What to do so that the jeans are not painted?

The wardrobe of a modern person is not conceivable without various models of jeans trousers. For several decades, jeanswear has been in fashion, but, unfortunately, everyone’s favorite clothing gives not only pleasure, but sometimes discomfort in the form of a blue tint on the body after wearing. The answer to the question of what to do so that the jeans do not dye when washing and when worn, you will find in this article.

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Types of jeans

The word “jeans” comes from the name of the city of Genoa, where a dense cotton canvas was first invented. Only after some time in England began to make clothes from this material. The word “Denim” came from France, where in the 16th century they began to use fabric produced in the city of Nimes. The composition of this fabric included silk and wool. In our time, denim has become more diverse, it contains various chemical additives.

Whether or not jeans fabric is painted, often depends on its variety:

  • denim - from the inside it is a white material, and at the base is a dyed thread;
  • jeans - fabric softer than denim, at the base - cotton with weaving threads from top to bottom;
  • jeans-bonding - the material contains jeans with a layer of knitwear;
  • streych - the composition contains elastane;
  • jeans-cotton - there is a satin weave with yarn;
  • silk jeans are a dense but light fabric with a sheen;
  • linen linen - consists of cotton and linen 50/50;
  • designer jeans - consists of 93% cotton and elastane - 7%;
  • luxury - denim material with weave from top to bottom, with shine.

Important! So that you don’t have to wonder what to do so that jeans aren’t painted, choose models that have cotton and linen in their material. All other varieties often fade, both when washing and when worn.

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What should be done so that jeans are not painted?

As a rule, new jeans are painted in the production of which natural dyes were used. If the jeans are exactly the same and the warranty has not yet expired, then try to return them to the store, indicating to the seller the unsatisfactory quality.

Important! If the examination confirms the validity of your claims, then you will be paid the money spent. So, you can go and choose another model for yourself and the question of what to do so that the jeans are not painted will disappear by itself.

If you are sorry to part with a fine-fitting new thing, one or more washes will help to solve the problem with excess paint.

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How to wash shedding things?

To solve the problem of how to wash jeans that are dyed, be sure to follow these rules:

  1. Jeans can only be washed separately from other things.
  2. To this rule of how to wash things that are painted, add one more thing: you should never wash a thing in hot water. Only cool or room temperature will do.
  3. In order for the trousers to have a neat appearance for a long time, wash them by hand, as machine washing will quickly spoil the product.

We recommend breaking the washing process into a few simple steps. The process will take you some time, but you will be completely sure that the problem, how to make sure that the jeans are not painted, will be definitely solved.

Step 1. Preparing for washing

  1. Turn the trousers inside out.
  2. Check for items in your pockets.
  3. Zip up and buttons.

Step 2. Soaking

  1. Fill the basin with water.
  2. In 1 liter of cool water, add 1 tbsp. salt (salt prevents the excessive exit of paint, helps to remove stubborn dirt).
  3. Mix water thoroughly.
  4. Leave the jeans in a basin for 30-40 minutes (do not keep clothes in a saline solution for a longer time, as the quality of the fabric may suffer).
  5. Remove the jeans from the basin.
  6. Squeeze lightly.
  7. Pour colored water.

Important! If the water has become too blue, then this does not mean that you bought a low-quality thing. Simply, during manufacture, an extra paint was applied to the product, which, when soaked, comes out. This could happen for various reasons - the use of new paint, non-compliance with the concentration of the dye by the employees of the production department, technical malfunctions in the operation of the equipment. But this is not so important, because anyway, as a result, you need to think about what to do so that the jeans are not painted.

Step 3. Wash

  1. Dissolve the powder in clean water (there should be no bleaching substances in the composition). If there is no powder at hand, ordinary laundry soap is also suitable.
  2. Add salt to the water, as when soaking. This is necessary for fixing the paint.
  3. Wash the product in cool water by hand or with a brush.

Important! If you use a brush, the bristles should not be stiff, otherwise you will damage the fabric.

Step 4. Rinse

  1. Lay out the jeans at the bottom of the bath.
  2. Water them from the shower with a large pressure of water.
  3. While rinsing, squeeze and tug on your pants with your hands. This will speed up the process of getting rid of colored water.
  4. After processing one side of the product, turn it with the other side up and repeat the procedure.
  5. Turn the trousers on the front side and repeat the procedure on both sides, lowering the temperature.

Important! For the first rinse, you can use water at room temperature, and then lower it gradually to cold.

  1. Spend the last rinse in a bowl of cool water and the addition of regular vinegar (about 3 tbsp.). Acetic solution helps to fix the coloring pigments. Dip the jeans in water with vinegar and hold them in the solution for several minutes.
  2. Gently squeeze the product without twisting.

Step 5. Drying

Jeans must be dried in the same position in which you washed them - turned inside out. Hang them on a rope at full height, securing with clothespins in the area of ​​the belt. It is impossible to bend, bend, throw the trousers over the rope, because after drying, there will be noticeable furrows on the trouser legs, and you will have to make some efforts to smooth these marks.

When drying in this way, the jeans will get a neat appearance and without an iron. Be sure to place a container under the jeans in which water will drain to save yourself from the hassle of cleaning bluish spots.

Step 6. Checking the result

If you have carefully dried the product, you do not need to iron it. If you want to soften the fabric a little, you can iron jeans from the inside out with a not-so-hot iron.

To check if your jeans are colored after washing, moisten a slightly small area of ​​the product and rub with a piece of white cloth. If the matter is not colored, but remains snow-white, then you have successfully solved the problem. In the event that blue marks appeared on a white cloth, then at the next wash repeat all the above procedures.

Important! Do not be discouraged if the first wash did not produce the expected effect. Sometimes, to get rid of excess paint, you will need several procedures. But in the end, you will certainly achieve the desired effect and will not be afraid to paint everything around in blue or black.

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How to wash jeans with vinegar in a washing machine?

Using vinegar helps maintain and maintain the color of denim. In addition, this product removes dirt and unpleasant odors well. If you want to wash jeans in a car, we recommend doing it as follows:

  1. Turn the clothes inside out.
  2. Put the jeans in the washing machine.
  3. Pour a mild detergent without bleach. You can use a detergent for colored items.
  4. Add 1 tsp to the air conditioning drawer. table vinegar (not essences).
  5. Wash in cold water in the “delicate things” mode.

Important! Do not be afraid that the clothes absorb the smell of vinegar. When rinsing in cold water, it will disappear.

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Useful Tips:

  • Do jeans fade, you can check when buying new things in the store: take an ordinary match, wet it and draw it over the surface of the jeans. If the match is colored, then the pants will shed.
  • If there are leather stripes on the trousers, then wash them with glycerin when washing so that the skin does not deteriorate.
  • Do not wear jeans that are not completely dry, as they may lose their original shape.
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Even the most expensive models released by legendary fashionable companies are not immune to molt problems. That is why manufacturers recommend washing new jeans before putting them on for the first time. We hope that our tips and tricks will help you in choosing a fashionable and comfortable wardrobe, and your new thing will not cause you any inconvenience. And if it still happened, you now know how to make sure that the jeans are not painted.


