Clothing is electrified - what to do?

A beautiful outfit can spoil even the smallest detail, for example, when synthetic clothing does not flow and does not lie on the figure, as its owner expects. Many women know firsthand about the problem of electrifying clothes, because sticking a skirt or dress to the body causes great discomfort. Statics occurs when using synthetic fabrics, as well as with increased dryness of linen. Fortunately, the problem can be avoided using simple but effective methods. In this article, we will give simple tips on what to do if your clothes are electrified.

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What is antistatic for?

In the process of wearing clothes made of fabrics, even with a small amount of synthetics, static electricity accumulates on the surface. As a result of this, clothes stick to the body, various small particles are attracted to it: dust, villi, hairs. This not only causes discomfort, but spoils the condition of the laundry.

To avoid this problem, the use of antistatic agents is the most effective way. Due to the chemical composition, antistatic not only removes static charge, but also prevents its accumulation. However, it is important to observe two simple rules:

  • spraying is recommended in a well-ventilated area, as the antistatic agent has a characteristic persistent odor;
  • you can not simultaneously process tights and a skirt - this will lead to strong adhesion of fabrics to each other.

Important! Carefully read the composition of the product. The strong chemical composition of the antistatic agent can cause an allergic reaction, as well as provoke an asthma attack if used improperly.

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Simple ways to take static off clothing

There are several simple but effective ways to do if the dress sticks to tights or the body:

  • Using an antistatic wipe. Lift the skirt or hem of the dress, on the inside, treat it with an antistatic cloth. Such a tool perfectly eliminates static charge, while the effect lasts a long time.

Important! A big plus of this method is that there are no wet marks and stains on clothes, as when using cheap antistatic sprays.

  • Spraying water from a spray bottle onto clothes helps to remove static from clothing for a short time. This effect is due to the fact that the charge is formed only on very dry tissue, and with the help of moisture this can be avoided. It is necessary to spray quite a bit of water so that there are no wet spots.
  • The use of an antistatic spray helps permanently eliminate electrification. The product must be sprayed in the place where it most feels the effects of static. As a rule, one use is enough for almost the whole day. And the compactness of the product allows you to carry it in your purse and apply if necessary.

Important! You can buy an antistatic in a household store or cook it yourself at home.

  • In order to slightly moisturize the body or clothes, you can use body lotion or hair spray, preferably without perfumes to avoid smell. Apply the product on your hands, and then treat the place where the static charge is felt most. In this case, you can process both the body and the clothes directly.

Important! The disadvantage of this method is that there is a high probability of the appearance of wet spots, which can be removed only by washing.

  • To transfer a charge of electricity from a body or clothes, you can touch any metal object, due to this, the current will pass from you to the iron.

Important! The disadvantage of this method is a slight discharge of current, which you will probably feel by hand. In addition, the tool is not reliable, since the static is constantly accumulating, and it will be necessary to periodically eliminate the electrification by a similar method.

  • Using clothes made from natural fabrics is the most reliable way to avoid the accumulation of static electricity. However, such things cost a little more, and it is not always possible to choose an outfit made from natural materials.
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How to avoid static on clothes?

In winter, as well as in rooms with low humidity, clothing is almost always electrified. What to do in such a situation, if there are no necessary funds at hand? It turns out that this problem can be avoided in advance, even when choosing synthetic fabrics.

Here are some helpful tips:

  • To avoid static problems at work or at home, you can increase the humidity of the room. Dry air is one of the main reasons for the accumulation of static charge on things. A humidifier will help radically solve this problem. After a few days of constant operation of the device, the static on things disappears on its own.
  • Proper washing of the laundry is not only necessary for the effective removal of dirt, but also helps to combat the electrification of things. So, it is recommended to wash synthetic things manually or in a washing machine at low speeds. Plus, during washing, you can add a little soda to the powder so that it subsequently undergoes less electrification. And during drying, put an antistatic cloth inside the dress or skirt when it is still wet.

Important! Walking barefoot before trying on synthetic clothes is a little trick that will help to avoid the accumulation of static. The thing is that the charge goes directly to the floor covering, and very few charged particles remain on the surface of the body. It is enough to walk barefoot on the floor a little, and only then put on clothes.

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Practical tips:

  • If the clothes are strongly electrified after washing, the main reason for this is the washing machine overdries the laundry. To do this, you can turn off the automatic spin or reduce the number of revolutions so that the clothes after washing are slightly damp.
  • Hard water can also cause static buildup on the dress. To avoid this, it is recommended to constantly use a fabric softener or add a pinch of soda to the powder.
  • Follow the instructions on the label carefully. If only dry cleaning is acceptable, then the item must not be washed. This can not only lead to deterioration of the fabric, but also cause increased electrification of things.
  • When using a spray bottle with water, you can add a little fabric softener with a neutral odor to the liquid, and then shake the container well. A similar tool can remove static electricity from carpets.

Important! When using wet products, whether water or an antistatic spray, be careful not to accidentally wet the dress. The formation of wet spots is a common problem when using similar methods.

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Every woman has at least once encountered a problem when her skirt is “electrolyzed” and sticks to tights. What to do in such a situation - few know. What to do so that clothes are not magnetized? There are many methods to avoid accumulating charge on the tissue. To do this, you only need to follow the washing rules, and if necessary use special antistatic agents. Which ones - you now know, thanks to this article.


