How to make a vest from jeans?

Have your jeans become small, torn, or long gone out of fashion? Do not rush to throw them away. Old jeans are a great thing for all kinds of interesting alterations that can decorate your interior or complement any look. Today we offer to sew a stylish vest, spending only on accessories and jewelry. In our master classes, we will talk about how to make a vest from jeans without a pattern. Not a bad option, is it? It is very simple to do such an original thing with your own hands, adding your creative ideas to creating a completely new thing. So, we begin to create!

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Do-it-yourself vest from old jeans

Denim vest is a fashionable detail of the wardrobe of a modern girl. It goes well with almost all things: with a T-shirt, dress, shorts, skirt, jeans. It can even be used as office clothes, for example, with a snow-white blouse.

Important! As a rule, jeans problem areas are knees and walking places that quickly fray and tear over time. But in this case we won’t need them, but we only need the top of the product - the one that is slightly lower than the step seam and the upper part with a belt.

We begin to sew a denim vest:

  1. We measure ourselves from neck to waist, or slightly lower if you want an elongated vest. This figure will be the length of our new product. We measure the obtained length on old jeans, starting from the very top of the belt and heading down (just below the step seam). Add to the bottom allowances of 2 cm on the shoulder seams.
  2. Now we need to carefully unfold and remove the zipper and double seams beneath it, being careful not to spoil the fastener fabric, which will serve as the front for the future vest. We remove the belt from the extra protrusions under the clasp. We steam the back and step seams, leaving the back of the belt.
  3. We got two widespread patterns - the right and left parts of jeans with a solid side seam and belt. We cut off the wiped places from the perineum, if any are available.
  4. We take the back parts - those from which the unnecessary parts were cut off, and sew them together. This stitch will be the middle seam of the back of the vest.
  5. Now you need to fold all the details so that the back of the jeans is facing us and the belt below, that is, turn the legs upside down.
  6. We draw horizontal lines for the shoulders and neck, taking into account the allowances. We cut the shoulders from the front and back of the product.
  7. Make the front cutout. Draw a line from the upper point of the shoulder to the clasp.
  8. Sew on the sides of the seams for armholes, approximately 30.5 cm. We leave untouched fabric near the waist - the side seams of the future vest.
  9. To give roundness and smooth lines of edges, cut the corners of the neck, armhole and cutout.
  10. We twist the neck, armhole and notch in front, and then grind in double stitch. Sew shoulders.

DIY vest is ready!

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Do-it-yourself jeans vest - master class

From long-forgotten old jeans, you can sew a very stylish vest.


To do this, we need to prepare a set of the following materials and tools:

  • Jeans.
  • Cardboard.
  • Threads.
  • Needle.
  • Scissors.
  • A piece of chalk.
  • Centimeter.
  • Safety pins.
  • Elements for decorating a finished jeans vest.
  • Sewing machine.

Important! Before starting work, you need to wash, dry and steam the jeans with an iron.


Step-by-step algorithm of actions:

  1. We proceed to the pattern, which will be quite simple, since for sewing a vest we will need only the back of the jeans, where the pockets are sewn. It is to this blank that we will give the necessary shape.
  2. We take cardboard and cut out a hexagon from it. We apply it to the back of the jeans, outline with chalk and cut out two details of this shape.
  3. Now we need to notice the jeans hexagons between us, making small indentations for the side seams, pin them with pins and sew on a sewing machine.
  4. Set aside the main workpiece for a while and proceed to create the straps that will hold the vest. The distance from the neck to the chest will be the length of future harnesses.
  5. We draw the straps on the remaining denim so that their top is narrowed and the bottom gradually expands. We cut out the details, taking into account allowances for seams of 1-2 cm. We remove the harnesses with pins and sew to the base of the vest. For these purposes, it is better to use a sewing machine - so we get an inconspicuous and neat front seam.
  6. We bend and sew the edges of the straps on a sewing machine. These details can be processed overlock or braid, or you can leave the fringe - it all depends on your preferences.
  7. We cut the back of the vest from the remaining trousers, cleave the parts with pins, making sure that the elements of the back are even.
  8. Now we just have to make a decoration for our vest. In this case, it will be a bow. To do this, we need to cut two rectangles: a large one for the base, and a small one for the middle of the decoration.
  9. Having bent all four edges, we sew a large rectangle on a sewing machine. Fold the small rectangle with the front side inward, grind it, and then turn it on the front side.
  10. Wrap in the middle a large workpiece, forming a bow. A narrow strip can be fixed with several hand stitches or two neat lines can be made at the edges.
  11. Now we need to sew a bow to the back and connect the back to the front.

That's how we got a fashionable and easy to make vest from old jeans!

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A vest from old jeans with your own hands - a simple pattern

Such a pattern is easy to build from a finished dress pattern, if one is available. If you don’t have one, then here’s a step-by-step workshop on sewing a denim vest with a pattern:

  1. Starting from the cervical vertebra, we measure down the length we need. Draw the relief of the back.
  2. We increase the neckline by 2 cm along the shoulder line, cut back and shelves. Draw the line of the neck.
  3. Now we need to deepen the armhole of the shelf and back by about 1.5 cm.
  4. From the top of the neck we postpone the length of the shoulder seam - 7 cm.
  5. We retreat 2 cm from the midpoint of the shelf. After that, draw a line of the edge of the future side. We draw the bevel of the side and the bottom line of the shelf.
  6. From the top of the neck we retreat down 5 cm and draw a cut line. These actions are necessary in order to transfer the tuck of the chest part of the vest.

That's all! Pattern is ready! Having sewed all the details together, you will get a stylish wardrobe item!

Important! A do-it-yourself jeans vest looks good with a straight skirt or dress pants. This is exactly the option that we spoke about at the very beginning of the article - a vest for office work. Strict dresses, mini or maxi skirts are also perfect for such a denim vest.

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General recommendations

The tucked and hemmed edge may look a little boring, so we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the options for processing the cut of the product.


Thanks to the presented methods of decorating, your vest will acquire a spectacular appearance and, possibly, will be the best thing in your wardrobe. Now we will talk about how to beautifully process the edges of a vest, what elements can decorate this product.

So here is what you can come up with:

  • Overlock processing of product sections - gives the edges an aesthetic appearance.
  • You can sew denim fringe stripes on the armhole, which can turn the vest into real designer clothes.
  • The front visible edges of the product can not be processed, but hidden, for example, under a zipper, hooks, rivets, buttons, oblique trim or lace.



A denim vest can be decorated in several ways. Which ones? We will discuss this now:

  • Do-it-yourself denim vest goes well with beads, spikes, rhinestones, ribbons and bows.
  • To decorate the collar and pockets, you can use various pieces of fabric - guipure, denim in a different color, lace.
  • Jeans are decorated with various applications and patches, using brighter colors in the work, which will be the center of attention of others.
  • If desired, you can make small scuffs and torn places in a chaotic manner. It is this rather simple decoration that will make your new product trendy.

Important! Processing slices and decorating the vest with various elements directly depends on your creative imagination. Therefore, there are no specific restrictions. Do whatever your soul desires.

Tailoring Tips:

  • For sewing a denim vest, choose thick threads to match the fabric.
  • To correctly and quickly open old seams, use a blade or conventional nail scissors.
  • If you sew an elastic band on the inside of the vest, you can achieve a perfect fit on the figure.
  • If for sewing a vest you have chosen jeans that are large in size, then the seams can be cut. If the jeans model is very narrow, then it is necessary to undo the seams in any case.
  • Before finally stitching all the details of a denim vest, try on it and make sure that it sits the way you wanted.
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Now you can easily make a denim vest from long-forgotten jeans, decorating it as you wish. And our recommendations will help you save time on fixing possible errors. We are very pleased to help you! Never throw away old things, they will be very useful to you!

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