How to iron a wedding dress?

On the most responsible and important day for any girl, everything should be perfect, including the outfit. How to iron a wedding dress without turning to specialists for help, you will learn in this article. You will get acquainted with the methods of ironing and fully equipped will meet your best day.

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How to stroke a wedding dress?

How to iron a wedding dress?Often, such products are sewn from thin and expensive fabrics that are replete with decorative elements and embroidery. To spoil such beauty is very simple. Therefore, ironing and ironing of the dress is a complicated matter, it requires maximum accuracy and care. You can entrust this work to professionals, but after reading our tips, you can easily do it yourself.

There are three ways to align this delicate fabric:

  1. Iron with an iron.
  2. Hold over a pot of boiling water.
  3. By steaming over a hot bath.

Important! Even if you agree with the salon in which you purchased the outfit that the dress will be in excellent condition, it will still be remembered on the way. In some cases, the dress is enough to hang on a hanger, and it will be smoothed out. But this rarely happens. Most often, you need to be puzzled by how to iron a wedding dress. Therefore, carefully read our recommendations.

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Method number 1. Aligning fabric with boiling water

If you have an iron without a steaming function, you can resort to this method. Your actions in this case will be as follows:

  1. Boil water in a large saucepan.
  2. Ask the other person to keep the outfit above the steam.
  3. Steame the fabric.

Important! When aligning a veil in this way, be extremely careful. Strong steam can spoil delicate material.

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Method number 2. Steam over a bath of boiling water

A very simple method that does not even require additional help. To properly iron the wedding dress using this technology, follow these instructions:

  1. Pour very hot water into the bathroom.
  2. Hang the dress on your shoulders and place it over the bathtub. Height - 20-25 cm from the water.
  3. From moist hot air, the fabric smoothes itself.

Cons of this method:

  1. Make sure that the dress does not fall into the water.
  2. Not all types of fabrics are susceptible to such processing.
  3. Under the influence of steam, decorative elements can peel off.
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Method number 3. Ironing

The most important condition is to iron with gauze or a special cloth. To apply this method, you will need:

  • ironing board;
  • iron;
  • water sprayer;
  • protective fabric.

How to iron a wedding dress?Ask someone to help you and start ironing. Correctly iron the wedding dress like this:

  1. Put the dress on the board.
  2. Set the iron to the optimum temperature. Always start with a minimum.
  3. Fold dry cheesecloth in three layers and place it on the outfit.
  4. Iron the product.
  5. If the result is not visible, increase the temperature.

Since wedding dresses are made of different materials, the optimal temperature for each is different:

  1. Iron the satin dress on the two and use the steam function.
  2. For smoothing organza, steam is not recommended, and the temperature should not exceed unity.

Important! Before any ironing of such products, always try the temperature at the edge of the dress. If it is not suitable, the damaged place will not be evident.

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Useful Tips:

  1. First, iron the bodice of the dress.To avoid damage to decorative elements, iron the bodice from the wrong side and place a terry towel on the board.
  2. Iron the sleeves on a special stand that is installed on all ironing boards. After ironing, place rolled sheets of paper in the sleeves to help them maintain their shape.
  3. A skirt, ribbons, bows can be made from different types of fabrics, so adjust the temperature of the iron for each separately.
  4. Pay particular attention to the skirt. Start with the bottom layer, finish with a neat finish on the top.
  5. Always use cheesecloth!
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We hope that with the help of our tips you will be able to tidy up your magnificent outfit yourself without damaging the fabric. Be careful and tune in only for wonderful emotions on the most important day for you!

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