Smart card - what is it, types, application

A smart card is a plastic carrier with an integrated microcircuit. She is able to store the necessary information. It can perform operations of various difficulty levels - from elementary source records to a developed universal command and protection system. It was not for nothing that they called her so: smart (English) - reasonable.

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Types of Smart-card

All smart cards are multifunction devices with a chip. They are widely used in various fields and are reliable and safe.

The following types of cards are distinguished:

  • Computer. They are used to work with the computer OS and when connecting additional devices.
  • Banking Designed for safe and comfortable manipulation of their own and other money.
  • Smart SIM Card. Provides access to encrypted digital satellite TV channels and telephones.

Important! Smart-card was invented by Roland Moreno in the 70s, but it was not available to a simple layman. In the 80s, thanks to technical improvements, the “smart” card became convenient and affordable in practical use.

The value and cost of any card depends on the amount of memory and the capabilities of the chip.

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Smart Cards for TVs

The device looks like an ordinary plastic card, the body of which has a user ID and an electronic chip for receiving data. The equipment expands the possibilities of receiving a TV and decodes encrypted signals, which allows you to view programs with high-quality sound and in high resolution.

Personal Subscriber Code (ID) allows the provider to adjust access settings: connect new broadcast channels or block objectionable to the user.

Important! If the subscriber pays for the services provided in bad faith and at a wrong time, the operator reserves the right to limit the card.

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Smart card installation

Activating the card yourself will not be difficult if you have all the necessary components and step-by-step instructions.

For high-quality reception of satellite TV channels you will need:

  1. Smart card;
  2. CAM module.

The CAM module is an electronic device that is used as an adapter for a specific coding system and serves as a kind of adapter.

Important! Before buying a CAM module and a Smart card, the user must make sure that this equipment can be installed on an existing TV model. Modern Lg and Samsung models have special slots for connecting the card through the module on the rear panel.

If you have the necessary equipment, you can activate the card by following this step-by-step instruction:

  • Turn off the TV.
  • Place the smart card in the module. This inventory is usually provided to the user by the selected provider..
  • Make sure that the electronic chip is located on the side of the front wall of the CAM module. On the right side, the operator or provider places his logo or corresponding picture.
  • Install a card reader with a card in the slot on the back of the TV. The device connectors must match.

Important! Modern television devices are equipped with a shortened cartridge slot.Do not try to push the equipment completely - the module should be half visible.

  • Turn on the TV and familiarize yourself with the corresponding entry that appears on the screen.

After a successful installation of the equipment, it is required to configure the broadcast programs in the sequence in which it is convenient for the user. In most cases, this is done manually and each TV has its own settings algorithm.

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Cannot connect smart card to TV

Some television devices do not have a suitable connector for the module. In this case, the user needs to purchase a receiver - a special TV set-top box. Choosing the right one is easy. The modern market provides a huge range of devices that meet different requirements. Connecting it is easy. However, if the user does not want to bother with additional actions, then most providers provide this type of service for a fee.

The disadvantages of the receiver:

  • The receiver is visually similar to a wireless Internet router, and will not be as compact as a map.
  • The user will need two remotes.

However, the use of the console has its undeniable advantages:

  • Transmission quality is not worsethan through a SMART-card.
  • You can broadcast from one device digital broadcasts on two TVs.
  • Very handy channel menu.

Users of receivers note uninterrupted broadcasting of channels and a high-quality system update. However, owners of only trusted brands can enjoy all the benefits of a set-top box. They are responsible for their product and provide technical support.


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Smart Card Benefits for TV

For the user of such a device, a number of advantages are obvious that he gets along with his purchase.

With the installation of a SMART card (such as Tricolor, NTV + or MTS), the subscriber:

  • Opens access to more TV shows.
  • Gets the ability to independently create a list of watched channels.
  • Watching Broadcasts in excellent digital broadcasting with reduced interference sensitivity.
  • Can to use text version of programs on the screen, if the technical capabilities of the TV model and the operator allow.
  • Enjoys clear image and high-quality sound, which helps to get the most out of what is happening on the TV screen.
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How and where to get a smart card?

This device can be freely available on the Internet sites and in specialized stores of mobile equipment. The market offers a variety of types of contact and contactless cards. Readers for them are also sold there.

Users purchase SIM-smart cards from a service provider or provider.

Recently, universal Smart-cards with integrated circuits have been developed and launched for use. They are used in various fields of human activity, for which they are in demand all over the world.

The proposed video shows how different smart cards look and how to use them.

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