Dress Design - DIY Drawings

Every girl wants to understand how to draw beautiful dresses. Those who know how to draw exquisite outfits on paper can feel like real fashion designers, creating the design of dresses. Drawings will help in creating exclusive clothing. You can draw inspiration for this by studying the creations of modern fashion designers or the outfits of medieval ladies. Or maybe you liked the idea of ​​a movie heroine dress or a fashionable neighbor? You can learn to draw as an adult. With our tips in this article, you can handle this.

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We set the goal correctly

First of all, decide for what occasion and for whom the displayed outfit will be:

  • Choose more modest and closed dresses for women of elegant age, and open models will suit young girls.
  • For everyday wear, clothing of a simple cut with a minimum of decorative jewelry is appropriate.
  • But the wedding outfit is usually distinguished by a snow-white color and a lush style.
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Necessary materials

In order to draw beautiful dresses with a pencil, you will need the following materials:

  • Pencils. Well sharpened pencils of different hardness are required.
  • Eraser. Do not spare money and get a high-quality tool so that it wipes out pencil lines rather than smearing them.
  • Paper. It is better to use medium-grained paper - working with it is a pleasure, it is pleasant to the touch.
  • A thin stick or a small cone twisted out of paper. These items are necessary for grinding strokes in the process of achieving the necessary monotonous color.
  • Multi-colored pencils. If you want to portray a model in color, stock up on these tools.
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Work stages

In fact, portraying clothes is not very difficult when it is possible to draw them from nature. In this case, you can probe and consider every detail of the model.

The situation is more complicated if the dress is not at hand. You have to use the Internet to find the necessary clothes. Best of all, if you can consider and study the model from different angles.

Getting started, remember that absolutely all objects (animals, furniture, clothes, phenomena) are represented with the help of simple geometric shapes:

  • squares;
  • Circles
  • triangles.

These figures help create the necessary shape that the artist sees or represents. For example, when portraying a large house, the artist uses many rectangular and square figures, which he lays out the overall picture, thereby simplifying the work. This principle should be followed and creating the design of dresses.

Pencil drawings are created in stages:

  • First you need to create sketches. It’s better not to make them with large strokes, as thick lines will be very difficult to wipe, which can damage the overall appearance of the picture.
  • Main job. First of all, you need to mark the paper. This step will help you see where the future drawing will be placed.

Important! Dividing the sheet into two parts, in each of them you can depict a different perspective of one dress or two completely different models.

  • The contour image of the model. It consists of a small number of barely noticeable thin lines.
  • Work on the details of the model.Having the contours of the dress on a sheet of paper, the details of the upper part of the model, and then the lower, are drawn.

Important! If the dress has a rather open top, do not make the skirt too short, otherwise the clothes will look vulgar.

  • Gently wiped off unnecessary lines that helped to depict the thing.
  • Work on decorative elements - bows, flowers, train, belt, etc.
  • Coloring the painted model.

This is a general, not detailed, image design scheme for dresses. Drawings can be made for any product, using some features for each type.

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We draw a wedding dress

At first glance, it seems that drawing a beautiful dress with a pencil is very difficult. This is not true. Let's look at how to portray the seemingly most difficult - a wedding dress. Try creating a wedding paper outfit for yourself. Surely, you know its style, length and color.

Stages of creating a wedding dress:

  • Draw the main outlines of a female figure. With a hard pencil, without pressing on the paper, apply slightly noticeable, thin lines, the inaccuracies of which in the future work can be easily removed. No need to draw all the small details. In the center at the top, draw an oval of the face, draw smooth lines of the neck and shoulders, draw the hands. Sketch all parts of the body. It is necessary to depict legs at a short distance from each other.
  • The next step is to choose the style of the future outfit. Wedding dresses are long, short, luxuriant or not. The main styles of dresses for the bride: ball gown, Puritan, carmen, romantic, baroque and ethnic.

Important! The magnificent ball gown has a tight, fitted top with clear lines and a fluffy bell-shaped skirt that starts at the waist.

  • The outfit for the bride can also have a straight silhouette - such a cut demonstrates each bend, very tightly fitting the figure. Dresses in the Greek style also belong to the direct style, they have a high waist, the skirt is made of beautiful flowing material. Products of this style are sewn from light fabrics.
  • Having decided on the style, thin, barely noticeable lines, the contour of the future product is drawn.

Important! According to modern fashion trends, the bride’s wedding outfit does not have to be long. Therefore, you can safely create a short dress design. Pictures can always be corrected.

  • Wedding attire does not always have sleeves; they can be replaced with elegant gloves.
  • Neckline. The most difficult moment, as it has a large number of options. You can make a square or oval neckline, with or without straps, etc. Perhaps you will like the option when the neckline is hidden under a beautiful lace fabric.

Important! Thinking through the hairstyle, harmoniously will depict loose hair for an open top dress. For a closed top, a beautiful and elegant shark, in which curls will be collected, is more suitable.

  • Drawn little things. Often the top of the bride’s wedding dress is decorated with stones, pearls, crystals, etc. With the help of these jewelry you can create a specific pattern or use their chaotic placement. For drawing use a pencil of medium hardness. Lace that can cover half of the outfit should be drawn with a hard pencil. In the princess dress, the waist should seem much thinner than the skirt, for which it should darken the sides. To do this, use a soft pencil and a paper cone that shade the sketch lines.
  • In conclusion, you need to carefully wipe the auxiliary lines, and make the main ones more bold. You can also remove the lines of the chest and legs, soften the chin. The main borders of the dress and the lines, which are decorations, also need to be highlighted.

Important! Evening dresses can be created on the same principle.

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Draw a girl in motion

Sometimes, a static image of the model is not enough.If you want to convey how a skirt flutters in the wind, you can, for example, draw a dancing girl. Imagine that a girl is half a turn, with her hands behind her head and slightly bent.

The work consists of the following steps:

  1. First, the base of the skirt is marked with a thin line, then its upper part is measured out, both parts are gently connected with thin lines.
  2. The spine is drawn. It is necessary to measure where the head of the dancing girl will be, draw an oval of the face with a smooth line of the chin. Below the head, a bust in the form of two circles is schematically depicted. We draw the right hand raised up, and the left - playfully looking from behind the head. The hands and main joints are shown in small circles.
  3. Study of the contours of the face and hair.
  4. Image of a curved line of the back, drawing of the trunk, arms and legs. A forward leg will look very impressive.
  5. The main contours are outlined with a soft pencil.
  6. A few pleats on the skirt are added.
  7. The study of all the small details of the outfit.
  8. Transformation of hair into a beautiful hairstyle, you can decorate it with a flower.
  9. A beautiful dress with a pencil is almost ready. It remained to give the figure of the volume light strokes, to shade the inner folds of the skirt, leaving the outer folds light. The upper body is shaded with subtle small strokes.
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The image of girls in dresses of the 18th century

Drawing dresses of the 18th century is not very difficult. Find your favorite dress design in the literature or on the Internet. The drawings are carried out after a thorough study of all kinds of clothing details. At that time, women's clothing was decorated with ruffles and lanterns. The fabric was used velvet, inserts of lace and satin ribbons were used. Work on the image can take a lot of time.

Stages of work on the drawing:

  • The study of the outlines of the outfit and figure.

Important! To obtain a proportional image, it is necessary to take into account that a person is 7-8 goals tall.

  • Drawing flounces and folds on a skirt.
  • Image of the top of the outfit. The sleeves of dresses of this period must be in the form of flashlights.
  • It is appropriate to depict a hat. It can be either a small neat hat or an elegant hat with large brim.
  • Carefully draw details such as lace, pleats, and ruffles. Fashion clothes of that time contained a large number of them, so you should be patient.
  • Giving a picture of volumes with the help of shadows. Decide where the light comes from, and immediately work out the shadows from the small details of the outfit.
  • Draw each fold of the outfit. The folds and shuttlecocks should be lit, and the fragments under them will be the darkest.
  • Carefully draw a large number of lace inserts according to their structure.
  • Circle the main lines of the image with a soft pencil - this will give the picture expressiveness and contrast.
  • Drawing of all the small features of the face, hat and hairstyle.

Important! Portraying a lady in a summer dress, it is appropriate to put a fan in her hands.

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Figure outfit for a doll

The girls’s favorite toy is the Barbie doll, which they want to see in all kinds of outfits. You can draw beautiful dresses with a pencil for Barbie in two ways. The first option, when the drawing begins with the head, is well considered above. The second option involves starting to create an image of the dress from below.

Stages of work on the image:

  1. The bottom of the dress is drawn, for example, a beautiful fluffy skirt. Details are not worked out, but only a barely noticeable sketch is made. The shape of the skirt should be semi-oval.
  2. The top of the outfit is depicted. Immediately pay attention to the doll’s waist, then draw the top.
  3. Draw the silhouette of the doll, starting with the chest and neck.
  4. Draw the oval of the face and sketch the hair.
  5. Next, draw your hands so that they touch the top of the skirt and are slightly below the line of the hips.
  6. Picture shoes peeking out from under the dress.
  7. Work out the small details of the outfit - folds on the dress, jewelry.
  8. If desired, add bracelets to the doll’s hands and a pendant to the neck.
  9. Draw Barbie's face and fingers, add volume to the hair.
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Stock footage

The main stages of drawing beautiful dresses with a pencil, discussed in this material, can be used to create almost any design of dresses. Drawings can be used to model exclusive clothes for yourself or your friends. Be patient, gather your thoughts, and start creating!


