem leads to the fact that special legs begin to loosen tightly to the mechanism.

To cope in this case, it is necessary to replace the contacts of the desired relay.

Important! It is best to use a soldering station to connect the wires.

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Foreign bodies in the device case

It also happens that particles of food, bulk solids or even liquid get directly into the scales. The device is often used outdoors, if the device is in the country. Temperature effects and precipitation also only exacerbate the situation. Due to all of the above factors, the device suddenly stops working "for no reason."

The owner always needs to monitor the cleanliness of the device and prevent foreign objects and liquids from entering the structure. And if a mistake has occurred, then you must immediately use a napkin or a cloth to eliminate contamination.

How to fix electronic floor scales if the sensor is damaged? We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the instructions described below.

Important! To date, there are two options for floor scales, each of which has its pros and cons. To understand what suits you best, follow the link to the article "TOWhich balance is better - electronic or mechanical? ”

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Sensor malfunction

A strain gauge is such a component that is responsible for converting the strain value into the signal that the human eye is used to seeing on the display. The use of such parts is very convenient for accurate weight measurement.

Important! All changes that are recorded by this device are so small that they cannot be fixed in any way. The main work in this design is performed by a special plate, within 2 cm in size. It is this plate that “collects” data from each of the corners of the electronic balance, processes it and transfers it to another unit for output to the monitor.

In other words, a strain gauge is a piece of iron that can only be damaged by mechanical action, which is a very difficult task. In order to conduct a diagnosis, you will need a special electrical tester.

Also, a malfunction in the operation of the balance can occur due to the wiring, which goes to this sensor itself. Everything can be fixed here with a conventional soldering iron, and if the sensor is completely broken, you will have to look for a replacement.

Important! Pay more attention to choosing a new component, as it must necessarily have the same technical parameters. If the parameters do not correspond to the model, you run the risk of inaccuracy in the measurement of weight.

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Calibration must be carried out regularly so that the floor scales work properly. There are no two absolutely identical sensors on our planet, even if they will be manufactured at the same enterprise with a short time interval. If one of these devices is damaged, then you can simply turn it off and redistribute the work to the remaining ones.

Unfortunately, this approach takes place only for temporary repairs, when the consumer does not have the opportunity to quickly find a replacement for the old part, and the work of the scales is required right now.

Important! In fact, calibration is carried out with just one click of a button, which is indicated by the manufacturer of the device. This procedure is unlikely to take you more than a minute, since there should be suggestive brief instructions on the case and on the display.

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Do-it-yourself repair of floor scales is not the most difficult procedure if you discover the root of the problem. Use the devices carefully and keep them clean. Such enterprise will help you extend their service life.

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