What can be done from an old coat?

In the closet, every woman has things that you’ll already put on, it would seem, but it’s a pity to throw them away. And most have a coat of drape, which looks great, but, unfortunately, is hopelessly out of fashion. What can be done from an old coat to make it useful and beautiful, how to remake it into a fashionable product? There are plenty of options and ideas. Which one to implement? - It all depends on your desire, experience in needlework and the availability of free time. We will talk about this in our article.
to contents ↑Why is needlework important?
Remaking old things is not that difficult, it would be a desire. An old drape coat can give life to a dozen new and useful things. In this case, you have to show imagination. In addition, if you have a do-it-yourself thing, you will surely be sure that you certainly will not see such a thing.
Yes, and the needlework process itself has a lot of positive qualities:
- The nervous system calms down;
- Depression disappears;
- Free time is wasted.
What can be done from an old drape? - 7 interesting ideas
Before you begin to needlework, you need to decide what to make of the old coat. First of all, it needs to be strut and washed, then all the details are steamed with an iron.
Shoe insulation
First of all, insoles from an old drape coat will become a good help. They can be inserted into rubber shoes so that the feet do not freeze in wet weather. For this:
- We cut out the insoles.
- Sew in two layers.
That's all!
In order not to slip in the winter
Drap will help make winter shoes less slippery:
- We cut the sole according to the size of the shoes.
- Lubricate the sole and the draped part with Moment glue.
- Five minutes later we put them together with a little hammering hammer.
- After twelve hours, shoes can be safely worn in the worst ice.
What can be sewn from an old coat? Yes, even a rug. Depending on the size, one coat may not be enough. You have to go to the second-hand and buy material there. So let's get started:
- Cut the strip. The most important thing is to make them even.
Important! In order for the strips of material to be even, you can stick tape on the coat, and then cut the material in strips. There will be no traces of adhesive tape on the material.
- After cutting a significant number of strips, you can begin to assemble the carpet.
- Using a glue gun, glue is applied to different parts of the strip, and then it is twisted into a roll. His form can be any.
- When several rolls of different sizes and shapes are ready, we apply them to each other.
- Strips of drape are also glued into the void between them.
Thus, we became the owners of a fun and warm rug made of drap.
Pet Clothes
In order to dress a dog or cat for the winter, sometimes you will have to pay more than for an adult. With the help of an old coat, you can warm your pet inexpensively and quickly. For example, sew a vest or panties.
Drap is a very practical material, it is warm, it does not need thorough care. To sew clothes for the animal, take a suitable pattern and create.
Cape for stool
When it is cold outside, the apartment is also not always cozy. And it’s not really nice to sit on a stool that is not covered by anything. A cloak can be made from an unnecessary coat.
No special knowledge is needed for this: we just measure the furniture and cut out the blank.
Important! Of course, in order to decorate it, imagination is required.To do this, use applique or colored thread, which can be used to sew the edge of the product.
Many are interested in how to sew a plaid from old drape coats. This will require preparation:
- Draped coat (if you plan a large plaid - you need to take a few);
- Large and sharp scissors;
- Iron;
- Hook, suitable in size;
- Braid and other decorative elements.
Master class on manufacturing:
- We cut the fabric into squares of the same size. The side of the square should be at least 12 cm.
Important! Sewing a blanket from a drape is much easier, since it does not need a lining.
- Squares need to be tied and interconnected. To tie the squares, you can use acrylic or cotton yarn, the color of which is combined with the color of the drape.
Important! The hook number must be selected based on the thickness of the yarn.
- Punch holes in the fabric for tying. It is best if there are two or three single crochet columns for each hole. You will need seven single crochet posts for corner holes.
- For tying, choose any scheme you like.
- Then we connect the squares together and tie the finished blanket.
- The finished product can be decorated, if desired.
Important! For such a plaid, you can use a combination of squares from the drape and knitted squares. They need to be staggered.
sleeveless shirt
Sleeveless jackets are very popular this season. We learn how to make a vest from your coat with your own hands. To do this, prepare:
- Coat;
- Scissors;
- Threads and sewing needles;
- Sewing machine.
To get a beautiful new thing, proceed as follows:
- We cut off the sleeves, retreating from their armhole about seven centimeters.
- We cut the sleeve and open the material from the inside.
- We trim the lining.
- The material is folded so that the shoulder line is repeated.
- We chop off the resulting part with needles, cut off the excess tissue.
- When hemming the edges of cropped sleeves, make sure that no wrinkles form on the remaining material of the lining, otherwise the appearance of the product will be ugly.
- The seams are carefully ironed.
This is the end of the manufacture of the vest; you can safely put it on and go outside.
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As you can see, even the oldest things can be given a second chance at life. In the end, the fabric can be used to do crafts with children. Therefore, if the old coat in the closet really bothers you with the fact that it takes up a lot of space, find practical application for it, showing your imagination.
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