DIY denim jumpsuit

For many years, jeans are considered the most versatile part of the wardrobe, because they are not only incredibly practical and convenient, but can also last for many years before they are completely worn out. But people are constantly inventing something new and altering old jeans over and over again. You can make wonderful shorts or a skirt, children's clothes, and even a bag from them. If you include fantasy, you can come up with many more options for their transformation. Today we will learn how to sew a denim overalls with your own hands for your child. Why a jumpsuit? The fact is that this is the most comfortable clothing, especially for the hot season.

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What pattern is suitable for tailoring children's jeans overalls?

If you already have experience in sewing, then, in principle, you can independently make a pattern, because there is nothing complicated in it. But needlewomen just starting their creative paths are better off using a pattern taken from the Internet or magazine. In the global network there are many sites devoted to needlework.

And you need to prepare just a few details:

  • Four coquette.
  • Four lower parts from which the bodice will be sewn.
  • Grinding the upper cut.
  • A couple of patch pockets.
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Tailoring of children's overalls from old jeans

Now we will examine in detail, using the example of a simple model, how to sew a jumpsuit from our jeans that have fallen into disrepair. It’s better to start making needlework with children's things, because it takes a little time and materials to make them.

Prepare the following materials and tools:

  • Old jeans.
  • Fabric for the manufacture of the upper part.
  • Threads in color.
  • Remnant or crayon.
  • Scissors for cutting.
  • Centimeter tape.
  • A set of needles or pins for sewing.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Decorations for decorating the finished overalls.

korotkie-modeli-iz-denima-1024x767The phased production of overalls looks like this:

  1. Transfer the pattern to the fabric and cut out all the details.
  2. Sew together the elements of the front of the overalls in two, and sew the yoke to the very bottom.

Important! If desired, you can sew patch pockets and harnesses to it, and this should be done at this stage.

  1. On the same principle, sew together the elements of the back of the product.
  2. Connect the two halves of the overalls, sew them on the side seams and sew them on the machine.
  3. Sew the stitched cuff along the bottom edge of the cut at the front.
  4. Sew step seams. And to make the jumpsuit look more impressive, try to do the same line as the manufacturers of jeans clothes do.
  5. Sew all parts along the seam of the seat. Be sure to leave 10 centimeters free at the front. Seam seam allowances, flatten them at the back and front.
  6. Now go on to the details. It is better to sew them also from denim. Sew them to the back, and fasten the front with special clasps.
  7. Using the prepared grind, connect the elements of the front and back parts along the side seams. Sew side seams, hem and hem sections.
  8. Sew the front sections of the clasp, and also leave 10 centimeters free. Smooth the allowances.
  9. Using sewing needles, attach non-sewn parts, i.e. hem and shoulder straps. Sew them to the product on the sewing machine.
  10. Turn the inside out, manually sweep it and make the finishing line on the typewriter.

Everything is ready!

Thanks to this detailed instruction, we learned how to sew a children's denim overalls step by step.

Important! In the same way, you can sew an adult model. The only thing that will have to be taken as a basis is more fabric for the jumpsuit itself and buy auxiliary material for the manufacture of additional elements.

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Decorating children's denim overalls

Overalls made from old jeans can be decorated to your taste, in principle, there are no strict restrictions on this issue:

  • If you sewed a denim overalls for a boy with your own hands, then you can decorate it with unusual buttons, applications and thermal stickers with the image of superheroes.
  • You can decorate the model for the girl with beads, rhinestones and bright jewelry that they simply adore.
  • If the child is already not quite small, then you need to try to make him as stylish as possible, consistent with the latest fashion trends. For example, you can make scuffs and holes on it.

Important! Denim overalls with bright inserts from other materials look very fashionable. For such purposes, it is better to choose a fabric that is very different in texture from jeans, for example, rough leather or lace.

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That's all the wisdom of tailoring overalls with your own hands from jeans. We hope you succeeded in this model and will not be the last in your creative process of updating your wardrobe with your own hands.

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