Monitor matrix type - which is better?

More recently, when choosing a monitor for a personal computer, only the price factor was taken into account. The monitor, which has a high cost, had a high-quality matrix, and a cheaper device did not shine with the required characteristics. Currently, the market presents a wide range of models, which are divided by screen size, equipped with different technological matrices. Therefore, the choice is much more complicated. In our article, we will consider the type of monitor matrix - which is better to choose.

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Main characteristics

Before proceeding with the selection of the type of monitor matrix, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the principle of its action. In addition, the positive and negative sides of the device should be considered. Having decided on the goals of acquiring a monitor, you can easily choose the desired model of the device.

If you do not take into account the size of the monitor, the use of computers according to needs can be divided into several groups:

  • Design computer device, which is characterized by an important feature - accurate color reproduction. Used for photo, prepress.
  • An office computer with a high level of contrast, which is the only requirement.
  • A multimedia device that serves to watch movies, while requiring wide viewing angles and the presence of a really black color scheme on the screen.
  • A computer for games, an important indicator of which is the matrix response time.
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Twisted Nematic Matrix

Among the competitors, the TN monitor matrix, the so-called Twisted Nematic, is a long-liver in the modern market. The presence of a low price factor and availability of use made it possible to install devices with a similar matrix in all office structures, large enterprises, educational institutions and government departments.

Important! Based on statistics, 90 percent of all computers in the world are equipped with a TN-matrix. In addition to low cost, these monitors are characterized by another advantage - the short response time of the matrix. In dynamic games, this parameter is very significant, since the speed of drawing plays a paramount role.


Monitors of this kind do not have high-quality color reproduction and a good viewing angle. Even after the modernization of the TN-matrix, the situation has not changed. So, having developed and implemented an additional layer to increase viewing angles, only the name of the screen type “+ film” was added, but the result did not change. In addition, power consumption in operation mode far exceeds its competitors.

Which matrix is ​​better for a monitor? Besides office use, TN + film is the best type of monitor matrix for gaming. Many gamers prefer to purchase high-quality productive components, overpaying for a video card or processes, but saving on the screen. Color reproduction is important - so developers are interested in creating the most realistic storyline for modern games. The lack of real transmission of all shades and colors creates difficulties in creating high-quality images.

Along with low price and short response time, the TN matrix has a number of disadvantages that consumers pay attention to:

  • Due to the cheapness of production, there is a high probability of the presence of a poor-quality matrix with a defect consisting in a bit pixel. It is immediately visible, acquiring a white color.
  • Low color rendering results in the inability to display natural black. The defect is observed at the time of watching dynamic films, the actions of which occur in the dark.
  • The presence of low viewing angles does not allow you to play the picture on the screen with a large crowd.

Important! In addition to the matrix, there are other important components of the system, on which its performance and ease of use in general depend. Be sure to check out the helpful information from our articles:

  1. How to choose a hard drive for a laptop?
  2. Notebook processor rating.
  3. Is a matte or glossy laptop screen better?

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Vertical Alignment Matrix

The VA monitor matrix, the so-called Vertical Alignment, is characterized by the use of vertical molecular ordering technology. For consumers, these matrices are better known as MVA or PVA.

Important! Recently, developers have added the suffix “S”, which stands for “Super”, while monitors have not acquired any special characteristics compared to their competitors, only the cost has increased.

The development of VA technology was designed to solve the problems of TN + film matrices, while manufacturers achieved some results. If you compare two screens, you can find that the monitors are characterized by completely opposite features. So, the advantages of VA matrices are the disadvantages of cheap matrices, and vice versa - the disadvantages of VA matrices turn into pluses for TN matrices. Even the introduction of the labeling “Super”, could not change the situation.

Advantages and disadvantages of VA technology

What matrix to choose for the monitor? When comparing VA technology with a cheap TN screen, there are advantages that are:

  • excellent viewing angles;
  • the presence of high-quality shades with perfect black color.

In its price category, this type of monitor matrix is ​​the best for a photo. The only thing that is doubtful is the response time, which is much higher when compared with a cheap matrix. For gamers, a computer with this kind of matrix is ​​not suitable, due to the constant blurry state of the dynamic image.

But for designers, amateur photographers, layout designers and other professionals who work with real colors and their shades, screens with the presence of VA-technology are ideal.

Important! Even with a strong tilt of a wide viewing angle, there is no distortion of the image on the screen. These monitors are also suitable for multimedia. Any films can be watched with interest in the family circle, while there is the opportunity to watch on the screen a deep black color, and not several shades of gray.

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In-Plane Switching Matrix

In the modern market for a very long time there are matrices like IPS and their various modifications. In contrast to the impeccable characteristics of monitors, cost is not an attractive component for consumers.

Important! Apple manufactures devices that, without exception, have In-Plane Switching Matrix (IPS) technology and are used by designers, travelers, businessmen, and the president of the company.

The modern market is represented by the latest modifications AH-IPS, P-IPS, H-IPS, S-IPS, e-IPS, improved by specialists using the latest technologies. At the same time, developers are constantly trying to improve the performance of an already high-quality and expensive matrix. Small differences between the modifications exist. For example:

  • The e-IPS (Enhanced) series of matrices has the technology to increase the brightness and contrast of the screen, while the response time is reduced.
  • For the professional P-IPS series, a 30-bit color display is characteristic, but for the user this is not noticeable.

If you do not go into deciphering the components of the IPS matrix, then in the technology you can notice the presence of symbiosis TN + film and VA production. Only selected positive aspects were embodied in one device. For example, an AH-IPS-type monitor matrix or the full name Advanced High performance directly competes with plasma panels, which have no analogues in the world for high-quality reproduction of high-definition images.

Important! Which matrix is ​​better for a gaming monitor? Choosing the type of monitor matrix, game lovers always put realistic picture quality in the first place. Therefore, preference is given to an expensive and high-quality screen. Despite the fact that the cost of IPS is much higher than its cheap competitors, spending time with your favorite toy at the same time becomes more interesting.

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Samsung Matrix

The Korean giant Samsung constantly constantly comes up with new technologies, but this is not always justified, because, in addition to quality, the consumer is also interested in the price of the device, which is disproportionately increasing.

With the introduction of single-pixel separation technology, Samsung has achieved much better picture clarity. This is especially noticeable at the time of writing multicolored text in small print. Many typesetters approved the technology, and PVA-labeled devices quickly gained popularity.

The WVA-type monitor matrix is ​​an improved version of Samsung's technology. The presence of an adequate price allows this device to compete in the modern market without any problems.

Important! The observed minus associated with the response speed of the matrix, is observed in all devices operating on VA technology, still does not find a solution.

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Radical decision

AH-IPS type monitor matrix is ​​used only by consumers of developed countries. The device has a very high cost, which is not affordable for many customers. As a result, manufacturers reduced the cost of technology by reducing quality in the production of component parts of the device. Thus, a new kind of monitor matrix appeared, which was called PLS (plane-to-line switching).

After a comparative analysis of the characteristics and considering the principle of operation of the created matrix, the conclusion suggests itself: modification of the PVA matrix is ​​an improved version from Samsung and belongs to the category of the best type of matrix for monitors.

This technology was developed by the manufacturer a long time ago, but it was introduced recently when it was necessary to fill the empty price segment that arose between devices of an expensive class and a middle one, and there was a very big difference in cost.

The manufacturers, competing for the sales market, provided the consumer with a device that was acceptable in terms of their characteristics at a very reasonable price.

Important! The disadvantage is the small selection of manufacturers. This technology did not go beyond the concerns of the Korean brand, so the company had few competitors, which include Philips and AOC.

When choosing the best type of matrix for an IPS or PLS monitor, the consumer, trying to save money, will definitely choose the latter. There is no visible difference between the devices. So, many mobile devices and tablets are equipped with a PLS matrix, which implementers very often present as a more expensive IPS.

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IGZO Matrix

More recently, Sharp manufactured a type of monitor matrix using IGZO technology, including indium, gallium, and zinc oxides. The material presented had high conductivity and lower power consumption, resulting in a higher pixel density per square inch.

The created IGZO technology can be used to make 4K screens and other mobile devices that are manufactured in Ultra HD format.

Important! The technology has a high cost, but TVs and monitors with the present IGZO matrix have gained wide popularity. Worldwide Apple has contracted with a matrix manufacturer. This technology has a great future, and for consumers it is important to reduce prices.

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The best choice for a gaming computer

Which matrix is ​​better for a gaming monitor? Before moving on to choosing the type of monitor matrix, it is necessary to study existing manufacturing technologies. If you need a computer for games, the priority is color rendering and response time:

  • For users who want to save money, you can recommend a device with a PLS matrix.
  • Along with the standard view of the matrix, the manufacturer has developed an improved version of the Super-PLS model, which has better brightness and contrast, while the screen has the ability to display resolutions in excess of Full HD. All markings correspond to an improved state of dynamic contrast and viewing angle, so you can not get confused in them.

Important! If you are a fan of computer games and you cannot imagine a day without such entertainment, click on the link where ranking of the best gaming laptops.

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Best Choice for Photo Editor

For processing photos and layout, it is supposed to work with the color scheme and its shades. In this case, the response time is not considered at all:

  • An IPS device is ideal for designers and layout designers. But it is an expensive acquisition.
  • Professionals advise to pay attention to the VA-type of the monitor matrix and thus save money. Despite the fact that this technology is old, it has no competitors by the criterion of “price-quality”.
  • If the consumer prefers something new, then you can opt for the PLS matrix.
  • If you need to work on a computer with a high resolution, such as 4K, professionals recommend paying attention to IGZO devices. Their cost is approximately the same with the popular IPS screens, but if you consider the quality, it is much better.

Important! Regarding the selection of a suitable model, we recommend that you choose a practical option from our transformer notebook rating.

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The best choice for multimedia

What type of monitor matrix is ​​best for fans to watch movies on a computer or surf the Internet?

  • It is enough to purchase a device with a TN + film-matrix. The problem can only be observed at the moment of the presence of dark dynamic scenes, in which, instead of the perfect black color, a gray cloud can appear.
  • If this is very important, then it is worth considering the option of acquiring a type of VA-matrix. The cost of the device is slightly higher, but in this way you can eliminate the problem with color reproduction. At the same time, the consumer receives large viewing angles and a fairly high contrast.
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The best choice for an office computer:

  • A universal choice for working with text is the TN + film screen matrix option. However, practice shows that it is very difficult to work with small print on such a device.
  • If you need to constantly work out a large amount of information, then in this case it will not be superfluous to pay attention to your eyesight.VA technology is a nearby TN modification and has an affordable cost. Regardless of the size of the screen and the manufacturer, you can easily sit at the computer for several hours.

Important! When choosing an office device, pay attention to the size and physical resolution of the matrix. So, when working with text, the diagonal of the screen should not be greater than the distance from the consumer’s eyes to the matrix. In addition, it is recommended to purchase office models in a 4: 3 aspect ratio - this ratio is most convenient for placing information on the screen. Our task will help you to choose a specific model. review of light laptops to work with a good battery.

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Additional Information

After studying the existing technologies of liquid crystal screens, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with additional information provided by users. It will help determine which matrix is ​​best for the monitor:

  • The monitor is a long-term purchase - the next purchase will most likely be in 10 years.
  • About 99% of cases of declared requirements that are presented to the equipment are associated with violations of operating conditions. So, on the office equipment there are game battles, and elite devices are used only for viewing news.
  • The multi-connection option is used very often. About 25% of consumers in the world for convenience connect multiple monitors to a single device, sometimes 2-4. Convenience lies in the fact that each connected device has a specific role: one is used to watch movies, the second is used for games, the third is an office monitor, etc.
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Stock footage

Having determined which matrix option is the best for the user, deciphering the letter markings on the device’s screen with an effect on price and quality, you can choose a diagonal. All this data helps to make the right choice of a device that meets your requirements, which will never fail in the process.

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