How to store shoes?

A large number of shoes in our climate zone is far from a luxury, but a necessity. During the year we need: moccasins, sandals, and sneakers, as well as demi-season shoes, boots, winter boots, as well as elegant shoes with heels for going out, and low shoes for everyday walks. If your family also has a few people, then putting order in such a quantity of shoes is an impossible task and the question of how to store shoes and where to store shoes in a small apartment is always relevant for everyone.

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How convenient is it to store shoes?

There is still a solution to these problems, and not one, because designers are inventing more and more new ways of practical and convenient storage of shoes. Many of the ideas are original, others are conservative, still others are surprising in their simplicity, and others cause a touching smile.

Let's consider various design ideas for storing shoes in more detail.

Traditional way

If you are an adherent of conservative views, then store shoes in boxes. However, instead of factory houses, purchase special boxes with a transparent side for shoes. This simple invention will help you, without opening the box, see what is inside. To facilitate the search for the required pair, we offer the following ideas:

  • Special stickers. Take a picture of the shoe, print a homemade label on the printer or in the photo center, and stick the label on the box.
  • Use special leather tags from luggage bags.
  • Give each seasonal collection its own color. For example, summer shoes - a yellow label, spring - green, etc.
  • In ordinary boxes, you can make side windows so that you can see the “inhabitants" without any extra effort.

Important! This method is good if you have few boxes or vice versa, there is a separate room, which is replaced by a huge cabinet for storing shoes.

Practical, compact way

The most practical solution that allows you to organize a shoe storage system, for example, in the hallway, is to use:

  1. Shoe cabinet. This piece of furniture is simply necessary to maintain cleanliness and order, as well as for quick access to shoes. In order not to miscalculate with the purchase of such furniture, use our tips about choosing a cabinet for shoes.
  2. Shoe rack. This piece of furniture takes up little space, and is also inexpensive. But there is one minus - the design is not very flexible, so this method is better to use in order to compactly store seasonal shoes. Similarly, you can do-it-yourself shoe racks.

A shoe cabinet or rack can be a great addition to the interior, if you choose them with taste and in accordance with the general style of the hallway. When choosing a shoe rack for arranging a hallway, consider the number of items that will be stored and, of course, the appearance of the products. The cabinet should be not only practical, but also stylish. Shoe designs may vary. For example:

  • Slim cabinet is an ideal solution for small hallways. The special chest of drawers has 3 horizontal compartments and several vertical ones. Shelves open 180 degrees. Shoes are placed on shelves at a slight angle. With the help of such furniture, you can store all the shoes and shoes without bumping into them every time.
  • Showcase with swinging facades.In such a cabinet, the shoes will not be deformed, but, for its preservation, it is advisable to provide a ventilation hole.
  • Curbstone with a seat. A piece of furniture not only stores shoes compactly, but also allows you to put on your favorite shoes in comfort, sitting on a pedestal. Some models of cabinets have shelves for accessories, which is very convenient.
  • Shelving. They are made of different materials and have different shapes. They are used to organize shoes, and can decorate with themselves not only the entrance hall, but also any room. In addition, your shoes can live in different “rooms”. To help you with this option, we have prepared a selection of ideas and workshops on the manufacture and application shelving in the hallway.
  • Galoshnitsy. This is a very convenient invention and represents the most common shoe shelves. Modern models of galoshes are very compact and have a rather interesting design. You can also use this interior item if you already have a shoe storage box or organizer. Since dirt and water stick to the shoes in the fall and spring, it is better to put the stained shoes in the shoe box so that all unnecessary glass is down. And only then, gently wiping with a dry cloth, giving the shoe a neat appearance, put the shoes in a closet or rack.

Air way

There is another economical way to store shoes, but designed only for dry, clean shoes - this is an organizer. Pendant shelves can be placed even in the closet next to the clothes of the corresponding season. You can hang the organizer on a regular bar in the cabinet. There are more compact flat models, shoes are placed vertically in them - they can even be hung on the door.

An organizer with pockets made of fabric is suitable for summer shoes. Such a piece of furniture is affordable, but unfortunately quickly gets dirty. Make a fabric organizer you can do it yourself, but it takes only a little imagination and improvised materials. You can attach a fabric organizer both to the wall, and to the crossbar or to the pantry door.

Important! Bright pockets will be indispensable in the children's room, where you can place almost any child’s shoes.

To store shoes with heels, you can use special pendants made of plaster. Paint the architectural stucco in any color you like and fix it in a niche. Shoes suspended by a sharp heel will look like an original decoration.

For left overboard shoes (sneakers, flat shoes, winter shoes), you can use hooks stuffed on the wall. This option is especially good for lace-up shoes. Fasten the bots by the hooks with laces.

Original ideas for fans of bright crafts:

  • To keep the shoes compact, you can create a glass drum with knitting needles, between which sandals and shoes will become comfortable. For beauty, it is better to put shoes of the same size in such a drum, and if all family members like the idea, give each one a drum, and let the family distinguish themselves by brightly decorating their product. Especially the child will be interested in spinning the drum, and the shoeing process will turn from a problem into a game.
  • For lovers of minimalism, we offer the following idea: drive a small number of planks at a short distance from each other, and hammer stakes of various sizes into the planks. Put the boots on the large pegs and the shoes on the smaller pegs. This idea is very convenient in practice and is suitable for any shoe, and looks very nice.
  • Large size ottoman with hinged lid turn it into a shoe storage cabinet. Sew in a circle pockets in which to put shoes on. This option is especially good for storing baby shoes.
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Where to store shoes in the country and in the apartment?

If you have a dressing room, storing boots, boots, shoes is the easiest way there.It is only necessary to correctly arrange the shelves or use small hanging shelves for this purpose, use hooks and special hangers, and even ordinary wooden fruit boxes decorated with bright acrylic paints will look great in the wardrobe.

If there is no dressing room, then the shoes must be stored in the hallway in a special closet or shoe rack.

Storage space is also available on the large balcony. Use for this purpose can be compact racks, bedside tables, or small open shelves.

Important! Leather patent leather shoes can not be kept in the cold, so the balcony must certainly be heated or, at least, well insulated. There are other restrictions, which are discussed in more detail in the article. “Can shoes be stored on the balcony?”.

If your house has a wooden staircase in the country, then use it to organize the storage of bots. Make the steps folding, and you will get a huge number of boxes in which you can put shoes of the whole family.

If there is a niche in the cottage or in the apartment, then create comfortable mini-racks there, fill in hooks, shelves and place shoes there. The original idea is to fill various shapes along the wall with nails and lay them out of thick wire and other materials. On such figures you can conveniently hang shoes.

Important! Hanging shoes must be clean and dry, otherwise the figure will turn into a big dirty stain.

In the country, you can use an ordinary ladder, and translate its purpose into the category of shoe racks ..

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Useful Tips

Regardless of which storage system you choose, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • When storing shoes, clean and dry them thoroughly.
  • Before storage sanitize shoes
  • When sending leather shoes for seasonal storage, be sure to lubricate it with cream.
  • Ventilate the shoe storage area regularly, as indoors, moths, skin-bugs, and even mold may form.
  • Protect boots and shoes from sunlight during storage, as ultraviolet light can undergo an oxidation reaction of many parts, especially those made of polymeric materials.
  • Insert lacquered spring pads into patent and festive shoes. Pads are made of wood, plastic or metal.
  • During storage patent leather shoes wrap in paper.
  • If you are going to clean your shoes for a month or more, wrap them in acid-free anti-corrosion paper. Even toilet paper is suitable for this purpose.

Important! You cannot use newspapers for this purpose, as they can ruin the color of your shoes.

  • Do not wrap shoes in plastic bags. Leather and suede must “breathe”, and in such packaging they may become moldy and lose color.
  • Do not use naphthalene for storage. Instead, take cedar filler or pads made of cedar, which will give the shoe a fresh smell.
  • Do not put shoes on top of each other, otherwise the bots will warp and lose shape. This procedure can only be done with flip flops.
  • Review your shoe once a year to find the pair that needs repair or extra care.
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We hope that thanks to our advice, you will competently and comfortably organize a shoe storage system, and having shown imagination, you will find your place for your favorite shoe and can make the interior of any place designated for this purpose more interesting.

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