What are coats made of?

For many years in a row, the coat has been at the peak of popularity, because this is the very thing that will help to look stylish and attractive even in the coldest weather. A properly selected coat will hide your imperfections and emphasize your merits, so you need to take his choice seriously and not spare the money to buy a quality item that will last you for many years. A natural question arises, what is worth paying attention to and how to make the right choice? Consider the different options from which the coat is made, so that it is easier to choose the right model.

Important! When it comes to choosing a coat, many are guided by newfangled trends. But this is only suitable for those who plan to wear their coat for only a few seasons, because in this case it will quickly go out of fashion. Those who want to wear this wardrobe item for several years should turn to the classical style without a large number of different decorative elements.

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Coat selection by shape

Before thinking about which fabric to choose a coat from, it is very important to choose a coat according to your figure. And here there are clear recommendations from stylists.

Coat for the type of figure “pear”

This type of figure characterizes:

  • small breasts;
  • thin waist;
  • narrow shoulders;
  • wide hips.

In this case, you need to choose a model with a large spectacular collar, a straight cut and a belt that distinguishes the waist.

Important! A large collar will help to balance the wide hips, and a belt will indicate the waist and create a balance between the large collar and the lower folds.

Coat for the type of figure “apple”

In this case, the young lady is decorated with:

  • narrow shoulders and hips;
  • wide waist.

It is necessary to choose a fitted coat with a zipper or with one row of buttons. Or you can pay attention to the asymmetric cut model, which will distract attention from the middle part of the figure.

Important! But double-breasted coats with large collars and shortened models should be avoided. It is also worth abandoning the shoulder pads and protruding trim elements.

Coat for a rectangular type of figure

In this case, we have the same shoulders, waist and hips.

For this type of figure, you need to choose a model that visually reduces the middle and increases the upper and lower parts, that is, it helps to create a shape. A tight coat flared to the bottom, and with a belt emphasizing the waist, is suitable.

Important! Patch pockets, various accessories, as well as double-breasted collars, which help add volume to the bust area, are also suitable.

Coat for a triangular type of figure

Owners of such a figure have:

  • narrow shoulders;
  • wide hips.

Suitable models with wide collars, appliques, fur inserts, decorative buttons, wide sleeves. All this will distract attention from the wide hips.

Important! It is good if there is a belt on the coat to emphasize the waist.

Inverted triangle figure coat

With the help of a coat, you can also adjust a figure that is distinguished by a large chest, narrow hips and broad shoulders.

It is necessary to choose a model that will visually increase the lower body. To do this, the coat at the bottom should have folds, patch pockets and other details expanding the bottom, and be sure to focus on the waist.

Important! Large collars will make your shoulders even wider, so they should be avoided.

Hourglass figure coat

If you have a version of the figure in which the shoulders and hips are the same, and the waist is pronounced, also take note of the special recommendations for choosing a coat.

It is necessary to choose a model that will fit the figure in shape or taper to the bottom, and be sure to emphasize the waist.

Important! When choosing a coat according to the figure, one must take into account the growth:

  • For short women, it is advisable to choose a coat just below or just above the knees. Long and wide coats will make you visually even lower.
  • On tall women, elongated models with a belt will look good. Do not be afraid to emphasize your height, but make sure that the sleeves are long enough, otherwise the coat will look as if you grew out of it.
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What to look for when trying on?

  • When you buy a coat, try to ensure that someone close to you is with you so that you can evaluate your appearance during the fitting. In this case, the seller’s opinion is most likely not to be objective, since he is interested in selling this product.
  • If you choose a winter coat, it is best to wear a thick sweater from your wardrobe when trying on, so that the coat does not turn out to be small and tight afterwards.
  • There should be no creases on the back and armpits.
  • Sleeves should not be short, they should end in the middle of the palms.
  • When bringing your hands together in front of you, your coat should not be pulled very tight on your back.

Important! The coat should sit well on the shoulders, not pull them off and not hang down.

Much attention should be paid to the quality of the product, otherwise - you just wasted your money. This is evidenced by:

  • The same length, including sleeves.
  • Perfectly smooth seams without protruding threads inside or outside.
  • Lack of roughness, the product should not bubble or sag.
  • The edge of the sleeve should be tucked in at least two centimeters, and the bottom of the product - three centimeters.
  • The lining should be of dense high-quality fabric, and for winter coats it is also equipped with a heater.
  • Neat, symmetrical pockets and lapels.

Now consider what fabrics make a coat. The assortment is represented by woolen and cotton fabrics.

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Woolen coat fabrics

General characteristic of coat fabrics: it is a dense fabric that has high heat-shielding properties.

Depending on the weave, the composition of the thread and some other characteristics, they are divided into several subgroups:

  • pile;
  • cloth;
  • fine-cloth;
  • worsted.

Consider the most popular types of coat fabrics.

Worsted Subgroup

The main distinguishing feature of worsted fabrics is a clear weave pattern on the front side. These tissues are.


It is a plain and dense material made from merino wool. On the front surface there is a small textured corner hem.

The main advantage that attracts many buyers is its water resistance. Has a tough texture, almost no creases.

Important! Uniform and suits are sewn from it, this is the best fabric for a light coat.



This is a dense, elastic, one-colored material made only of wool. On the front side is a shallow double hem, running at an angle. Also very interesting fabric for a coat.


This is a semi-woolen coat fabric, which, in addition to wool, is viscosenitron or capron.

The main characteristics include the fact that it stretches well and drapes. Shallow or plain weave technology is used.

Important! The material has a rough surface and does not crease, which is ideal as a fabric for a coat.


Another option that a coat is made of. The composition of this fabric, in addition to wool, includes mohair or acrylic, is made according to the technology of fine or complex weaving.

This one-faced fabric with a fluffy surface has a loose structure, so it quickly gets dirty. Another drawback of the boucle is the quick appearance of puffs and elongated loops. If you decide to buy a model of outerwear from this fabric, you will have to properly care for it in the future.


The fabric has a mixed composition. As a rule, this is wool plus viscose or acrylic. In its manufacture, combined weaving is used, as a result of which a material with a dense texture is obtained.

Important! Skirts, suits, jackets and coats are sewn from tweed.


It is a soft and warm fabric made of llama or camel wool. Sometimes a vigon is called a blended cotton fabric with the addition of woolen fibers.


One of the most expensive coat fabrics, is made by twill weaving from very thin threads and has a mixed composition, the basis of which is the undercoat of cashmere goats.

Such a fabric is very soft, it retains heat well, is very pleasant to wear, but it quickly rolls and wipes.


Wool dense fabric with a short combed pile on the outside.

Subclinical subgroup

The main feature of these fabrics is a relief surface with a pattern. They are made from fine or semi-fine wool. According to the composition of the fiber, the material can be pure-wool or mixed.

As an additive, kapron, polyester, nitron or cotton threads and fibers are used.

Important! Used for tailoring demi-season coats. Such fabrics include drape and cloth.

Thin-cloth drapes

These are thick, heavy fabrics that are produced by simple, combined weaves, they can be one-, one and a half- and two-layer:

  • Single-layer drapes are the thinnest and lightest, of which, as a rule, sew children's and women's coats.
  • Two-face weave fabrics have a large thickness, density and have high heat-shielding properties. They are used for sewing men's and women's coats and are pure-woolen or half-woolen.

Fine-drapery drapes include velor, ratin and flacon:

  • Velor is a pure-wool material with a double-faced weave, which is subjected to strong rolls and napping during the finishing process, due to which a thick, short pile is formed on the surface of the fabric. True, it is wiped with a long wear.
  • Ratin is also a pure-wool drape of double-faced weaving from hardware yarn. After felling, teasing, cutting and styling, the pile lies in thin strips diagonally. It has a beautiful appearance and high wear resistance.

Important! This fabric can only be ironed on the wrong side, followed by steaming the pile.

  • Flacome is similar to ratin, but has a different nap pattern.

Fine Cloth

A small group of dense fabrics produced from hardware yarn with plain weave. They can also be half-woolen and pure-woolen.

Coarse-cloth subgroup

The fabrics of this subgroup are made from coarse hardware wool with twill weaving, often from recovered raw materials. They are heavy, dense, retain heat well, wear-resistant.

Important! Among the shortcomings can be called stiffness and poor drape.

From them sew blankets and uniform outerwear. Coarse-cloth is produced from coarse or semi-coarse wool and can also be pure-woolen and half-woolen.

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Cotton band

Coat fabric made of cotton fibers is used for sewing summer and demi-season clothes.


Heavy fabric, which is characterized by high wear resistance, is obtained by reinforced satin weave. Most often used for sewing workwear.

Corduroy Rib

On the front surface, the material has small relief bands with a short pile.

Corduroy cord

It is characterized by rounded strips of pile located along the length of the fabric, 3-5 mm wide. Of all the pile fabrics, it is the heaviest.

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All of the above standard canvases are far from everything a coat is made of. For tailoring outerwear can be used textured materials that are not related to coat, but are amenable to drapery. For example, brocade or jacquard.

For warming, a synthetic winterizer is used. Such a coat will warm no worse than a woolen coat, and the protective properties of a synthetic winterizer make these clothes ideal for rainy weather, because the wool loses its attractive appearance from moisture.

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This, of course, is far from a complete list of all possible options. Which fabric is best for a coat is for you to decide, because each person has the same material that causes different sensations when touched.

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