How to iron clothes?

To look tidy and beautiful, you need to not only wash all items of clothing in time, but also be able to iron clothes correctly. For some, this procedure is akin to torture, but if you know some secrets, ironing your clothes will not only be not a tedious task for you, but it may become one of your favorites. It is about how to quickly stroke various things with minimal effort that you learn from this article.

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Rule 1. Suitable convenient iron

How to iron clothes?Before ironing, look at your household tool. Maybe the whole problem of long and diligent efforts to put things in order is just in it? Compare its characteristics with those that we will give below and think about the fact that it is probably time to replace your device.

Ironing clothes will be much easier if the iron has:

  • optimal weight specifically for you - too light or heavy will help your hand get tired quickly;
  • ergonomic and comfortable handle;
  • high-quality non-stick surface of the sole - ideal ceramic;
  • the steaming function, and the holes are evenly distributed over the entire working surface, and not at one point;
  • self-cleaning function - this eliminates the risk of contamination of things and save your time on regular cleaning;
  • the auto-off function is a very necessary and practical property, with such an iron you will not worry about the fact that you may have forgotten to turn it off.
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Rule 2. Correct Ironing Board

To quickly iron clothes and not get tired at the same time, one good iron will not be enough.

Adjust the height of the board. The distance between the elbow and the surface of the board should be 27 cm. Be sure to take into account the position in which you are stroking - if sitting, then set the height of the board in this position, if standing - respectively.

Important! If it is too high or low, the back will become numb, there will be pain in the wrist and the hands will be over-stressed - there may even be a fit.

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Rule 3. Observe the temperature regime for different fabrics.

Underwear can initially be sorted not only by color, but also by type of fabric. You need to start ironing with those products that require the lowest temperature:

  • 50C - nylon, nylon, some types of synthetics;
  • 100C - rayon;
  • 150С - woolen things;
  • 200C - linen and cotton.

Important! To know exactly what clothes and at what temperature to iron - look at the manufacturer's specific recommendations on the label.

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Rule 4. The degree of drying of things

In order to iron the clothes efficiently and not spend too much time on this, you must first properly dry the thing. To do this, consider the following recommendations:

  1. Linen and cotton products are easier to smooth out if they are slightly damp.
  2. Silk is spread only in a completely dry form and from the inside.
  3. Wool, flannel, tweed are dry, but use moist gauze for ironing, plus the last 2 are treated from the inside out.
  4. Color knitwear - slightly moisten, but not just with water, but with a weak vinegar solution.
  5. Velveteen and velvet - ironed only with steam after complete drying and, preferably, in an upright position so as not to take in the pile.
  6. Any material with beads, rhinestones, embroidery is smoothed only through a damp terry towel.
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Rule 5. Iron direction and pressure

How to iron clothes?Long and hard to iron clothes do not like anyone. Yes, this is not necessary at all. Are you sure you are using the iron correctly? Check out the recommendations in the list below to see what exactly you are doing wrong:

  1. Iron linen and knitwear with slow and smooth movements, direction up or down. You can’t hurry in circles to drive an iron over the material.
  2. Bedding items, tablecloths and curtains - handle with light movements, on the front side, slightly moistened.
  3. Dresses should be ironed correctly: seams from the inside, tucks, hem, then all other parts of the thing.
  4. Shirts: collar - from the corners to the middle, first the wrong side, then the front surface, sleeves - from the center to the edges, without forming arrows.
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How to iron things that can not be ironed?

If you find a sign on the item’s label that you can’t iron the laundry, use the following tips to even out the fabric:

  1. Hang over a bowl of hot water so that rising steam straightens the fibers.
  2. Use the vertical steam function by hanging the clothes on a hanger first.
  3. For very dense fabrics, the “steam boost” function is suitable.
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Helpful hints:

  1. Before ironing, make sure that your clothes and iron are clean. Any particles of dirt when heated can simply be soldered to the fabric of the same thing or the next. Removing such stains will be very difficult.
  2. Do not overdry things.
  3. Start ironing things with thinner and more fragile ones that need less temperature and delicate handling. Iron heats much faster than it cools.
  4. Immediately after ironing, allow the fabric to cool slightly, and then fold the product or hang it on a hanger.
  5. Always hang or fold things carefully to avoid having to re-fold the creases.
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Now you know all the rules for how to iron clothes. Use these tips and you can easily cope quickly even with a large pile of erased clothes.

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