There are many practical places for storing shoes.

Any woman can confirm that there are never too many shoes, one pair is needed for work, another for every day, a third for special occasions, and a couple more for mood. In addition, a large number of shoes is not a luxury, but a necessity. And if your family has several people, putting everything in order and finding a place to store shoes is practically an impossible task. Fortunately, the problem with the shelter for shoes affected not only us, and in the modern world they have come up with a lot of options and design ideas for storing shoes. You just have to choose the best option, using it wisely and profitably.

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Closet storage

If you have a voluminous dressing room at your disposal, it is easiest to store shoes, boots, and boots in it. You can use for this purpose:

  • Shelving.
  • Shelves, including hinged.
  • Special hangers.
  • Hooks
  • Various levels on which it is convenient to hang shoes for a heel.
  • Ordinary wooden boxes that can be decorated with bright acrylic paints.
  • Cabinets and shoe racks.
  • Retail store equipment. Shoe sellers know how to properly store it, so a lot of convenient equipment, coasters that will look great in the dressing room are also made for the trading floors.
  • Organizers
  • Baskets or container. These devices can be hidden in the shoe storage system or vice versa - put in sight. But in this case, they must be closed. Transparent containers will make it possible to see shoes, and if you use colored boxes, you can sort the contents by season or by household.

Important! You don’t have a dressing room yet, but have you been dreaming about it for a long time? Maybe it's time to realize this idea and give yourself double pleasure? We offer you several options in which you do not even have to thoroughly invest money and time.

Read how to make a do-it-yourself wardrobe.

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“Old-fashioned” shoe storage

Modern interior design provides for an advanced shoe storage system. But if you like to store shoes in boxes, then improve this method so as not to open everything in a row in search of the right pair.

For ease of finding shoes, use the following methods:

  • Decorate the boxes with stickers, inscriptions, or photographs of your favorite pair of shoes.
  • Make side windows in the boxes to effortlessly examine the shoes.
  • Equip a hallway with racks according to our design ideas and arrange the same-looking plastic boxes decorated with side handles.

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Storing shoes in a drawer or organizer: advantages and disadvantages

In the hallway, hallway or dressing room, you can install a shoe storage box. The advantages of this method are as follows:

  • Takes up a little space.
  • All shoes are on separate shelves and are clearly visible.
  • You can paint in any color suitable for the interior.
  • It is easy to make both suspended and floor.
  • You can choose any size, customizing to the parameters of the room.

Important! Despite all the advantages, this method has a drawback - it is very difficult to keep order, especially if the family has children. It is difficult for kids to carefully get and put shoes in place. In addition, only clean and dry shoes should be put in the drawer.

Another option for placing shoes is the organizer. It is very convenient, compact and fits perfectly into any interior. You can choose an organizer of any size, shape and color to store shoes.

Important! You can make an organizer yourself, only improvised materials and imagination are needed. Organizers can be in the form of pockets in which a pair of shoes or niches is inserted. The device can be made of fabric or plastic. On our portal of useful tips, there are already ready to help you master classes on how to sew an organizer on a wall.

The disadvantages of the organizer include the following:

  • You can not store winter and autumn shoes, because the boots cannot be squeezed in, since they will bend.
  • It is intended only for sandals, shoes, sneakers and boots.
  • The option will not work if there are animals in the apartment. Representatives of the fauna will be happy to get all the contents from the organizer to bite and tear to shreds.

Useful Tips:

  1. To keep the contents of the organizer, place it in a cabinet. If you decide to purchase a transparent organizer with cells, then pay attention to the fact that its walls are dense, otherwise - the shoes will go together and will press against each other.
  2. To store summer slaps, slippers and sandals, use a fabric organizer consisting of pockets. You can hang such a system for storing shoes in a closet or on the inside of the closet door.

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Interesting ideas for a shoe storage system

In addition to the standard methods used for storing shoes, there are many extraordinary solutions. Of the options below, you can probably choose the best one for yourself.

So, interesting ideas for storing shoes of any season in any room.

Idea number 1

In order not to engage in endless castling with summer and winter shoes, buy a separate shoe cabinet. It does not take up much space, but it saves you from the endless search for the right pair.

Important! However, you can not buy a special cabinet, but use an old bookcase or sideboard. Rarity with history will make the interior more original, and as a bonus - saved money. If you have the skills to assemble various useful items for the home, then you can even make it yourself with your own hands. To do this, just follow the link to the article with instructions“Cabinet for shoes”.

Idea number 2

A special compact shoe rack takes up little space, but holds a lot of pairs. A roomy and practical shoe storage system can be used for the whole family.

Idea number 3

Cornices can also be used to place shoes and boots. Attach them along the wall of the hallway or dressing room and they will give the interior a missing twist.

Idea number 4

Boots are particularly inconvenient, as they take up a lot of space in full length, and they cannot be folded. To solve the problem of storing boots, attach them to a hanger. Hang the hangers with boots in the closet and you will save space. You can also use trouser racks for this purpose.

Idea number 5

DIY do-it-yourself pouf transformer or purchased, perfect for storing shoes, any - and your favorite shoes, and winter boots. At a traditional ottoman, you can not only sit down and change shoes, but also by opening the lid and removing unnecessary shoes.

Idea number 6

Treat the old cargo pallet with sandpaper, paint it in your favorite color and use it as a shoe shelf.

Idea number 7:

  1. From any plastic pipe of large diameter, make a shelf.
  2. Cut the pipe into several equal parts. The length of the cylinders should be slightly longer than the length of the shoe.
  3. Sand the edges of the pieces of pipe and paint the cylinders in any color.
  4. You can glue the elements with superglue or fasten with a belt or rubber band.

Important! Such a system for storing shoes will be very practical, reliable, durable. So - the question of how to properly store shoes will disappear for a long time, even if you have a lot of models for each season.

Idea number 8

For shoes with heels, you can use the usual ladder, which, if necessary, wrap with cloth or dye.

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How to store shoes if there is not enough space?

If you have a small apartment, then use all the empty niches and secluded places to store the shoe “arsenal”. We offer you some simple ideas to help organize your storage system:

  1. Slim cupboard. A special chest of drawers has three horizontal compartments and several vertical compartments. Shelves in the chest of drawers open 180 degrees, which is very convenient. You can store shoes and shoes in such a cabinet in the hallway, and at the same time do not stumble on them. Compact slim cabinet fits even in the smallest apartment.
  2. Hinged shelves. Hang the shelves in the hallway and place boots and boots on them. Shoes will not interfere with daily cleaning, because all shoes will be stored on weight.
  3. Under the curtain on the bed. Of course, you can fold the boxes with shoes under the bed, but if the place is already taken, beat the bar around the perimeter of the bed, on which you can conveniently hang packages with shoes and shoes. If from above all the “wealth” is covered with a curtain, then the guests will not even guess about it.
  4. Moldings. If you still have excess moldings after the repair, then use them. Nail the moldings around the perimeter of the hallway or closet and hang on them high heel shoes.
  5. Hidden bookcase. If you don’t like the look of hanging shoes, then hide it on a shoe rack installed in a niche and curtain the arsenal with a curtain.
  6. Padded stool with a secret. Inside the ottoman you can store not only shoes, but also shoe care products and other little things.
  7. Boxes covered with fabric. If you do not have a ottoman, then borrow an idea and ordinary cardboard boxes sheathe with a cloth or bright oilcloth. Such boxes can be stored both in the closet and under the table. Homemade containers can be used as bedside tables or makeshift coffee tables.
  8. Wooden boxes. It is best to use boxes for wine, but ordinary boxes also work, just nail two diagonal crossbars. The bottom of the box can be removed and attached to the wall or placed vertically on the floor.
  9. Clothes hangers.
  10. Colored rubber bands. Fix durable multi-colored elastic bands on the wall and store sneakers or ballet shoes in them.
  11. Retractable shelving unit. If you have the opportunity to make a deep niche in the hallway wall, then use it for a retractable shelf.
  12. Cloth organizers. Use such systems to store small-sized shoes — slippers, ballet shoes, and low-shoe shoes. Hang the fixtures in the closet or on the back of the screen in the bedroom.
  13. Hangers for towels. These devices can be used to store slippers.
  14. Hooks on the wall. This option is good for laced sports shoes. Nail the decorative hooks in the hallway and hang children's shoes or men's shoes, securing them with laces.
  15. Use special shoe hangers for boots.
  16. Plastic and cloth suitcases. Such organizers are very convenient to store under the bed or in the closet.

Important! We hope that you have come up with ideas and tips regarding shoes and you will be interested in other information from our site. We have prepared another detailed review, recommendations from which will help you quickly and easily clean your wardrobe.

Useful Tips:

  • If you are a fan of minimalism, then knock down several planks at a short distance from each other, and hammer stakes of different sizes into the planks. Wear baby shoes or shoes on small pegs, and boots on larger pegs.
  • If the apartment has a niche, then use it “to the fullest”: create a mini-rack, fill in hooks or shelves. Along the wall, using nails and wire, create some kind of figure on which it will be convenient to hang ballet shoes and slippers.
  • For lovers of extraordinary solutions, we propose to create a glass drum with knitting needles, between which shoes of the same size will fit.You can make such a drum for every member of the family - your child will definitely like to spin such a drum, and the shoeing process will turn into a game.
  • If you have a balcony, you can organize a shoe storage system there using compact racks and bedside tables. But keep in mind that the balcony must be heated, as neither leather nor patent shoes can be kept in the cold.
  • Only store clean, dry shoes. In addition, it must be disinfected. For this purpose, use vinegar: soak a cotton swab in the product and leave it inside the shoe for the whole day.
  • Store expensive exclusive shoes with pads inserted in it.

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How to store shoes in a closet?

If you have a very small apartment and it is not possible to allocate a separate room for arranging a place for the seasonal shoe storage system, you will have to look for free space in the framework of personal rooms. For example, in the bedroom space it is easiest to equip:

  1. Several shelves for shoes in a cabinet, cabinet or built-in.
  2. A retractable shelf built into the cabinet with a small number of tilted shelves. Such a rack can accommodate seasonal shoes of a small family. If you plan to store boots, and not just summer shoes, in such a closet, then increase the distance between the shelves.
  3. Open drawers with dividers are another option for storing shoes in a closet. If the cabinet is deep enough, then the drawers will help you save space, plus - you can place all the seasonal shoes in one place.
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Stock footage

There is always not enough storage space for shoes, and this does not depend on the size of the home and the number of cabinets. Use all the nooks and crannies to correctly and comfortably organize a shoe storage system in your apartment. The main thing is not only to free up space in the apartment, but also to maintain the attractive appearance of shoes and boots during storage.

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