Delete without recycle bin

All users are well aware that unnecessary objects to be deleted are first placed in the “Trash” on the desktop. After that, if necessary, they can be quickly removed from there using the manual method. In our article, we will familiarize ourselves with the instruction that helps to easily remove objects, while bypassing the "Recycle Bin". Sometimes this is not very convenient and it is required to permanently delete unnecessary objects. In this article we will look at how to delete different files without a recycle bin.
to contents ↑How is Trash in Windows?
“Trash” is technically a special folder that is created in the root of the Windows disk with the mark “system”. Different versions of the operating system represent different names, such as recycled, recycled, or recycle.bin. At the time of data deletion, their physical deletion from the hard disk does not occur, but they are simply sent to this system folder.
Important! Deleted objects can be easily restored back without problems and on the hard disk of a computer device they still continue to take up space.
We do not see these folders on the hard drive, since by default, with settings, Windows Explorer is not able to display system and hidden objects.
In order to see them, you should perform the following actions:
- In the Explorer context menu, select the “Service” item and click on it.
- In the dialog that opens, find the “Folder Options” tab and click on it.
- In the window that appears, select and click on the “View” subsection.
- In the context menu, select the additional options tab “Show hidden files, folders and drives” and tap on it.
- Uncheck “Hide protected system files (recommended)”
After you complete all these steps, you can view all the folders and files that were previously hidden. However, you should use this mode very carefully, carefully, and only if you have a clear idea of how it all works and what you specifically want to do.
Important! Perhaps you do not need to delete some data at all, if the direct goal is solely to prevent the information from being viewed by another PC user. It is enough to take advantage of the standard capabilities of the system and make a transparent folder on your desktop.
System objects are a very important component in the operation of the operating system, therefore, with an inept and illiterate relationship with it, a failure can occur that can lead to the inoperability of a computer device.
to contents ↑Important! It should be noted that in the Windows operating system the “Recycle Bin” is present only when working with hard drives. The rest of the data located on removable media is deleted without falling into the “Recycle Bin” and cannot be restored.
Normal delete
To delete objects through the basket, two main methods are used.
In the first method, the following actions should be performed:
- Right-click on the unnecessary object that is to be deleted.
- In the popup window select the “Delete” or “Delete” section and click on this button.
- In the additional confirmation menu that opens, go to the “Confirm file deletion” section and click the “OK” button.
- The selected object that is marked for deletion is thus moved to the “Recycle Bin”.
The second method of deletion implies the use of a special combination of keys on the keyboard, after which a command is given to move the corresponding object to the “Trash”.
Important! There are situations when a long-unnecessary file does not want to be deleted from your PC. This topic has been separately considered by our experts with all the reasons for this phenomenon and methods. delete folders from the desktop.
to contents ↑
Delete bypassing the basket
How to delete without placing an object in the “Recycle Bin”:
- Right-click on the computer mouse and click on the “Trash” icon, which is located on the desktop.
- In the context window that opens, select the “Properties” sub-section, or the so-called “Properties”, click on it.
- In the new dialog menu that opens, go to the “Properties: Trash” item, click on it.
- In the “Global” section that appears, uncheck the box next to the “Destroy files immediately after deletion without placing in the basket” or so-called “Do not move the files to the Recycle Bin. Remove filed immediately when deleted. "
- Click on the “OK” button, which appears at the bottom of the subsection, as a result - confirm your choice.
Thus, the new setting is saved. If you need to delete one or more unnecessary objects, a warning about the intention to delete the file appears on the screen of the computer device. After you click on the “OK” button, the object will be deleted without falling into the “Recycle Bin”, and there is no way to restore a functioning operating system using regular means.
Important! When you uncheck the checkbox you have set, you again have the opportunity in which objects that claim to be deleted are first placed in the "Trash".
Alternative removal method
There is also an alternative way to delete different files without the “Recycle Bin”. To do this, perform the following actions:
- Left-click on the computer mouse to select one or more files, while the icon of the object should change its color scheme, that is, to an active shade, mainly it is blue.
- Next, press the “SHIFT” computer keyboard key, hold it and simultaneously press the “DELETE” key.
- A warning pops up in the dialog box that indicates that the file “You really want to delete the file” will be deleted or the message “Are you sure you want to delete ...” may appear without putting the object in the “Trash”.
- Click on the “OK” insert that appears, so you agree with the warning and the objects are deleted permanently, without falling into the “Trash”.
to contents ↑Important! Remember that some files you may not see, and their accumulation leads to the fact that the PC system becomes clogged and starts to slow down. It is not at all necessary to be a qualified specialist in order to maintain the state of the RAM in order. Use our rating to choose the best computer cleaning utility.
How to recover deleted files from the Recycle Bin?
In order to recover deleted data from the Recycle Bin, perform the following actions:
- On the Windows desktop, double-click on the “Recycle Bin” icon.
- In the Explorer dialog box that opens, all files and folders that have been deleted from all hard drives located on your computer device are opened.
- Using the left mouse button, select the file you need.
- In the Explorer window that appears, find and click on the “Restore object” subsection. You can also right-click on the computer mouse and select the “Restore” insert that opens in the context menu.
Important! If you need to restore all the files and folders that are in the “Recycle Bin”, while not a single object is selected, then you can click on the “Restore all objects” subsection in the context menu. Each logical drive has its own Recycle folder, and if you open the “Recycle Bin” on the desktop, then for all disks of the operating system you can see the contents of the “Recycle Bin”.
How to delete without recycle bin on Mac OS?
In order to delete unwanted files or folders on Mac OS, you need to drag them into the bin or select objects first, and then click ⌘Cmd + Delete. After that, delete data from the “Recycle Bin”. On Mac OS, you can use the direct file deletion method, but do not put them in “Trash”.
How to delete unnecessary objects without the "Recycle Bin":
- Open a new Finder window.
- On one or more objects that are to be deleted, click the computer mouse button.
- Hold down the Option (Alt) key.
- Move the cursor to the menu bar and select the “Delete immediately” file.
- A warning pops up in the dialog box that opens: “Do you really want to delete the required file?”. Select “Delete”.
- After the action, the object will be immediately deleted, a similar procedure is irreversible. An unnecessary file, bypassing the bin, went immediately to the so-called “computer non-existence”.
Important! At the final removal, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the combination of “hot keys” and remember them, namely: Option (Alt) + ⌘Cmd + Delete.
Via Automator
The operating system Mac OS provides a special system tool Automator, which helps facilitate routine operations. It is with its help that you can create a service that allows you to delete objects without being placed in the bin.
You can create this service yourself or download the finished version on the Internet. If you chose the second option, then you need to perform the following actions:
- Save the special service file “delete off” to the “Downloads” directory, double-click on it and select “Install” from the context menu.
- Go to the ~ / Library / Services folder and double-click on the file. After these steps, it will open in the Automator application.
- In the toolbar, click on the “File” option and select the “Save” option.
- Close the Automator app.
- Open the “Settings” item, go to the “Keyboard” tab, select the “Keyboard Shortcuts” item.
- Open the “Services” section and select “delete off” from the list.
- Assign a shortcut to the created service that will activate it.
Important! If the desired service name was not found in the list, you must close the settings window and reopen after a few seconds.
If you decide to create a special service yourself, then you need to perform the following actions:
- Launch the Automator software product and create a new service.
- From the left list add the action “Run AppleScript”, and then “Run shell script”.
- Enter the following text in the upper field:
on run {input, parameters}
tell application “Finder”
display dialog “Permanently delete these objects without placing them in the recycle bin?” with title “Delete without recycle bins”
end tell
return input
end run
- In the lower field enter:
for f in "$ @"
rm -rf "$ f"
afplay "/System/Library/Components/CoreAudio.component/Contents/SharedSupport/SystemSounds/finder/empty trash.aif"
- Set the name and save the file of the created service. For example, you can call “delete off”.
- Open the “Settings” item, go to the “Keyboard” tab, select the “Keyboard Shortcuts” item.
- Open the “Services” section and select “delete off” from the list.
- Assign a shortcut to the created service that will activate it.
Important! If the list of the service name you specified is not found in the list, you must close the settings window and re-open it after a few seconds.
Done, now the service is automatically activated after entering the specified keyboard shortcut.
to contents ↑Stock footage
As you can see, there are many options and ways for different operating systems to permanently delete certain files without the “Recycle Bin”. Before you do this, think again, maybe this data will come in handy to you after some time, but in this case it will not be possible to restore it. If there is no doubt, then choose a more convenient way and clean your PC from junk files!