How to clean suede boots at home?

Suede shoes, whether they are graceful women's boots or brutal men's shoes, always look very elegant, stylish and rich. However, the joy of acquiring such a beautiful pair of shoes can be overshadowed by the fear of spoiling it with sloppy socks or illiterate care. In order to always look like new shoes and serve you for many years, you need to take care of it daily. Today we will tell you how to clean suede black boots at home, and teach you to properly and accurately approach the process of caring for such products.
to contents ↑Suede Care Basics
Daily attention to the condition of boots and shoes, as well as the use of the best shoe care products, all help make suede products look great. Accuracy and timeliness - these are the main factors of competent care for boots and boots made of suede. Anyone who knows how to clean suede boots from white stains can flaunt in a luxurious pair of shoes at any time of the year, and even snow will not be able to spoil the appearance of the product.
The main stages of caring for shoes from suede:
- Daily care - guarantees an effective and timely struggle with problems. Make it a rule - in the evening, clean shoes with a special brush, even in the absence of visible dirt. If spots, stains or creases appear on the surface of the product, then special formulations cannot be dispensed with.
Important! There are a lot of recommendations on the Internet how to clean suede boots, but untested tips should be treated with caution. First, check the effect of the composition on an inconspicuous area so as not to spoil your favorite pair of shoes. In addition, choose a specific cleaning method depending on the color of the suede, the degree and nature of the dirt.
- Shoe protection is the best “attack” in the fight against dirt. Before leaving the house, especially in bad weather, shoes must be treated with a special protective compound. This technique minimizes problems, because after using such products you do not need to constantly worry about how to clean suede boots from dirt.
Important! New suede shoes must be treated with a water repellent 3 times in a row, each time waiting for the product to dry completely.
- Proper drying will help keep the shoe in shape. Since the most popular suede models are used in demi-season and winter time, the problem of proper drying of the product is extremely important. Do not use heating appliances for drying, as this can provoke deformation of the product.
Important! It is recommended to stuff shoes with paper during drying, changing them regularly as they get wet.
- Use of professional care products. The modern market for suede care products offers many compositions of different consistencies and different purposes. For example:
- for shoes with little pollution, you can use lotion, foam or cleaner;
- if spots appear on the surface - special shampoos, stain remover or eraser.
Important! The use of purchased funds does not exclude the possibility of involving folk - soap solution, vinegar and chalk. In some cases, they can be no less effective than expensive store sprays and shampoos.
Basic rules for the care of suede shoes
How to wash uncleaned shoes so as not to spoil the material? In order not to spoil your favorite pair of shoes, follow simple rules:
- Start cleaning only after the shoes are thoroughly dry. Wet suede absorbs dirt very easily. Therefore, if you start wiping it right away, then the dirt particles will sink even deeper.
- Do not use creams or waxes for smooth leather shoes when caring for suede.
- Use only specialized products to care for suede products.
- In no case should you wash your suede boots under running water.
- When cleaning the product, be careful not to press the brush too hard. Otherwise, the pile will hesitate. The movements should be soft and light. Point the brush only one way.
- Do not dry your boots near central heating batteries, as the skin will become stiff and deformed.
- Never wear boots if they are not completely dry after cleaning or after wearing in wet weather.
Essential Shoe Care Tools
Suede shoes are an acquisition that draws new purchases. Following a pair of suede shoes, you have to buy an arsenal of various jars and bottles with creams, sprays, foams and lotions. In addition, to clean suede boots at home, you need related products, such as brushes of various shapes.
Sample list of acquisitions for suede:
- Brushes. The classic version of the brush is hard rubber. Porous material is also suitable. Brushes will help to clean all dirt from the surface of the shoe and straighten the fibers, giving the product a beautiful well-groomed appearance. The rubber material of the brush will allow you to get rid of grease stains on the surface. When caring for products made of suede, you may need a brush with a long hard pile.
- Spray and water repellent impregnation. The tool will help create a protective layer on the surface of the product, which will prevent the penetration of dirt and the appearance of spots, and will not allow moisture to spoil the material.
Important! Buy funds in specialized stores, as only they can guarantee the quality of products.
- Foam for cleaning suede shoes. This is the most popular option for getting rid of any pollution. It is only necessary to contact him in a timely manner, without postponing the cleaning process for a week.
- Dye. A means in the form of a cream or aerosol is necessary if the shoes lose their original brightness. In simple cases, a natural dye can help, and in more complex cases, cream paint.
- Use shoe care products depending on the material. Products made of natural suede are much more susceptible to the negative effects of moisture than shoes made of artificial material.
- Do not use the same technique and care products for shoes made of different materials, otherwise the product may be damaged.
- Clean natural suede with a brush and dry the faux leather suede with a damp cloth or sponge.
to contents ↑Important! If you don’t have a special suede brush on hand, use a regular toothbrush and a student eraser.
How to clean suede boots at home?
Depending on the type of pollution, two methods are used:
- Dry clean.
- Wet.
Dry cleaning method
This method allows you to cope with small everyday pollution. Its advantage is that it is impossible to spoil the product using the dry method.
To clean your suede boots from stains quickly and efficiently, proceed as follows:
- Dry your shoes first.
- Turn the brush with the rubber side and lightly clean the surface of the product from dust and dirt.
- If abrasions appear on the material, turn the brush over and rub the surface with wire bristles. Pile will rise and restore the appearance of the product.
- Remove dried mud spray with a piece of medium hard foam.
- Wipe a glossy surface with a dry bread crust.Remove the crumbs with a brush.
- Use the decoy in order to clean the suede boots from stains and update the faded color. First clean the shoes from dust and dirt, dry and sprinkle a small amount of semolina on the dirt or faded area. After a few minutes, gently wipe the treated area with a brush and remove the decoy.
Important! This cleaning method is suitable for products of any color, even white.
- To clean white boots, mix chalk and tooth powder in equal proportions. Sprinkle the mixture with the composition and leave for 2-3 hours. Remove any remaining product with a brush.
- Restoring brown suede will help coffee. Apply coffee grounds to the problem area, allow to dry. Remove coffee residues with a brush.
- You can remove street dust, small debris from suede with double-sided tape. Wind the adhesive tape over a small roller, carefully run it over the entire surface of the product.
If the dry method has not yielded positive results, then wet cleaning will help to remove impurities.
Wet cleaning methods
The market offers more than a dozen products for the care of suede products, but you can use simple folk methods:
- Par.
- Ammonia.
- Soap solution.
- Soda.
- Milk for white boots.
- Petrol.
- Vinegar.
We suggest using the following recipes to solve the problem.
Recipe number 1. Steam
Hot steam can remove most of the dirt and stains.
Important! Heated skin softens under the influence of steam, and cleaning dirt becomes much easier.
Proceed as follows:
- Pour some water into a metal container.
- Put a pot of water on the fire.
- Hold the boots for 2-3 minutes over a pot of boiling water.
- Clean the product with a special brush.
Recipe number 2. Ammonia
Well removes various stains from shoes ammonia. Use the tool as follows:
- Mix ammonia with water in a ratio of 1: 2.
- Moisten a clean sponge in solution.
- Squeeze out the sponge thoroughly.
- Walk in circular motions throughout the problem area, not too pressing the sponge to the surface of the shoe.
- Finish the entire surface of the product for a uniform shade.
- Remove the remaining ammonia with a sponge dampened in clean water.
- Gently pat the surface of the shoe with a dry cloth.
- Dry the boots.
- Treat the shoes with a special brush to raise the pile.
Important! Do not use ammonia in undiluted form, as this will not only worsen the appearance of the product, but will also create unpleasant working conditions. Do not forget that ammonia has an unpleasant odor.
Recipe number 3. Soap solution
If there are no chemicals at hand, then use a soap solution to clean suede boots at home:
- Remove street dust and dirt with a flannel.
- Prepare a soap solution using delicate laundry detergent. You can use laundry soap.
- Treat the solution with contaminated areas.
- Wipe the boots with a damp, clean cloth.
- Give the shoe time to dry and brush.
Recipe number 4. Milk for white suede
To give the product a dazzling white color, use milk:
- In 1 cup skim milk, add 2 teaspoons of soda and 4 drops of ammonia.
- Stir all ingredients thoroughly.
- Dampen a napkin or sponge in the solution.
- Wipe contaminated area thoroughly with a sponge.
- Repeat the procedure until completely cleansed. Try to avoid over-wetting the surface of the product.
- Wipe the boots with a clean, damp sponge.
- Dry the shoes.
Recipe number 5. Vinegar
Only vinegar solution (9%) can be used to clean shoes, since acid significantly reduces the quality of natural materials:
- Use a soft cloth to apply the vinegar solution to the surface of the shoe.
- Wipe the problem areas thoroughly.
- Do not apply a large amount of the product, as suede should only become slightly damp, but not wet.
- After processing, allow the shoes to dry and then brush to make the bristles shiny.
Recipe number 6. Talc and gasoline
If there are too problematic spots on the product that cannot be removed by any of the methods, then use refined gasoline:
- Apply a small amount of refined gasoline to the sponge.
- Wipe the problem area with the product.
- Sprinkle with talcum powder.
- Leave the boots for an hour. During this time, talcum powder will absorb gasoline residues.
- Brush your shoes with a special brush.
Recipe number 7. Talc, chalk and tooth powder from stained spots:
- Moisten the surface of the shoe.
- Coat the moistened surface with gruel, for example, from talc (chalk, tooth powder).
- Leave a pair of shoes for a while.
- Dry your boots with a stiff brush.
- To determine whether the boots are sewn from natural or artificial, spray them with water. Natural suede absorbs drops, and artificial ones they slide. Depending on the type of material, choose a cleaning method.
- Faux suede can be cleaned with a crumb of white bread: rub the problem area, and remove the crumbs with a brush. For wet cleaning, use ordinary soapy water: add a small amount of liquid soap to a glass of water, mix thoroughly and apply the solution on the surface of the product. Wipe the shoes with a soft, damp cloth and dry.
How to clean suede shoes from salt stains?
Salt and chemicals used by utilities in the fight against icy and snow in winter inevitably appear on suede boots. If you do not get rid of the reagents in time, then whitish traces will remain on the shoes. Therefore, try to immediately remove the white salt streaks. The most common way to get rid of stains is a vinegar solution.
You can clean suede boots from white stains as follows:
- Remove dust and street dirt from the surface of the boots.
- Apply 9% vinegar solution to the sponge (1 tbsp. Vinegar in 80-100 grams of water).
- Treat stains with the product.
- Wipe gently with a clean, damp sponge.
- Dry the shoes.
Important! This method is suitable for fresh salt stains. If the stain is quite old, and the salt is eaten into suede, then before the cleaning procedure, hold the boots over steam for 3 minutes (no more). The material should be slightly steamed, but not wet.
- An equally effective method of combating whitish stains is the use of a solution of ammonia (1 tbsp.spoon of ammonia in half a glass of water). After using the composition, be sure to thoroughly wipe the surface with a damp cloth, dry and ventilate the shoes.
- In winter, clean your boots from salt regularly. Take care of the delicate material daily to ensure a worthy effect from your procedures.
We hope that our information helped you choose a way to care for your favorite pair of shoes, and now you know how to clean suede boots at home. Accuracy and attention to detail is the key to maintaining the integrity and attractiveness of suede products. If you adhere to the rules of shoe care and pamper your boots with daily attention, they will delight you with comfort and beauty for many years.
to contents ↑Stock footage
We hope that our information helped you choose a way to care for your favorite pair of shoes, and now you know how to clean suede boots at home. Accuracy and attention to detail is the key to maintaining the integrity and attractiveness of suede products. If you adhere to the rules of shoe care and pamper your boots with daily attention, they will delight you with comfort and beauty for many years.
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