Antistatic odorless clothing

The modern market amazes us with an abundance of various materials and fabrics from which clothes are sewn. If a few years ago, every woman opted for fabrics made from natural materials, now we are increasingly buying synthetic products. There is nothing wrong with this, since such clothing does not require special care, always retains its original appearance, it does not need to be ironed and washed in under certain conditions.

Each representative of the fair sex can find for herself exactly the material that will meet all her requirements. Synthetic materials include nylon and nylon, acrylic, polyester and so on. However, the main drawback of all these tissues is the ability to accumulate statistical energy in varying amounts. As a result of this, we notice that the clothes are “electric shocks”. Today we’ll talk about antistatic odorless clothing and find out which one is the best.

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The main negative qualities of all synthetic clothing

Despite the fact that synthetic clothing has a large number of advantages, it has one single “minus”, which can cross out all the advantages. Let's highlight all the negative features of the statistical energy that accumulates on products.

The manifestation of statistical energy:

  • when touching a metal object or a pet, it’s as if “beating” you with a small charge of energy;
  • synthetic clothing that accumulates statistical energy, attracts fibers, dust, wool and other small fibers that impair the appearance of the product;
  • clothing made of synthetics, due to the presence of statistical energy, sticks to the body;
  • The statistical energy that is generated in hats is attracted to the hair. As a result of this, when you take off your hat, your hair goes up and does not immediately want to fit in your hair.

However, there is a remedy that will save you from all these troubles - an antistatic for odorless clothes. Let's take a closer look at this household product.

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Antistatic - what is it and how to use it?

Antistatic for clothes - a tool with a chemical composition, which is used in everyday life. As a result of exposure to this substance, statistical energy is absent on things.

The tool against the presence of statistical energy is available in three forms:

  • spray can;
  • clothes rinse;
  • gel.

Let's take a closer look at each view

Spray can

Aerosol is a substance that is the most popular and, at first glance, the best antistatic agent for clothing among the entire population. Spray it on the inside of the garment.

Important! If you decide to treat the headgear, then it is necessary to spray the agent well on it from the inside.

We draw your attention to the fact that kapron tights are strictly forbidden to be treated with antistatic aerosol, as this will only worsen their condition.

The main disadvantage of aerosols is that they have a very strong pungent odor. All clothing must be handled in a well-ventilated area.However, it is best to do this on the balcony or on the street.

Rinse conditioner

Conditioner rinser ranks second in the ranking of the most popular antistatic agents for odorless clothes. It is added during washing and it acts on the fabric. Together with the fact that this substance is compounded with emollients - they facilitate ironing, improve the condition of tissues and have a pleasant smell.

Important! The main disadvantage is that air conditioners and rinses are not suitable for all people. If you are allergic, then you should forget about this tool. Also not recommended for use for children's things.



In our market there is another form of release of antistatic for the home. This is a gel or paste. A concentrated substance is collected in this tube, which is intended for clothes made of nylon, lavsan or kapron.

For use, it must be dissolved in water in the ratio of one teaspoon per liter of water, or as indicated in the instructions. Then the thing must be rinsed in this solution.

Important! The disadvantage of all antistatic agents that contain chemicals is the presence of surfactants in the composition. Due to the effect of this ingredient, each person may develop a rash, itching, redness, or fever.

The question immediately arises of what to do if there is no antistatic for clothes? There is always a way out! We suggest that you make drugs yourself that are absolutely safe. Let us consider a few options.

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Making a vinegar-based antistatic

The easiest way to create a new antistatic is to use vinegar. This substance will help you get rid of the accumulation of statistical energy on your clothes for a long time. To do this, you just need to rinse all the things in a vinegar solution. Thanks to this, you will eliminate unpleasant odors and powder residues. Now the thing will not stick to your body! Do not be afraid of the smell of vinegar - after drying the product it will not be.

Another tool that is prepared on the basis of vinegar is mixing this substance with soda. Proportions should be: six to one. That is, six parts vinegar and one part sodium bicarbonate. Thanks to this composition, you will get rid of statistical energy for a long time.

Important! This antistatic odorless clothing favorably affects synthetic materials, improves their quality, softens and eliminates all odors that may be present.

We advise you to prepare your own conditioner conditioner. The composition includes water, vinegar and air conditioning. In this case, you need to take:

  • 600 grams of water;
  • 300 milliliters of vinegar;
  • 200 milliliters of air conditioning.

Mix it all and rinse things in this antistatic. The effect will be amazing!

Important! Please note that with this tool you can process furniture upholstery, carpet and other products.

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Using a Handy Tool

If you need to eliminate the statistical energy gathered on clothes for a short period of time, in particular on a skirt, then you just need to wet your hand and draw along the hem of the skirt. This will relieve you of this “electricity” for a short while.

Important! If you have run out of antistatic, then you can use shampoo, which has a similar purpose. So, there are shampoos on sale that protect hair from statistical energy. You just need to take this product, dilute it in small proportions with water and rinse your clothes.

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Making a spray at home

If you need to make an antistatic for odorless clothes, then you can choose the spray form. This is very convenient, because in any case, even when there is no time, you can sprinkle a thing with this tool, and there will be no statistical energy on it.

To prepare you will need:

  • one glass of water;
  • fabric softener;
  • spray gun.

To make your own DIY antistatic for furniture, which is also suitable for clothes and rugs, you need to mix the ingredients and shake well in a spray bottle. Literally in a second you can already use this tool.

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Some tips for eliminating statistical energy:

  1. To avoid the accumulation of statistical energy on nylon tights and a characteristic crackle, you just need to grease your feet with non-greasy body cream or hand cream. In this case, a special film forms on your body that protects against the accumulation of statistical energy.
  2. To quickly eliminate electrified energy, you can walk with a dry bar of soap along the hem of the skirt or tights. All this must be done from the wrong side.
  3. When washing, add fabric softener.
  4. Always use do-it-yourself antistatic for odorless clothes, or purchased at a household chemical store.
  5. If the accumulation of statistical energy gives you great discomfort, then you should completely abandon synthetic fabrics, and give preference to natural fabrics.
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Use an antistatic for odorless clothes, and then you will forever forget about the accumulation of statistical energy on your things!

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