How to store a fur coat?

The most luxurious element of a winter wardrobe is certainly a fur coat. She is able to transform any woman, add her confidence and elegance. However, a high-quality product on fur is quite expensive. Therefore, in order to keep her chic look as long as possible, it is necessary to ensure her proper care in the summer. Winter is a favorable time for such things, all conditions for the preservation of fur are created by nature: frost destroys insect larvae, and cold favorably affects fur. Summer is a completely different matter, therefore it is important to know how to store a fur coat in a period when the sun shines warmly and brightly. All that is needed is a fabric cover, a closet and a moth remedy in compliance with several rules.
to contents ↑Storage preparation
Before leaving the coat in storage, it is advisable to clean it. You can do it yourself, or give the item dry cleaning.
If you decide to cope with this task yourself, here are some tips:
- To remove traces of fat, make a special solution. Mix vodka and 9 percent vinegar in equal proportions. In this solution, moisten the cotton cloth and sponge and wipe the contaminated area. Usually this is the bottom of the sleeves and sections of the fasteners.
- Short hair is treated against its growth, and long hair is cleaned in the direction.
- Next, you need to dry the fur coat on the balcony. Make sure that the temperature in the room is not higher than 18 C, and the humidity is in the range of 50–65%.
Thanks to this procedure, next season, you will get a beautiful and shiny fur coat from the closet.
to contents ↑How to choose the right case?
It happens that when buying a fur coat in the kit, a special fabric cover comes with it. If there was no such cover, be sure to purchase it:
- Pay attention to the material from which the cover is made. This must be a fabric, for example, linen, cotton and canvas. In a plastic case, the product can deteriorate quickly due to insufficient air intake.
- For proper storage of a fur coat, the width of the protective case should exceed the width of the product.
- It is desirable that the cover is black or dark blue. Covers of this color prevent exposure to sunlight on the product. Before buying, swipe it with a damp white towel. So you check the durability of the paint cover.
to contents ↑Important! Such an expensive thing as a mink coat can easily spoil the paint from the cover. Especially if the coat is light shades. Therefore, be attentive even to such trifles as the color of the protective bag.
5 rules in storage cabinet:
- The coat should hang on the wide wooden shoulders. All buttons must be buttoned. The use of thin and metallic trempels can cause sagging. As a result, deformation of the form may be possible.
- The cabinet doors must be closed to prevent constant exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Protect a fur coat from sunshine. Otherwise, the fur may fade and lose its natural luster. It is advisable that the temperature be below average. Watch carefully that there is no dampness in the cabinet.
- It is very important to provide air ventilation. This will help the fur coat to remain fluffy. Keep the distance between things.
- Lavender and peel of an orange will help to protect a fur coat from a moth. Put some flowers in your pockets. Also, dry geranium will cope with this task. All these are folk ways. There are a large number of special sprays and aerosols, they are considered more effective.
Important! The use of funds from the moth is necessary.But it’s worth putting them not on the fur coat itself, but on the cover in which it is stored.
- Periodically remove the fur coat for ventilation in the open air. Follow this recommendation in the winter if you rarely wear it. Leave the coat in the frosty air for several hours, dry for about an hour at an average temperature in the room, and then place it again in a fabric cover and hang it in the closet.
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Compliance with these simple rules will help preserve the shape of the fur coat, the luster and beauty of the fur, and also extend the life of several seasons. If the product is slightly damaged, then the appearance will be possible to restore. However, if due to improper storage the fur will suffer significantly, then even specialists will not help you restore it.
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