Skin cleanser

Leather is a material that was used to produce a variety of things in ancient times, but has retained its relevance to this day. It is produced by dressing animal skins, which makes it rather durable and flexible, but in turn, a delicate material that requires special care. Before you begin to remove dirt from the skin, it is worth considering what skin cleanser to choose so that it does not lose its properties. In our article, we offer you a list of modern and folk skin cleansers. Choose and apply the most suitable of them and you will undoubtedly quickly deal with the arising pollution.
to contents ↑What are skin cleansers?
In order to keep the leather product in good condition, use only suitable skin care and restoration products. All of them are conditionally divided into 2 groups:
- household chemicals;
- folk improvised skin cleansers.
to contents ↑Important! Choose the right product, depending on the type and structure of the skin, and use it directly for its intended purpose.
Folk cleansers
In order for the material processing procedure to be most effective, initially remove obvious stains from the material to avoid streaks. Apply popular options for removing stains, while spending a minimum of effort and money. For this you will come in handy:
- gasoline - perfectly removes fatty contaminants;
- perchlorethylene - eliminates stubborn stains from engine and engine oil;
- a mixture of acetic acid, magnesia and alcohol prepared in equal proportions will remove stains from ink and a ballpoint pen;
- chalk - removes a greasy stain, ate it to be applied to the contaminated area, leave for a day, then shake and brush.
Once you have removed the stains, proceed with the procedure for restoring and cleaning the entire product. For this purpose, such folk cleansers for skin are suitable for you:
- Glycerin - restores the gloss of the product if applied and rubbed to the surface with a rag, especially cuffs and a collar need it.
- Fresh orange peel - will renew a well-worn product that has lost its luster if it is properly rubbed on the surface.
- Milk (3-4 drops, diluted in turpentine) - removes the attrition of shoes.
- BF-2 glue or nail polish - will help to eliminate a small scratch or damage if a substance is applied with a thin layer on an unsightly part of the product and gently pressed.
- Soap solution with the addition of ammonia - refreshes the skin structure, if after processing, it is dried and wiped with castor oil.
- Vaseline - will prevent the shoe from hardening if it is lubricated with the surface after drying, and after a couple of hours rub the treated surface to a shine.
- Lemon juice or coffee grounds - will return the lost shine to dark skin if they rub the surface of the product.
- Coffee grounds, wrapped in woolen or flannel fabric, will return the lost gloss to the skin if it is properly rubbed with a dull surface.
- A warm solution of washing powder will clean white leather shoes well if you wipe the skin with a soft sponge, after which it must be washed off, and the dried surface should be greased with shoe polish or a modern shoe cream.
Skin Cleansing Chemicals
Nowadays, many different products are made that are specially designed for skin care, restoration and cleansing.Depending on your needs, you can choose the necessary skin cleanser from the following:
- Alcohol Cleaner - a special tool for degreasing the skin. Eliminates grease, dirt, oil. Treat them with skin before painting to avoid flaking.
- Leather Prep - a special solvent that removes the factory coating - wax, protective varnish, silicone, prepares the skin for painting.
- Mold Remover is a special skin cleanser whose effect is to remove bacteria, mold odor. Suitable for all skin types, including suede.
- Spew Remover is a professional fat eliminator. It perfectly removes plaque from the skin and penetrates deeply into its structure - repeated manifestation of spots and dirt with this effect is excluded. Suitable for all skin types except suede and nubuck.
- Leather Degreaser - Eliminates all types of greasy and oily stains. Cleans a contaminated area, drawing in sweat, oil, fat. Also effective for removing ink stains.
- Acid Wipe - promotes better penetration of the dye into the material. The composition of this tool includes acid, which reduces its alkalinity, thereby making the penetration of the dye deeper.
- Eco-luxury is a universal tool for removing dirt from almost all types of surfaces, including leather. It can eliminate almost any kind of stains.
- LIQUI MOLY Racing - designed to care for leather products. Refreshes their surface, removes small impurities, but can not cope with stubborn stains.
- Leather cleaner is a special American-made cleaner that displays only fresh, non-stained stains.
- Cleaner “Protectant” - eliminates fresh and old spots of various origins. It has a neutral smell. More effective for dark skin.
- Hi-Gear - a cleaner that has a foamy composition, designed to remove light impurities.
Useful Tips
Leather is a rather capricious material, so in order not to harm it, read the following recommendations on how to clean it and what should not be done:
- The material is afraid of temperature differences, so avoid thermal effects on it.
- Do not use rough brushes and washcloths to avoid scratches on it.
- Choose the appropriate method and means for cleaning the skin, so as not to spoil its surface.
- Wash your skin only if you want to remove blood stains from it, while acting very carefully and use only a special soap to clean genuine skin.
- Do not forget to properly and timely care for her so that she will serve you longer.
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Now you know what skin cleansers exist and you have probably already decided which one is best for you. The main thing is to use it strictly for its intended purpose, following the instructions from the manufacturer or the recommendations of professionals in the case of using popular options. Remember that proper and timely care of the product will extend the life of any item made of leather.
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