How to store a mink coat in the summer at home?

Mink coat is a subject of pride and an object of admiration for any lady. But she can not keep the joy of her owner as long as she would like. The fate of a fur coat, which is made of natural fur, depends on caring for it. From any carelessness or negligence, this luxurious item in your wardrobe can be transformed into a miserable sight. How to store a mink coat in the summer at home? The following recommendations are specifically for those who pay attention and care to the family budget and their belongings.

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How to care for a fur coat in the winter?

Mink coat adores when it is walking in the fresh air. But not every day of winter time has suitable conditions for such an event. Your animal is very sensitive to weather conditions, but this is not a reason to just keep a mink coat at home all the time.

You can safely put on a fur product in the following situations:

  • Dry and frosty day with the presence of little cloud.
  • Your walk will take place in places where the density of people is low.
  • The places you are going to take a walk to weather your coat should not be treated with anti-icing chemicals. This rule applies to those who have a long hem.

Important! High humidity can severely injure your mink coat. If it happened that your exit to fresh air was accompanied by heavy rainfall, for example: wet snow, rain, there is no need to despair. After you return home, carefully dry the fur product. In no case do not use a hairdryer, heater or battery, gas stove - only gentle drying at home. Next time, going for a walk, take a large umbrella with you.

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How to wear and dry fur products?

If you keep the mink coat at home correctly, you can show off in it even after 10 years. To do this, you only need to follow these rules in the winter season:

  • Place the item on comfortable wide shoulders that fit it in size.
  • The place of drying should not be located on the sunny side.
  • Shake your fur coat to get rid of moisture droplets.
  • Go through the pile acquired in the store with a special brush for fur products.
  • If the product is very wet, blot it with a soft, dry cloth.
  • Leave the fur coat without disturbing it while it dries.

And if the winter is warm and the fur coat is not relevant?

A crowded crowd, lines, public transport - these are all crowded places and they are contraindicated for a mink coat. From such events, her fur wrinkles, loses its gloss or breaks, fades. But sitting at home, if you have such a treasure, is also impossible. Keeping such “investments” locked is prohibited.

Important! In the event that a warm winter has stood out, walk your fur coat on the balcony! A night or a frosty cloudy day is ideal to hang a fur product to breathe oxygen. The glazed balcony will help prevent a bloodthirsty attack by a flock of hungry ravens and other birds who will eagerly want to pat your precious treasure.

Bag - the right complement to a fur coat accessories

Even an ordinary handbag, which you inadvertently put on your shoulder, can spoil the appearance of a fur coat. For one or two seasons, the handle of the bag can wipe the bald spot on the mink coat.

Important! Due to such trifles, by the end of winter the question of how to store a mink coat in the summer disappears from the list of relevant ones, because there will be nothing to store. And for you, an additional frustration, and in the family budget - bald spots, and moths on a hungry diet. Therefore, be extremely attentive to both storage and wearing of fur products.

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Summer mink coat storage

Keeping a mink coat in summer, as well as in other non-cold seasons, is a separate task in life for you and your mink. In the event that you want to get rid of a headache and a moth, give it to specialists for storage.

As a rule, such a service is offered by dry cleaning, in which there is a special refrigerator. It maintains the optimum temperature, which is in the range from 0 to 8-9 degrees, and the humidity level is in the range of 45%, as well as other necessary storage conditions are observed.

Important! You can pre-insure your product. This should be done before each trip, in which a mink coat will take part.

Keeping a fur coat at home is a responsible event and, moreover, associated with constant careful care. The following recommendations can help you provide your fur product with the ideal conditions to wait for the time when it will be needed.

Preparation of a fur coat for storage in the summertime:

  1. To get started, consider the product, as it should be said "from head to toe."
  2. Thoroughly and gently brush away the dust, ventilate the fur coat in the fresh air.
  3. Shake the pile, but do not comb, and do not wipe it before sending the fur coat to the cabinet, so as not to damage it.
  4. Do not keep your fur coat dirty and dusty. Try to get rid of different types of spots as soon as possible, or better, immediately after the appearance of these spots.
  5. Look especially carefully and carefully at the hem of your fur jewel.
  6. If you find serious contamination on your fur coat, it is best to dry it. Mink fur is very delicate and moody, so try to thoroughly clean it at least once a year.

Important! Remember that a dirty fur product is a favorite treat for an insidious moth.

Choose a storage location

Think about where you will store the mink coat in the summer at home. Naturally, it is necessary to do this away from sunlight, in order to maintain the shade, as well as the luster of the pile.

The most convenient place is the closet. The main thing is that it should not be narrow, because a mink fur coat adores a large amount of space and fresh air.

Important! Also, such a thing will not tolerate neighborhoods near batteries: its mezra will dry out and lose flexibility. But the increased percentage of moisture does not approve. The temperature should not be too high - a maximum of 17 C.

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Mink coat protection from moths

Forget the existence of naphthalene in your home. It contains harmful chemicals that spoil the delicate mink fur coat. Do not mink coat with moth spray. Even the smallest chemical residues on natural fur can damage it.

In summer, it is best to store a mink coat this way:

  1. Together with dried orange peels, lavender leaves, geranium leaves, and tobacco leaves. Place dried herbs inside a linen bag, the contents of which should be changed at least once a month.
  2. Use special pills against moths. Put them inside the pocket or on the shelves of the cabinet. Do not forget that every 4 months it is necessary to change the tabletted protection against moths for fresh ones.
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We hope that this article was interesting for you, and our tips and tricks will help you and your fur coat always look great in the winter, and in the summer it will rest without your headache on how to store a mink coat in the summer at home.

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