How to make a dress out of a shirt?

If you have an irresistible desire to update your wardrobe, but unfortunately, for some reason, shopping in the near future is not possible, then you can try to get out of this situation in a rather interesting way. Old or unnecessary things, such as the clothes of your boyfriend or husband, can help you with this. There are practically no difficulties with its alteration. Any seamstress, even completely inexperienced, will be able to sew a dress from a men's shirt with her own hands, owning standard sewing skills. Interested in this idea, but do not understand yet how to make a dress out of a shirt? Now we will tell you.

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Useful tips from professionals

If you still decide to make a dress out of a man’s shirt yourself with your own hands, then the following tips of experienced masters will definitely come in handy:

  • It is very important to correctly measure the parameters of your own figure. The same husband or boyfriend can help with this.
  • Handle the sewing machine and scissors as carefully as possible. Observe all sizes and seams exactly.
  • Extremely carefully cut out all the details of the future dress. Periodically check how clearly you are doing everything, if any errors have been made.
  • If you did not find the old fabric for making the pattern, it does not matter, because you can make notes directly on the dress. But, of course, the pattern will help make all measurements more accurate.
  • Make sure that you have chosen a truly dimensionless shirt, because the larger it is, the more opportunities you will have to transform it.
  • If at some point you realized that you could not cope on your own, then do not try to start or continue work. This is an easy, at first glance, process, but it has many pitfalls and requires a lot of patience.
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How to make a dress from a shirt with long sleeves?

The main trend of this year is the transformation of men's shirts into women's dresses. Such models give the female image even more femininity, attractiveness, lightness, a simultaneous sense of freedom. Therefore, borrow a couple of unnecessary things from your friend. Here are some interesting ideas on how to make a dress out of a shirt using the simplest accessories and simple steps.

Idea 1

Sandals or cute shoes will incredibly complement your outfit. Properly selected shoes will emphasize their own style, playing the role of one of the most important details in the process of creating an attractive stylish look. Shoes are more suitable for women's dresses, which outwardly do not look too bulky and solemn. Open dresses are best complemented by open sandals with straps, models with a neckline - pumps, or closed sandals. It is also important that they match in color.

Important! The folds present on the shirt help to hide the extra pounds, give the image a sexy and sharpness.


Idea 2

It is enough just to gird a men's shirt with an original strap to get a sexy dress. This accessory will perfectly emphasize the waist, help to balance the lower and upper proportions. Just remember that wide belts give the figure extra volume.

Important! If you want to look slimmer, then abandon the horizontal lines.The wider, more contrasting the belt, the more quadratic forms the body will acquire.

Idea 3

If you originally wrap the sleeves, then your image will change radically. You can do this in different ways:

  • You can wrap the cuffs 4 times, raise them above the elbow, in order to give the dress a certain negligence:
  • To create an image with three-quarter sleeves that are fashionable today, it is enough to bend three times inside the cuff. As a result, the sleeve will be shortened, visually it will become much narrower. Such forms look fresh, original, aristocratic.
  • It is not necessary to shorten the sleeves, you can leave them long, so that later you can wear such a shirt-dress with sandals at a low speed, shoes or black leggings. If you don’t like to bare your legs too much, you can replace the leggings with slim, stylish jeans.

Important! You can add a twist to this look with the help of various jewelry, hats or handbags.

Obviously, to get a beautiful and fashionable dress, it is not necessary to go to the studio. Everything is much simpler. You can use the simplest options for remaking shirts into stylish, light dresses. It is enough to slightly modify the sleeves, sew a couple of buttons, beads, add an elegant bright belt.

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How to sew a beautiful dress from a men's shirt?

If you do not like the above options for transforming men's clothing without using sewing devices, then you can familiarize yourself with more complex variations. For example, try to sew a dress from a denim shirt with your own hands. But have you ever encountered this? Then start by preparing everything you need:

  • A shirt with long sleeves, preferably without pockets on it.
  • Our experiment will not succeed without scissors.
  • An absolute necessity is a sewing machine.
  • Measuring tape.
  • A piece of old canvas.
  • Dark pencil or chalk.
  • Tool to strut the shirt.

Next, follow the instructions, which describes in detail how to make a dress from a men's shirt:

  1. Decide on the nature and type of future dress that you wish to receive in the end. There are actually a lot of styles, so feel free to choose one, get down to business.
  2. Then measure your figure carefully. Chalk the old piece of cloth. Make a pattern that matches your measurements and your chosen model. Cut the fabric with scissors.
  3. Now is the time to get rid of your pockets with a special tool.
  4. Carefully cut the sleeves, take your pattern, transfer it as clearly as possible to the shirt.
  5. Using scissors, cut the shirt according to the marked markings.
  6. Do not forget about your measurements. Take the chalk, make a mark 6 cm lower from the collar of the shirt to get the shape of the neckline.
  7. Now you have received a sample of your dress, so you can cut the neckline on the fabric.
  8. Gently stitch all the edges on the typewriter.
  9. It is time to try on a shirt to understand how comfortable it will be for you to walk with such a neckline. Behind you need to tie two triangles.
  10. Remove excess fabric with a blower.
  11. The dress is almost ready. Try it on, as it should sit perfectly.
  12. If the product sits well on you, then sew a long ribbon across the middle of your dress. As a result, you get a stylish belt.

Important! The finished dress can be decorated with braid, rhinestones, beads, lace, embroidery.

With such a wonderful outfit you are guaranteed to surprise others.

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We sew a sundress from an old men's shirt

You may be wondering how to sew a sundress from a men's shirt? The most important thing - in this case, you do not need to use scissors and a sewing machine.

The conversion process is as follows:

  • Make sure that the chosen shirt is really long so that it can be worn as a sundress.

Important! It is desirable that it is not monophonic. It’s better to choose some interesting option, with a unique design or a beautiful print.

  • Throw on a shirt so that the collar is on the back, the sleeves are located under the armpits.
  • Fasten all buttons so that a heart shape forms on top of the shirt.
  • Twist the sleeves, gently wrap them behind the back, then cross and tie in front. You can make a knot on the back behind.

Important! If you connect a little fantasy, then you can try to make such nodes in other ways, for example, in the form of a rose. The most important thing is to make sure that he sits on you tightly. To avoid embarrassing situations in the future, tighten your sleeves.

Done! Your sexy summer sundress is in front of you.

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With the help of this article, we have once again proved that you should not throw away old things, even if they have become irrelevant for you. These ideas will help you update, diversify, complement your own wardrobe, without hitting the family budget.

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