Portable Speaker Rating

Portable speakers began to gain popularity, because it is now very fashionable to take the benefits of technological progress with you on vacation. And why not, because turning on a pleasant melody during a picnic is a significant plus for atmospheric and good mood? It is no secret that the current market has thousands of different variations of this device, and it will be very difficult for a novice user to understand among such an abundance of different models. That is why a portable speaker rating was compiled here, which is based only on reviews from most customers.
to contents ↑Why columns?
Imagine that you went out into the countryside with friends in your car. If an acoustic system is installed in it that produces an acceptable sound, then you do not need any speakers at all. Or are they needed?
The powerful sound from the car sound system can alarm the entire surrounding fauna, and you can not keep track of the battery charge in the midst of fun. In order not to disturb peace and not to be misled, it is better to use another means of reproducing sound.
What about smartphone? This is a completely different conversation. But will the volume be sufficient? Just in order not to invent engineering solutions with volume amplification, portable speakers were created. Let's pay attention to how to choose a portable speaker.
to contents ↑Portable sound
We have already decided that the use of such a technique is an ideal solution for the case with outdoor recreation. The manufacturer has thought through everything for a long time so that optimum comfort is achieved during listening. Yes, and if, in fact, then there is simply no way to find an alternative to such a technique, since all other types of sound equipment do not have a number of the following advantages:
- Autonomy of work. Inside the case of any such device there is a fairly capacious battery that will allow you to work without recharging for a long time.
- Great battery features. Many models in the technology market are equipped with a special additional battery for mobile equipment. So you can always recharge your smartphone from this device.
- Small dimensions and weight. The word “portable” should already lead to the idea that the gadget is small in size and can fit even in the smallest bag or backpack. Their small weight allows you to carry them at any distance.
- Great sound quality with such a small size. Modern models have the best achievements of technological progress, from which the sound is in fact much richer than you might expect.
- And finally, the most significant plus is the ability to play sound using a mobile phone or tablet using Bluetooth wireless technology. Yes, and ease of management will please any newcomer to the technical field.
Price category
Before starting the review of portable Bluetooth speakers, I would like to talk about their cost in stores. Surely you came across models for both $ 30 and $ 700. But how do they really differ?
If you carefully study the entire range in the current market, you can follow one interesting pattern: the lower the cost of the device, the smaller its dimensions, an increase in the price tag entails an increase in size.This does not fit into the worldview of buyers a little, since everything when buying is pursued precisely by the compactness of the device, but in reality it turns out the opposite. In order to get out of this number of buyers, let’s take a look at the formulations of the laws of fundamental physics: you can’t create a tiny speaker that can transmit low frequencies over vast distances. In other words, improving the quality of playback inevitably entails an increase in the size of the device.
to contents ↑Below 300 $
If the case of the device has optimal dimensions, and the cost only grows and grows, some questions immediately arise: why am I overpaying? The answer is simple - you pay for technology. Such models are equipped with the best engineering solutions and are assembled from the highest quality components and materials, which also ensure the purity of the sound at the output. It is such models that fell into our rating of portable speakers, which we recommend you get to know better.
Denon DSB-200 Envaya ($ 200)
The model has an extremely high-quality sound, different from representatives of products of the same manufacturer. But users are still inclined to believe that this column is only a summer residence option, since it is not very convenient to transfer it, but it’s always possible to place it near the barbecue.
Important! The quality of the assembly materials is acceptable, and the battery should last for a long time. The only negative is not the most convenient form of the device.
TDK A34 ($ 205)
If you are looking for a device with maximum power performance, we recommend that you pay attention to this model. Users praise this device for the sound volume level, as well as note good bass depth. It is these features that make this model a welcome purchase for the younger generation.
Important! With all the power and volume, the playback quality does not match the price a little, all this is repelled by the lack of a cord for transfer.
Fugoo Tough ($ 260)
In this review of portable Bluetooth speakers, only one model that can withstand falls from two meters in height is the Fugoo Tough. The device is very nice in the hand and is easily transported over long distances. The removable housing allows you to choose a design that will fit exactly your style. A capacious battery will allow you to work up to 40 hours, which can be called a record among all other models.
Sound model reproduces very high quality, giving out the full volume and depth.
Important! There is only one tangible drawback - the presence of distortion at high volume levels. With such a device, it would be nice to ride a bike or go hiking.
Premium class
So we come to those candidates for the purchase, which have an indecently high price tag. Such accessories are very popular among people who live in their private homes and use similar equipment on the veranda or balcony. If you are a connoisseur of high-quality materials and sound, then the following models are a must.
Bang & Olufsen BeoPlay A2 ($ 550)
Users praise the design solution of this sample, which is a complete stylish accessory. The aesthetic component immediately suggests that the device costs a lot of money. High cost is the only drawback of this gadget. Included with the model is a comfortable leather belt that is designed to be carried or attached to a bicycle.
Important! It is simply impossible to find fault with the quality of reproduction.
Bang & Olufsen Beolit 15 ($ 783)
Playback with this model occurs immediately at 360 degrees. If the cost were not so high, then this device could be called the best among their own kind. Technical parameters satisfy the most demanding requests of users: you can always endow a whole bar with sound or create a party of 30 people anywhere.A leather accessory makes carrying extremely comfortable.
to contents ↑Important! The case is also equipped with a convenient connector for mobile devices.
Stock footage
On this, the rating of portable speakers can be considered closed. We recommend that you consider the purchase goals when choosing. If you like to listen to a waltz or one of the classics, then you do not have to pay extra for the power of the speaker.
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