Fashion Design - Drawings

In this article we will talk about how to create a fashion design. Drawings, which depict sketches of clothes, in the future can become a standard of beauty in the fashion world and gain public recognition. As it might seem at first glance, drawing such a sketch will not be difficult - pick up a pencil and draw. In fact, creating a clothing project is a creative and time-consuming task that requires certain skills and knowledge. Everyone knows that for the construction of a building, the engineer first draws up a project and a detailed construction plan, and only after that they begin to fill the foundation. In the same way, fashion design is created, sketches drawn to the smallest detail show how a dress or blouse should look in the end result. How to draw a woman's silhouette for fashion design, what are the execution techniques, as well as what is needed for work? You will find the answers to these questions later in the article.

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How to make sketches of clothes?

Each designer in the process of creating a new outfit very carefully and intently thinks over every detail of a future dress or skirt, determines the color scheme for the sketch and the physique of the person on whom his work will most effectively look.

To be more specific, it is not enough to determine that it will be a woman or a man, everything is much more complicated. It is necessary to take into account the person’s age, his height, body features, and so on. An important aspect when creating an image is the fashion direction at the moment, because if the sketch is presented by an irrelevant, outdated model, it will be of little interest to anyone.

Important! The drawn sketch is of great importance in the sewing industry, because it is according to it that technologists and designers create patterns and develop technology, the sequence of processing parts.

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We create a fashion design. Pencil drawings

Creating a sketch for clothing design is a rather troublesome task, and requires maximum concentration and perseverance. To make the picture perfect, you need to follow some rules and the sequence of actions developed by fashion designers many years ago and popular to this day.

Tools required:

  1. A simple pencil.

Important! Choose a pencil marked H, with it you will draw light contour lines, if necessary - they are easy to wipe with an eraser.

  1. Thick white paper, A4, A5 or Whatman paper.
  2. Eraser of high quality, so that when wiping strokes there is no trace on the paper.
  3. Markers, felt-tip pens or pencils to color the model.

After preparing all the necessary tools, determine the silhouette of a person for clothing design. There are a lot of them, most often clothing designers depict sketches in the form of models sitting or walking on the catwalk.

Important! You can try to create your own clothing design, it is recommended that you start pencil drawings for beginners with sketches of a walking or sitting model.


Before drawing a conceived dress or trousers, it is necessary to create the basic proportions of a human silhouette on paper.

Work sequence:

  1. Lay the prepared sheet of paper vertically on the table.
  2. Using a light touch, draw a vertical line with a simple pencil. Mark the beginning and end of the line with a dot.
  3. The vertical line must be divided into eight equal parts. Thus, you indicate the placement of the head, shoulders, waist, hips, knees, calves and feet.

Important! If you depict a specific person, then in this case, depict the features of his figure.

  1. On the line where the pelvis is supposedly located, draw an equilateral square.

Important! The width and height of the square depend on the size of the hips of the proposed physique.

  1. Next, draw a torso and shoulders. As a rule, the width of the shoulders is equal to the width of the hips.

Important! If you decide to design a blouse, it is not at all necessary to draw a silhouette completely, in this it is enough to depict the upper part of the body.

  1. Lastly, draw legs, arms, head, neck and feet.

Important! Make sure that the elbows in the figure are located approximately at the level of the waist, otherwise - your models for clothing design will look unnatural.

There are alternative ways to create a silhouette of a person for further modeling of clothing:

  • Using computer technology. In this case, you just need to download your favorite model of a woman, child, or man in the pose that suits you best, and draw things on a prepared template.
  • The third option for creating a sketch involves the use of carbon paper. With its help it is necessary to circle the outline of a figure from a magazine or newspaper.4753img_23202

Designing a clothing model

Before drawing a sketch of clothing design on paper, you need to imagine how you want to see it in reality, and in fact, its length and style. After the outline of the dress “formed” in your head, you can begin to apply it on paper.


  1. Not with strong pressure of the pencil, depict the general silhouette of your thing, draw the length of the product. If the model involves pleats or frills, indicate their direction and location.
  2. In clear lines, draw the main details of your blouse, dash and dot indicate the places of their connection.
  3. Think over and depict the neckline, collar, location of the belt and other details.
  4. If the model involves embroidery or a special print, it is necessary to draw a grid on the product, then each cell is filled with the desired pattern or remains empty. Thus, you indicate the location of the pattern.

Important! The places where the tucks are located and the places where the parts are machined can affect the position of the pattern.

  1. Dress or shirt, which will additionally decorate decorative elements, there is no need to accurately draw on paper. It is enough to note the location of the decor on the clothes.
  2. Sketch additional elements on a separate sheet, preferably in an enlarged size.
  3. At the end of the sketch, the resulting product should be painted in the intended color. The main lines are surrounded by a black bold marker, the excess are removed with an eraser.

Important! When applying color, it is very important to correctly indicate the accents on the product. Places of folds and shuttlecocks indicate a darker tone, and illuminated places - light.

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How to make sketches of clothes? Useful recommendations:

  • In the process of drawing a silhouette of a person, it is not necessary to clearly outline facial features if the model does not provide for exclusive makeup.
  • A hairstyle is also best depicted in several strands, so that all attention is focused on clothes.
  • Portraying the silhouette of a person, do not make him too skinny. You should have an idea of ​​how your clothes will look on a standard figure, because most potential buyers do not have model parameters.
  • Having at hand material for sewing, it will be easier for you to come up with a sketch of a thing. To draw the texture of the desired fabric on paper is not easy at all, so first get acquainted with the initial theory of modeling, and practical exercises will help you get the necessary experience.
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Where to get inspiration for sketching clothes?

The success of creating a sketch of fashion design in most cases depends on the idea embedded in it. Do not think that famous couturiers, each time presenting a new collection, use only their own ideas. Conducting the show, the fashion designer can slightly modify, supplement or transform the outfit, or combine several styles into one. We do not recommend that you make a frank copy of a well-known brand, but rather - paying attention to some details, combine them in your clothes with your ideas.

Useful Tips:

  • You can choose one of the old styles such as Gothic, Rococo, Egyptian and the like and stylize your clothes under them.
  • You can take as a basis models of folk costumes: German, Georgian, Chinese.

Important! Famous world fashion designers to create their collections work in the style of the following areas: Military, Safari, Hippy, constructive, business, romantic and so on. You can also create clothes in one of them or combine the characteristic features of styles, while creating exclusive things.

  • We recommend that you watch fashion magazines or fashion shows that are broadcast on television more often to keep abreast of new trends.
  • Very often, to stock up on creative ideas, fashion designers use living plants, animals, shells, embodying them in clothes with the help of color, shape and design.
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To get a high-quality sketch of clothes, you must clearly understand what you want to get as a result. The success of your creation depends on the quality of your drawing. We hope that the recommendations from the article will help to create a unique collection of clothes that will bring you worldwide fame and delight of the public.

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