Humidifier air purifier

Why do you need a humidifier-air purifier, because you can breathe any air, if only there were no harmful substances in it? But this is not true. Humidity depends on the humidity of the room atmosphere. Excessive dryness of the airspace is as harmful as excessive humidity. Humidifier-air purifier allows you to maintain an optimal microclimate in the apartment. In addition, he also purifies the air in the apartment. We will analyze in detail how necessary such a device is at home, in this article.

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What is a moisturizer good for?

If the atmosphere in the room is too dry:

  • people suffer from poor health and excessive fatigue;
  • mucous membranes quickly dry out and the risk of respiratory diseases is greatly increased.

Important! Especially negatively dry air affects babies. For this reason, experts advise families with children to purchase such devices.

A conventional humidifier allows you to optimize the microclimate in the house. A multifunctional device - a humidifier-air purifier, allows, in addition to this, rid the air of pollution.

This is especially true for residents of large cities, as urbanization leaves no chance for people to enjoy a truly clean atmosphere. The device is also useful for allergy sufferers.

Important! The device removes dust, plant pollen, and dust mite waste products from the airspace. The risk of developing an allergy is much reduced.

So, the advantages of the device:

  • Humidification of the air space of the room.
  • Removing household chemical vapor.
  • Elimination of mold, unpleasant musty smell.
  • Removing odor from pets and biological pollutants.
  • Removal of waste products of dust mites (this is the strongest allergen).
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Functional classification

On the modern market there are many models that, performing the same function, differ from each other by the principle of action.

Air wash

This is the so-called “cold cleaner and humidifier”. The principle of operation is about the same as that of a wet towel hung in the room:

  • The device is based on a filter made of fabric, which is placed at one end in a tank filled with water.
  • Capillary forces lift water up the fabric. Thus, the filter is saturated with moisture.
  • To speed up the impregnation, the filter can be made rotating.

The only difference from a traditional moistened towel is a fan that drives air through the filter. At the same time, the atmosphere is moistened, and the impregnation is retained by the fabric soaked in water. The air is thus “cleanly washed”. You can find out more about this device in our separate review. "Air washing - a device for the home".

Important! The disadvantage of this device is that it delays only large particles contained in the air, and is almost useless against small ones (less than 10 microns). Does not save the device from unpleasant odors and pathogens.

Electrostatic structures

The principle of their action is as follows:

  • The air flow is irradiated with ultraviolet, microwave waves or is exposed to corona electric discharge.
  • Air is ionized, and because of this, an electric discharge and particles of contaminants are obtained.
  • Now it remains to drive it through a system equipped with charged dust removal plates, on which dust settles.

Important! There are no replaceable filters in such systems, therefore it is enough to wipe the dust collection plates with a moistened sponge.

Photocatalytic Purifier

The principle of operation is as follows:

  • Air passes through a system where it is irradiated with ultraviolet light in a titanium oxide medium.
  • Enhanced oxidation and decomposition of organic compounds into water and carbon dioxide takes place (moreover, the latter immediately disappears).

Such a filter does not need to be cleaned and in the shortest possible time eliminates air from the smell of tobacco smoke and other unpleasant aromas. However, this is theoretically.

Important! In fact, it is practically impossible to clean the room atmosphere from pathogens and inorganic compounds in this way. As for tobacco smoke, it can be removed by airing. It is possible that the placebo effect is acting here (the patient receives a dummy pill, but is cured of the fact that he sincerely believes that he is receiving a miraculous drug).

Important! Air ionizers are very popular among consumers. Our helpful tips site has separate articles on this topic. Follow the links and find out more information about this device:

HEPA filters

They were developed in the mid-20th century by American scientists. The principle of the filter is the absorption of the smallest dust particles by a system of synthetic fibers of various thicknesses, which are mounted in one housing.

Important! The device is highly efficient. This explains the wide area of ​​use: from household vacuum cleaners to air purification systems in spacecraft.

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The best humidifier-air purifiers - climate systems

Among similar products, these are the undisputed leaders. A small system contains a whole system for managing indoor air quality indicators. The atmosphere is cleaned with a filter system with a different operating principle.

Important! One of the most common climate systems is a product from German manufacturers Smower Multi Action, which includes the functions of humidification, purification and ionization of the air.

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What should I look for when choosing?

There are several points that you definitely need to consider, so that the humidifier-purifier really benefits, and does not waste energy:

  • The area of ​​the served premises. If you do not take this into account, then even a properly functioning device will not help. Air quality will remain the same.
  • Type of filter. Here the choice is entirely up to you. For instance:
    1. photocatalytic filter completely disinfects the air;
    2. the carbon filter is less effective, but it very well neutralizes extraneous odors;
    3. the ionizer in a special way affects the dust, which is contained in a suspended state, and it settles on the surface of the furniture.
  • The power of the device. As a rule, it is relatively small, but if you want to save on energy consumption, it is advisable to buy a device with low power.
  • The presence of a hygrometer. This is a device that shows the level of humidity of the air mass. The hygrometer will allow you to maintain humidity at an optimum level. A small excess of moisture in the air is not as harmful as excessive dryness, but it is best to bring the indicator back to normal.

And, of course, when deciding which home air humidifier cleaner is best, you need to consider factors that degrade the quality of the atmosphere in your home.For example, for a very dusty atmosphere, cleaners are suitable:

  • With HEPA filters.
  • With electrostatic dust collectors.
  • Ionizers precipitating dust on the surface of the room.

If you focus on the particular health and condition of the room, then:

  • For allergy sufferers, a sink or humidifier-air purifier is well suited.
  • A photocatalytic device or ozonizer is suitable for air purification in a heavily smoked room.

Important! Many people think that it is only necessary to humidify indoor air in winter, when the heating system is turned on and the air in the apartment is overdried. Find out on our website in a special post, Do I need a humidifier in summer.

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Humidifier-air purifier - ranking of the best models

We give a review of common models, since you should focus not only on technical specifications, but also on the features of a particular device, the manufacturer. Often, equipment with similar indicators on all counts, but from different manufacturers, behaves in completely different ways and gives a different efficiency class.

Super Plus Eco S and Turbo:

  • The device is capable of serving a room with a footage of up to 50 square meters.
  • Removes suspended particles from air up to 0.01 microns.
  • The device is equipped with removable cartridges, which makes it convenient to use.

Important! A modification of the same Super Plus Turbo device serves up to 60 “squares”. Both devices have a small (20 W) power.

AOS U650 White

A more expensive ultrasonic cleaner and humidifier model. The device is equipped with a hygrometer and a thermometer, which allows you to control the humidity and temperature of the air in the room.

Philips AC4014 / 01

High-tech “smart” device that controls the air in the room. In addition, the device performs high-quality purification of the atmosphere. However, compared to simpler models, the power consumption here is higher - 60 watts.


Popular ultrasound model. It copes with the functions of humidification and cleaning quite qualitatively, but serves a small area - only 25 square meters. This is enough for one room.

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Are humidifier cleaners in demand? A side effect of technology development is air pollution. This means that the air we breathe does not differ in good quality. Therefore, you do not have to regret your purchase. In addition, the choice of devices on the market is large enough so that you can choose the best option. You will be able to breathe air cleared of unpleasant odors, dust and other allergens, maintain a microclimate that is optimal in humidity and always feel good in a house with a good microclimate.

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