How to sew a skirt-shorts with your own hands 🥝 how to alter

Nowadays, nothing stands still, including fashion. New trends and trends are constantly appearing. That skirt, which was at the peak of popularity yesterday, is no longer in fashion today, and shorts are the hit of the new season. But in order to be stylish, it is not necessary to constantly acquire new things and spend huge amounts of money. Our experts will tell you how to make shorts out of a skirt that will be in no way inferior to the models hanging on the windows of expensive boutiques. Thus, you get a trendy thing, without spending a dime.

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Turn the skirt into shorts. Basic tips and rules

If you decide on such a transformation, you should take into account several tips that will come in handy during work:

  • The skirt should be several sizes larger, since you can’t sew shorts of the same size as the skirt due to lack of fabric. It is best to choose midi and maxi skirts. Mini - for these purposes are not suitable. If you have a pencil skirt, then you will need an additional piece of fabric.

Important! In order to add extra width and create an original decor, you can use lace or leather.

  • Important is the moment of choosing the style of the future product. Look for wide pleated shorts in the front. In addition to being very convenient, such styles are also quite popular. As for the models in sewing, then when sewing you may have problems with the cut in the crotch area.
  • When transferring patterns to fabric, be sure to add a few centimeters for allowances. It is better to play it safe, because the excess can always be cut off.
  • When sweeping, use threads whose color is radically different from the color of the workpiece. This way you can easily delete them later.
  • Before the final connection of parts, they must be ironed well.

In order for you to make shorts with your own hands out of a skirt, we offer you step-by-step master classes. With their help, you can sew a stylish and fashionable thing in a short time and with minimal knowledge of sewing skills.

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How to make shorts out of a skirt?

You will need:

  • The skirt itself;
  • Decorative fittings;
  • Threads and needles;
  • Tailor marker or remnant;
  • Scissors;
  • Centimeter;
  • Sewing machine.

Operating procedure:

  1. Once you have decided on the style, you need to make a pattern. You can download the finished one from the Internet, choose the finished one in magazines or build it yourself.
  2. After you have prepared a pattern based on your parameters, you should transfer it to the fabric. The skirt must be gently strung and ironed.
  3. Transfer the drawing to the wrong side of the future workpiece.
  4. Cut the finished workpiece along the lines of the picture.
  5. Sweep the future shorts and iron them well.
  6. Try on the product. If the shorts fit perfectly, then you can proceed to the final stitching on a sewing machine.
  7. Sew the zipper and decorate.
  8. Iron again.

That's all, your shorts are ready.

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How to remake a denim skirt in shorts?

In order to remake an old denim skirt in trendy shorts, you will need:

  • Scissors;
  • Remnant or tailor's marker;
  • Tape measure;
  • Graph paper;
  • Pencil;
  • Ruler;
  • Decorative fittings;
  • Tailor pins.

When all the necessary materials have been prepared, you can proceed directly to work. First you need to take measurements. You will need the following options:

  • Half Waist
  • Hips
  • The desired length of the future product.

Next, we proceed to the construction of the pattern. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. On the paper, draw a right angle and put the letter T on its top.
  2. From point T, lay across the line, which will be equal to the length of the future product. Mark the lowest point with the letter N.
  3. Cut the bottom of the pattern.
  4. Take a new sheet of paper and draw on it three lines that will be 4 centimeters longer than the desired length of the shorts. From the first line down, measure 4 centimeters, and from the last 2. Put two points. Connect them and cut a pattern along this line.
  5. On the outlined places, fold two patterns. Thus, you will have the basis of the product and the doorway.
  6. Cut off excess paper.


Transfer the pattern to the fabric and make shorts from the skirt:

  1. Spread and iron the denim skirt well.
  2. Lay the pattern on the blank, attach it with tailor pins.
  3. Transfer the pattern to the fabric, adding 1-2 centimeters for the seams.
  4. Use a pair of scissors to cut the workpiece.
  5. Sweep shorts and sew on the backs.
  6. Iron well and try on. Correct all the flaws.
  7. Using a sewing machine, finally sew the shorts.
  8. If desired, they can be decorated with lace, sequins and beads.

That's all, your shorts are ready.

Important! In order for brand new shorts to become even more stylish and original, they can be torn. To do this, mark the places where you would like to have holes, cut them and stretch a few threads.

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Sew a short skirt

Such a model will be simply an indispensable thing in the wardrobe for all lovers of fashion. Therefore, we suggest you sew a skirt-shorts with your own hands. To do this, you will need the following materials:

  • An old skirt, which must first be strutted and ironed, or a piece of fabric;

Important! When choosing a fabric, you should pay attention to what period of the year you will wear the finished product. For example, for the spring-summer season, the tissues should be light and “breathe”. As for the cold season, in this case, leather or jeans will be an excellent option.

  • Overlock;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Threads in color;
  • Scissors;
  • Tape measure;
  • Pins
  • Lightning;
  • Pencil;
  • Iron;
  • Tailor marker or remnant;
  • Silk paper.

bwylnj-iNow you can safely get to work, the procedure is as follows:

  • First you need to build a pattern. The basis for a short skirt will be a ready-made pattern of a skirt-trousers. To remake it for the style you need, you need to divide the front of the pattern into 3 equal parts. Further along the fold located on the upper part, you need to draw a line with a pencil. Thus you will transfer the tuck. According to the same scheme, draw a vertical line on the back of the pattern. Make cuts and slide them to the width you need.

Important! The depth of the tuck depends on the length of the cut, that is, the smaller the cut, the deeper the tuck.

  • Once you have built a pattern, it can be safely transferred to the fabric. To do this, attach the paper to the wrong side of the flap, draw all the lines on the paper with a pencil again. The drawing should be beaten off the fabric.
  • Using scissors, cut out all the details and fasten them with pins along the seam lines.
  • Use a thread and a needle to sweep the workpiece. At this stage, the future product can be tried on and adjusted.
  • Sew the finished workpiece by sewing on a sewing machine.
  • Overlock process the seams.
  • Insert a zipper or other hardware.

The skirt-shorts are ready, now they should be ironed well.

Important! In order to sew a skirt-shorts for a girl with your own hands, you can use the same pattern, only taking into account the baby's parameters. Do not forget to decorate it with various accessories, for example, embroidered from beads or special stripes.

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As you can see, you can sew unique things again or remake old ones at home.The most important thing is to have a little patience and a little imagination. If you make a little effort, your wardrobe will replenish with trendy and trendy clothes.

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