White underwear

Beautiful red, black or white lingerie is a must-have item for any self-respecting girl. It is intended not only to fight men on the spot, but also for their own confidence and increase self-esteem. Let the people around you not see him, but you will feel completely different in expensive and beautiful underwear. And this, believe me, is very striking.

Unfortunately, many girls, choosing beautiful women's underwear, think only about his appearance, and put their comfort in second place. In this article, you will find useful recommendations regarding the selection of similar items of clothing and care for white underwear.

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A bit of history

Lingerie is not only compliance with hygiene standards, but also a tool to decorate the female body. Any figure can be made perfect with the right underwear.

Men and women who lived in BC did not wear underwear at all. Ancient Egyptian women covered her ass with a skirt, leaving her chest open. During the development of mankind, people realized that there was a certain need to protect some parts of the body from the rest of the clothes.

In ancient Greece, women began to cover their breasts with a wide strip of fabric. The rich people used silk for this. With the passage of time, women realized that men like the process of undressing the weaker sex, and that with the help of small scraps of tissue, you can change their appearance and size of the chest.


The time has come for the experiments during which the corset was created. A little modified, it remains popular today.

Liberated women and women of easy virtue seemed too puritanical closed corset. They began to wear underwear that did not cover their breasts. The church became frantic from this and imposed a ban on wearing corsets and underwear.

This, of course, did not stop the brave girls who understood the value of small scraps of fabric.

The eighteenth century is marked by an era of practical underwear. It was exactly the same cut - both in men and women. Despite the appearance, such underwear is firmly rooted and has become an integral part of daily wardrobe.

Already at the beginning of the twentieth century, the fair sex finally realized that linen should be not only practical, but also beautiful. Knickers began to be decorated with a large number of fashionable ruffles and lace at that time. At the same time, garters that were still fashionable were invented.

In the 30s, women already wore the usual type of bra for us. From this moment, the fantasy of fashion designers and dressmakers began to rapidly come to life. Brassieres with different cup styles began to appear, adjustable straps appeared, experiments with fasteners began. Panties began to decrease every year.

It is difficult for a modern woman to believe that they did not wear underwear at all, because today it has become the same familiar thing as washing in the morning.

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How to choose the right underwear?

Unfortunately, not all women can choose for themselves really beautiful and proper underwear. Before the next purchase, consider the following recommendations:

  • Under tight-fitting dresses, skirts and trousers, you must wear thong panties. Shorts and slips will only spoil the appetizing look of your butt.
  • Brassieres with push-up or Angelica inserts are only suitable for small breasts. With the help of such linen, you can give the breast a beautiful shape, and in some cases - the effect of its presence.

Important! For owners of breasts of the third and larger sizes, do not choose underwear in a similar style. This will oblige you to constantly monitor so that your dignity does not fall out.

  • Guipure and lace lingerie looks very sexy on the body and is ideal for seducing the strong half of humanity. But at work you will be uncomfortable in it, and synthetic fabrics can harm delicate skin.
  • For everyday wear, choose underwear made from natural fabrics. The opinion that such things are not beautiful is fundamentally wrong.
  • For sports, seamless underwear is best suited or made in fleshly, black shades. Such a choice will help to avoid rubbing.
  • Silk sets are not suitable for girls prone to fullness. Such things will only emphasize the relief of the figure. Such women are better off buying underwear made from hard and coarser fabrics. With the help of a corset, for example, you can highlight the chest and retract the stomach. Peignoirs must be chosen without frills and ruffles. Shuttlecocks and layering are also worth giving up. Lingerie with a dragging effect will tighten the figure and make it more sexy.
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What color to choose underwear?

When choosing the color of linen for specific clothes, adhere to the rule: it should not be visible under the clothes. Otherwise, there are such nuances:

  • Psychologists say that the bright colors of underwear cheer up their owner. Do not be afraid to experiment with colors.
  • Traditional colors are more suitable for seducing men: black, white, red. These three colors are considered the sexiest.

Important! Before buying linen, you need to measure it to make sure that it suits your color and sits well on the figure, without crushing any areas.

Underwear requires special care, regardless of the material. But especially delicate care needs white women's underwear. About it and will be discussed later.


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Women's underwear white

White color is associated with purity, purity and innocence. Maybe that's why men’s underwear is white.

According to psychologists, a woman who prefers white linen, expects serious intentions from her man. Such a woman is unobtrusive, natural, confident and attractive. She does not need bright women's underwear in order to stand out. With the help of white linen, she simply emphasizes her beautiful figure.

Although it cannot be argued that for such subconscious beliefs all his lovers choose white linen. Some do this because of hygiene or because of the neutrality of color. In any case, white linen beautifully sets off the skin, especially tanned, and is a good choice. The most sexy looks white linen made of silk, with ribbons and lace.

Important day for a woman

On one of the most exciting and important days for a woman - her wedding, she should look at 100%. Beautiful white underwear will only add to her confidence and chic. This is also a kind of wedding attire, which subsequently must be appreciated by her husband.

Lingerie for a wedding does not have to be practical. Choose really beautiful, expensive and seductive underwear. Suppose you put it on only once, but this time will be worth it.

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White underwear care

The only drawback of white underwear is its soiling and loss of whiteness after frequent washes. Some ladies are afraid of such an effect and do not like to acquire such items of clothing because of this. In fact, this problem is solvable. You just need to know how to care for such delicate things.

How to bleach cotton underwear?

You can return the whiteness to your favorite panties or bra using the following methods.


This method has been tested by generations of good housewives:

  1. Pour water into a metal bowl.
  2. Add washing powder or bleach to the water and mix well until the product is completely dissolved.
  3. Put the laundry in the bowl and set it on fire.
  4. Boil the contents of the pan for 1 hour.

Important! During the boiling procedure, be sure to stir the laundry in the bowl.

  1. Wait for things to cool and rinse them in water with added conditioner.

Important! Consider the fact that cotton items can be reduced in size when exposed to high temperature water.

Salt + soda

A similar method will not only help return the snow-white to your laundry, but also take care of the health of the automatic machine:

  1. Add two tablespoons of salt and three tablespoons of soda to the washing machine when washing white underwear.
  2. Wash your laundry using your usual wash routine.


Important! After the first time, the laundry will not return to its original whiteness. But with each wash, it will come close to the color option that you bought.


Use only oxygen bleach for these purposes:

  1. Mix warm water in a basin with a small amount of bleach.

Important! For bleach proportions, follow the instructions for your choice of agent.

  1. Soak the laundry in the solution and leave it overnight.
  2. Wash products by hand in the morning.
  3. Rinse the laundry in clean, cold water.

Important! If you use this method, you should not use boiling water, since oxygen bleach at high temperatures adversely affects cotton fabrics.

How to bleach synthetic underwear?

To get a good result, synthetic fabrics require a slightly different approach.

Important! For such fabrics, it is strongly not recommended to use the method of boiling and washing in a washing machine. Even the use of oxygen bleach can adversely affect linen and cause it to become gray in color.

Hydrogen peroxide

A similar method will help to refresh the linen and return it to its former whiteness:

  1. Dilute one liter of water with two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Place the underwear in the prepared solution and leave for half an hour.
  3. Rinse the product after the specified time.

Special bleaches

Among a wide range of modern household chemicals, you can find bleaches designed for synthetic fabrics. Following the instructions on the package, you can easily achieve the desired result.

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Useful Tips:

  • So that white underwear does not acquire a yellow or gray tint over time, it is best to use a detergent with optical brighteners in the composition when washing.
  • Underwear, regardless of color, it is recommended to wash by hand. In this way, stretching of thin straps and straps can be avoided.
  • Drying underwear is best done in the wild. Do not use heaters, batteries, or other heaters for this purpose.
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Stock footage

A woman should have a lot of underwear. Beautiful and high quality. Let the chosen ones see him, but you always feel him. Do not be afraid to buy white underwear. As you can see, there are simple and proven ways to help preserve its snow-white.


