What to do to prevent shoes from slipping?

Sliding shoes are the cause of many injuries and even deaths. Therefore, it is very important to choose high-quality and safe shoes, since the onset of winter raises the acute question of choosing shoes. In this article, you will learn how to choose the right shoes, and what to do to prevent the shoes from slipping. We hope you learn something new and useful for yourself.
to contents ↑Time tested
Below are a few ways to prevent shoes from slipping at home.
Method 1:
- Having taken alcohol or solvent, degrease the sole.
- We apply a double layer of mesh of good shoe glue in the gap and allow to dry.
- After - it is advisable to put the boot on the river sand and press it properly.
Important! Such home-made protection to ensure reliable and safe walking for a month, after - you can repeat the procedure.
Method 2
For this method we need an old kapron stocking:
We set it on fire over the sole of the shoes we need.
The stocking begins to melt and drip onto the sole, creating pieces of a frozen artificial tread, which during stationary updating will protect against unforeseen injuries.
Method 3
You can also try applying a water repellent to the surface of the sole. A decrease in its moisture level will also reduce gliding.
Method 4
One of the easiest and most affordable ways to do so that the shoes do not slip. Before each exit to the street, rub the sole of your shoe with raw potatoes or starch dissolved in water.
Method 5
Another budget option is to stick a regular patch on the soles of the shoes. True, this method very quickly exhausts itself, you have to change the patch every two, or even one day.
to contents ↑What else can be done?
In addition to the above options, there are a number of tips on how to prevent shoes from slipping.
Thick Sole Method
Take sandpaper and rub the sole.
Important! Do not do this with thin soles - you can only make it worse.
To prevent the shoes from slipping, small screws are screwed into it, and their long ends are cut off.
Important! Of the minuses of this option - knocking screws on the surface. Also, you can not walk on the floor, so as not to damage it.
Method for needlewomen
If you are afraid to spoil the shoes, then you can simply glue felt or sandpaper on a fabric basis - on the heel or heel of the shoes of your sole.
to contents ↑Important! Do not forget to wash your shoes with a stiff brush and soda - this helps to get rid of petrified accumulations of dirt, namely they become the cause of our troubles.
Professional help
You can just take the shoes and take it to the master. There you can offer a rubber anti-slip sticker that is recreated exactly to the size of the surface and sticks to it. Depending on the budget, you can choose a thicker lining with a deep tread pattern.
Now you know how to prevent the shoes from slipping, but in any case it is better to trust the master, since he is still a professional in his field.
to contents ↑Tips for choosing reliable shoes:
- Remember: more expensive and more famous does not mean better. We focus not on the price and brand of the product, but on preventing falls and reducing the risk level with a fracture in the hospital for a couple of months, health is above all!
- We study the most important detail - the sole.Requirements: tread - with a uniform deep pattern, directed in different directions. Do not take shoes with smooth soles! It is easy to rub with a slippery surface.
- The softer the sole, the higher the grip on a frosty snowy or icy surface.
to contents ↑Important! There is a simpler, financially profitable solution - removable soles based on high-quality rubber or anti-ice pads.
Rules for walking on the street in ice:
- We do not rush headlong behind the bus and the rest, but we walk slowly, stepping on the whole sole.
- Take your hands out of your pockets. In the event of a sudden fall, this will help to distribute the weight on the body evenly, save you from unnecessary fractures, and even craniocerebral injuries.
- We calculate sections of the path that are dangerous for us, and try to get around them to the maximum. If this is not possible, then be extremely careful!
- It is advisable to keep the body slightly tilted during movement.
- Learning how to fall. If you fall, fly to the ground, do not put your hands forward. Otherwise, you can simply injure your hand or other parts of the hands. You should have time to group, clasping your hands to the body and falling on your side. This way you can avoid fractures, but get a couple of bruises.
- If you fall on your back, do not put your chin and head back so as not to hit it and not get a head injury, but rather, press it to your chest.
Stock footage
Now you know the answer to the question: slippery sole on winter shoes - what to do? In conclusion, I would like to say, take care of yourself, do not count the raven and look under your feet. Be careful, and certainly winter will only warm you with warm memories. Choose and wear only good shoes!
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