What yarn is better to knit a Lalo cardigan?

Cardigan is one of the favorite items of clothing of many fashionistas. It is always relevant and indispensable in the wardrobe. And all thanks to its versatility in wear. The cardigan goes well with a cute dress, and with classic jeans, and business trousers, and with an elegant skirt. This attribute of outerwear will make your look elegant and stylish, and in addition, it will give warmth. An incredibly chic look differs in such a variety of this clothing as a Lalo cardigan. What is it, what yarn is better to knit a cardigan bark with your own hands, we will consider further.

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Stylish cardigan bark - what is it?

What sets this jumper apart from other knitwear? It got its name thanks to its creators: two sisters from Georgia, whose names are Lalo and Nino Dolidze. The name of one of them became a household name for this type of clothing.

It is very easy to find a cardigan among other models - its mandatory features are:

  • Large soft patterns in the form of braids.
  • Smooth color gradient.

These are the main characteristics that should be observed if you decide to knit a cardigan with your own hands. In the classic version, the length of the cardigan is slightly higher than the middle of the thigh, and its style is free.

Important! Additional elements can be added already at your discretion, as well as slightly changing the style of the product: the sleeves can be shortened, a thin elastic band can be made along the hem, a removable wide belt can be added, etc.

This cardigan will undoubtedly become one of the most beloved items of your wardrobe, because it surely won wide popularity among many demanding fashionistas.

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Which yarn is better for a bark cardigan?

Before you start the process of knitting a cardigan, you must purchase the appropriate thread. What yarn is better to knit a Lalo cardigan? We can advise you on such options:

  1. Threads consisting of natural wool, complemented by mohair and acrylic. The ratio of all elements to each other should be in proportion: 40, 45 and 15.
  2. Yarn from merino wool with the addition of acrylic and cashmere. The ratio of the components is: 55, 40 and 5.

Important! It is better to use thin threads to make the gradient beautiful and effective. When choosing, focus on a composition in which the percentage of wool and acrylic is higher.

The amount of yarn depends on the number of shades that are needed to create the gradient effect. Optimal - four colors. In this case, you will need about 1.6 kg of threads: 16 balls of 100 g each. The length of the thread in the skein reaches 800 m.

Important! If you use the feedback of experienced needlewomen regarding which yarn is better to knit a lalan cardigan, then you should pay attention to the manufacturer “Alize”, namely, “Lanagold 800”.

If you have not decided which yarn is better to knit a cardigan from Lalo, then there are such options from thicker threads:

  • Yarn of the Brilliant trademark. The density of these threads is an order of magnitude higher, so their length is less than that of the “Lanagold 800”, and equals 380 m per 100 g of one skein. For a Lalo cardigan, you will need to purchase about 1.8 kg of such yarn.
  • Threads “Phildar”. This yarn will also be enough for you about 1.6 kg.
  • Yarn “Elegant” of the “Vita” trademark. It consists of: 30% acrylic and 70% wool. A skein weighs 100 g, and the length of the thread is 400 m. Therefore, it is better to buy 1.8 kg of yarn.
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Necessary tools and materials

Lalo cardigan to do with your own hands will not be difficult if you have all the necessary materials and tools for this:

  • Suitable yarn in several shades. To get the required number of skeins of each color, divide their total number by the number of shades.

Important! For example, if you need 16 balls, and you will make a gradient of 4 tones, then you need to take four each.

  • Circular knitting needles. Their thickness should be equal to 5 mm.
  • Knitting needles 3 mm thick, which are necessary for knitting overlaps.
  • The needle with which you will sew the elements together.
  • Markers for loops. Although they are not required, they greatly simplify the work.
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How to make a smooth gradient cardigan Lalo?

The complex and most important task of creating a cardigan bark with your own hands is a soft gradient. It can be the most diverse, and not necessarily the transition should be from dark to lighter shade, because you can experiment:

  • The gradient of two opposite tones will be very interesting. Of course, such work will be more complicated than with related colors, but such a cardigan will look extravagant.

Important! Based on the selected color palette of the product, you should focus on the desired number of skeins of yarn and their colors.

  • Colors close to each other can be combined in one shade. For example, the transition from green to blue can be decorated in turquoise color.
  • But contrasting colors will require more threads in color, at least three. For example, to smoothly switch from red to green, you will need to use orange, then yellow and then lime. The saturation of tones is also important: the closer it is, the more harmonious the gradient will be.

Important! To make the gradient as smooth and soft as possible, it is best to use four or five shades. The product will then look at the highest level.

So, the cardigan barked - how to make a beautiful gradient with your own hands? The technique is as follows:

  1. Knitting begins in three threads of the main color.
  2. After several repetitions of patterns (rapports) in height, you need to cut one thread and attach a thread of the second shade to this place.
  3. Again we continue knitting a few centimeters high.
  4. Next - cut the second thread, again we attach the yarn of the second shade.
  5. After the same number, we cut off the third thread next to it, thus completely replacing the color with a second shade.

Important! All actions must be repeated at each transition from one shade to the next.

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Lalo cardigan - knitting process

Another uniqueness of the cardigan barked in its “ostentatious” shapelessness of the cut. Therefore, its size, in fact, is universal, suitable for a dimensional grid in the range 42-48. If your size is larger or smaller than the specified parameters, then you will already have to adjust the size of the product in one braid: either add or remove.

Important! The width of the braid pattern is 30-32 loops.

Cardigan barked with her own hands fits in this pattern:

  1. Knitting gum.
  2. Knitting of the main fabric of the product, which involves the alternation of the wrong and facial knitting.
  3. The overlap of the braid, which is formed due to the removal of 16 loops and their transfer to another, non-working, knitting needle.
  4. Knitting the remaining 16 stitches, and immediately after them - removed from the knitting needle.

Product back

The process of manufacturing a cardigan begins with knitting the back, and, in the direction from the bottom up. The back consists of six braids, each of which includes 32 loops. From the armhole, the width of the back is gradually reduced - in the end, four braids should remain on top.

Step-by-step instructions on how to tie a cardigan bark do it yourself:

  1. We collect a chain of 204 loops. The first 4-5 rows are knitted with an ordinary elastic band 3 by 3. In the future, they are not taken into account in the knitting process.
  2. Knit the back to the 30th row, alternating the two wrong loops with 32 front loops. But do not forget about the two edge loops around the edges.
  3. On row 30, an overlap of all the braids is done. For braids of the back from the right side, the transfer of the removed 16 loops must be done before work, and the left - vice versa.
  4. From the 97th row to the 115th, it is necessary to reduce the loops in each odd row. The order will be as follows: 4, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 4, 4. Decrease should be done on each side of the back.
  5. Tie up to 120 rows, then you need to overlap, and after another seven - close the canvas.


In front of a cardigan

Shelves are also knitted from the bottom up. For a pattern of braids on the left side make a slope to the right, and vice versa. Each shelf consists of four braids that fit exactly the same way as the back. Only the number of stitches is 138, of which:

  • Edge loops - 4 pieces, two on each side.
  • Wrong, which are distributed between the pigtails, - 6.
  • Front loops - 128.

Cardigan barked with his own hands - we knit before step by step:

  1. To start, we knit exactly the same gum that we did on the back.
  2. We knit the shelves to the 90th row, and then on each 30th row, overlap the braids.
  3. From the 97th row, when the armhole begins, begin to remove the loops. On each shelf, you need to remove one scythe.
  4. On the 127th row, close the loops, but leave the last loops of the left braid and the first loops of the right unclosed, since there will be a cardigan collar.

We knit the sleeves of a cardigan lalo

Each of the sleeves consists of 104 loops:

  • Edge - 4.
  • Wrong loops between braids - 4.
  • The front loops of the pattern are 96.

The process is as follows:

  1. We collect a chain of 104 loops, again we knit the elastic, as before.
  2. We knit our pattern to the 30th row, on which we overlap, and then continue on to the 51st.
  3. On rows 52 and 56, we add two loops on both sides. This is repeated in the range of 61-65 and 69-81 rows.
  4. We tie the sleeves to the 90th row, do the overlap braid.
  5. In rows 95 and 99 inclusive, we close two loops. We do the same from 100 to 102, but four loops should be closed, and in row 103 again 2.
  6. In rows 106 and 107, it is necessary to reduce the loops to 2 braids.
  7. Close the knit after the 122nd row.


The final stage of knitting is a cardigan collar. We return to the shelves on which we still have open loops, and do the following:

  1. Knit the two halves of the collar with a standard pattern to the required length. Transfer in one part before the canvas of the product, and in the second after.
  2. Sew the ends, and then sew to the back.
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As you can see, you can independently update your wardrobe with stylish clothes. It’s not difficult to knit a cardigan with her own hands, but rather it is pleasant, anticipating the fruits of her work and how this beautiful element of clothing will transform you.

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