Smartphone or tablet - what to choose?

A few years ago, having come to the store of mobile phones and accessories, the buyer clearly saw the difference in the positioning of the presented devices. Here are smartphones with a display of up to 4 inches, and here are tablet computers with diagonals of 7 or more. But at present, everything is not so simple, since there are a huge number of devices of various sizes on the market, often with very similar capabilities. So still: smartphone or tablet - what to choose?
to contents ↑What is the difference between smartphones and tablets?
Personal tablet computers and smartphones have both many differences and similar features. For smartphones, the following can be said:
- First of all, it is worth noting that a smartphone is a device that acts as a mobile phone, and is also capable of performing many basic computer functions.
Important! Also on the modern market of mobile devices there are flagships - devices with very good characteristics, which in their speed are not inferior to some powerful computers.
- On smartphones, the operating system is preinstalled. Often, OS versions for smartphones are regularly updated. This makes it possible to obtain a wide range of new opportunities for working with more powerful software. Follow the link to find out which operating system is better for a smartphone.
- At the same time, a smartphone can only be used as a mobile phone - if you do not need to work with PC functions. The gadget is easily configured to receive and send SMS messages and calls.
Some things can also be said about tablet computers:
- Tablets also have their own pre-installed OS. As a rule, they are not much different from those that are installed on smartphones.
Important! We can say that tablets are more close to laptops and PCs, since basic input-output devices, such as a printer, keyboard or mouse, can be connected to such a device, thus obtaining a practically full-fledged computer.
- Also, most modern tablets have the function of mobile phones, which can even support the presence of two SIM cards at once. But talking with the interlocutor through such a device is not very convenient, but video calls are more convenient to carry out on the tablet.
Important! It cannot be said with accuracy that it is better to use, since it depends on the individual requirements of each user to the device. You will be able to understand what suits you best, having decided on the question: how will you use it most of the time - as a computer or as a handheld device.
Let's look at the main features of “smart” devices and on which devices these functions will be more convenient to use.
to contents ↑Work with the internet
What device is better to get to work on the Internet? It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer, since it depends on many factors. First of all, you need to decide where and how often you intend to use the Internet connection:
- For home Internet, it’s best to buy a tablet - this will give you the opportunity to view web pages on a larger display, as well as watch videos and movies in better quality. In another publication on our website, we described in detail which internet is better for a tablet.
- At home, you can always connect the device to the router, so you get a good connection speed.
- A large diagonal display is able to display more data on the page.
- In addition, the tablet is great for reading magazines or news online.
- However, if you constantly need to use the Internet outside your home, it is better to choose a more compact device such as a smartphone - it will always be convenient to carry it with you in your pocket. And the information from our separate article will help you choose best internet to connect to your phone.
- In addition to compactness, the device is more convenient to use, since Wi-Fi coverage is not everywhere, and if the tablet computer does not support the presence of a SIM card, then it will become impossible to connect to the Internet.
- Today, almost all smartphones presented on the modern market are able to support the presence of several SIM cards of different mobile operators at once. This means that you can choose for yourself the most favorable tariff for working on the Internet and calls.
- Smartphones can also support 3G and 4G connection technologies - this makes it possible to get a high-quality connection, wherever you are. Read our post to find out more about how to install internet on your phone.
Work with application software
Which is better - a smartphone or tablet for working with specialized programs? So, both those and others are widely used by users for work. Using these devices, you can do the following:
- Take notes and do business. An ordinary person can handle this task. budget tablet.
- Promptly conduct business correspondence using mail services.
- Create tabular reports and presentations.
- Work in office programs to create documents.
- Work with cloud storage, have access to general editing of the same file and much more.
If you often work with documents, then for these purposes it is better to use a tablet computer. Firstly, it can accommodate much more data on its screen. And secondly, information is easier to read, and reporting is easier.
Important! Please note that tablets with a keyboard are widely represented on the gadget market. On such a device, it is quite convenient to work with texts. Want to know more about this device? Follow the link “The best tablet with a keyboard”.
A smartphone is not the most suitable device for working with office software, although there are a huge number of different software for displaying and working with documents on phones. Conducting business correspondence and other similar work from a device that has a small display is a rather complicated and inconvenient process.
Shock resistance
This aspect is also extremely important to consider. Devices are regularly used, they are mobile and they can be easily transferred from place to place. That is why there is a big risk of accidental fall of the device.
Important! If one of the characteristics that a smartphone must comply with is the strength of the case, then read our post“Which phone to choose with a rugged case?”.
If you want to buy a device that will be conveniently in your hand, then choose a smartphone - it is more difficult to miss, because the phone can be completely wrapped around the palm of your hand. The tablet PC must be held with both hands in order to fix it as securely as possible.
Important! As a rule, users often break the screens of tablets. In addition, smartphones are more profitable devices, since replacing a small display is much cheaper and easier than repairing a large-sized tablet.
Shooting videos and photos
As a rule, manufacturers equip their smartphones with better main and front cameras. Even if the characteristics stated the same number of megapixels, the quality of the received frames on two gadgets may differ not in favor of the tablet.After reading a separate review on our site of useful tips, you can choose smartphone with a good front camera.
This is due to the fact that the smartphone in its type of structure is more similar to the camera. The phone is much easier to focus on the subject of video or photography. The tablet’s camera is more suitable for video conferencing.
Important! It is worth noting that some smartphone models are not able to support video communication, even despite the presence of a front camera.
If when choosing a technique for you an important factor is the level of work with games, then look at the models with a more powerful processor and a good amount of RAM.
In addition, to display high-quality pictures of the game, the device must have a good screen resolution. As a rule, such characteristics have high-quality tablets of a middle and more expensive class.
You can play games on your smartphone, however, it is much more convenient to use a wider screen. For example, games with a lot of different small details (strategies) will be much better displayed on tablets.
Important! If you are a fan of simple games: arcade games, simple runners, logic or gambling programs - get a smartphone. It will be more convenient to play such games on such a device.
Video editing
If you often have to mount the footage and you want to get a device that would do well with this task, it is better to buy a tablet. On its large display, it will be much easier for you to process each frame of the movie.
The necessary installation software can be installed on both a smartphone and a tablet. Therefore, if you have to process video on the go, it is better to choose a smartphone with powerful features. It will also provide an opportunity to make high-quality and quick installation.
Important! One of the most powerful editing and rendering software is Final Cut, which is available on all Apple devices. For the Android OS, it’s better to opt for Video Maker Pro.
Phablet - an alternative for those who find it difficult to choose a device
If you still have not found the answer to the question, which is better - a smartphone or tablet, then pay attention to the following option. More recently, manufacturers of mobile devices have begun to produce phablets that combine the functions of phones and tablets to the maximum.
Important! If you are short of money and can not afford to buy an expensive gadget, pay attention to Chinese technology. The information that we published in our articles will be useful to you:
What is the difference between the phablet and the usual smart devices? So, there are no special differences. The phablet combines all the basic characteristics and features of both a smartphone and tablet.
Important! This is a kind of golden mean, because the size of the phablet is too large to call the device a full-fledged smartphone and too small to designate it as a tablet.
Phablets combine quite powerful features with small dimensions and mobility. As for the cost of such devices, they are much more expensive than smartphones and are closer in price and sometimes superior to tablets.
Also, some owners of phablets note that these devices are not very convenient to use and hold in hand, however, its display shows the ideal amount of data from web pages.
to contents ↑Important! It is quite easy for phablet users to work with office programs, and it’s also convenient to watch videos. Like smartphones, as a rule, such gadgets are equipped with a high-quality camera.
Stock footage
Thus, trying to answer the question which is better - a smartphone or tablet, you need to focus on your personal needs and preferences. By comparing the price you can pay with the models presented on the market, as well as on the basis of the price / quality indicator, you will buy a gadget that will meet all your wishes.
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- How to choose a phone with a rugged case?
- Smartphones with a good front camera
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