How to get rid of the stench of shoes?

The question worries: how to get rid of the stench of shoes, since you feel awkward at a party due to the unattractive aroma coming from the shoes, and is it unpleasant for yourself? And wearing such shoes is unpleasant, and it is a pity to throw it away. If you find yourself in just such a situation, the following information will definitely be useful to you.

Not always the reason for this “behavior” of shoes is non-compliance with hygiene rules. Even unworn shoes have a specific aroma. It can also occur if you accidentally wet your feet during or after rain. In the era of the latest technology and innovation, the question of how to get rid of the stench in shoes is solved without any problems. To eliminate unpleasant amber from shoes, there are special tools and folk "grandfather" methods. But initially, you still need to find out the reason for the appearance of such an effect, and only then choose the appropriate ways to solve the problem.

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Why does the smell appear?

Before you begin to solve the problem and be puzzled by how to get rid of the stench of shoes, you need to understand where this amber came from. The appearance of an unpleasant smell from shoes can be triggered by a large number of reasons:

  • If you wear tight, poorly ventilated shoes made of synthetic materials.
  • Constantly dirty and damp inside shoes can cause mold and bacteria, which cause a specific aroma of materials and skin of your feet.
  • The cause of an unpleasant smell can be a number of diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, circulatory disorders, cardiovascular diseases, hyperhidrosis, smoking, foot fungus.
  • Improper storage of demi-season and winter shoes leads to mold.
  • Physical activity and high body temperature enhance the work of sweat glands, as a result of which the shoes are saturated with moisture.
  • Eating a large number of spices and spices leads to the formation of sweat with a specific smell.

Important! Increased sweating and fungus on the legs, as such, have no smell. But the constant moisture inside the shoe provokes an intensive reproduction of bacteria. From the product of their life comes such a pungent odor.

When choosing a shoe odor remedy, consider the reason for its appearance. Thus, the drug will more effectively eliminate aroma.

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General recommendations

So that the problem of unpleasant odor does not cause a bad mood and does not create discomfort, follow simple recommendations:

  • Proper care and storage of shoes will prevent the appearance of smell in the old pair and will relieve him of a new purchase.
  • Use special deodorants and sprays. They will protect your favorite boots and shoes in bad weather.
  • Follow foot hygiene, regularly treat them with creams and sprays to prevent unpleasant odors. Additionally, follow these rules:
    1. Feet should be washed with soap at least once a day.
    2. Dry your feet, especially the area between your toes.
    3. Treat your feet with salicylic powder or talcum powder for the feet. Using these tools, the remaining microbes are removed.

Important! Especially you need to do these procedures if your feet are prone to excessive sweating.

  • To prevent excessive perspiration, foot baths with tea or oak bark will help. If these bath components are not available, you can replace them with ordinary citric acid or soda.
  • In stressful situations, the legs sweat like other parts of the body. In such cases, you should wash your feet as soon as possible and change your socks to clean.
  • It is not recommended to be in boots all day. If possible, have a replaceable pair of shoes and tights at work.
  • Buy hosiery made from natural materials. Change them to clean every day.
  • Replace the insoles with natural ones and change them every three months. If necessary, replace the insoles once a month.
  • Use special deodorants for feet and shoes. With their help, you can easily get rid of the stench of shoes.
  • In the off-season, ventilate the boots well and do not hide them in boxes and bags immediately after wearing. Crumpled newspapers will help get rid of moisture in boots. As an alternative for these purposes, you can use a filler for pets.

Important! An unpleasant foot odor may indicate a fungal disease. For this reason, you should seek the help of a specialist. Never self-medicate.

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Shoes stink. How to get rid of the smell?

There are many ways to remove a bad breath from your favorite pair of shoes. The most effective, not requiring much effort and serious financial costs, we bring to your attention.

Folk ways to remove pungent odor from shoes

Since this problem existed before, people have tried a lot of ways and means in the fight against it. Look in the kitchen cabinet, there is sure to be a product that will help get rid of the unpleasant phenomenon.

Alcohol-containing liquids: vodka and ammonia

Using this method, unpleasant ambergris, as well as bacteria colonies, are destroyed.

Mode of application:

  1. A small amount of vodka should be poured into the shoe.
  2. Put on clean cotton socks and put on shoes. Take a walk around the apartment until your socks are dry.
  3. Ventilate and dry your sneakers or shoes completely.

Baking soda

Regular soda will allow you to quickly get rid of the stench of shoes, if you use it this way:

  1. Take a small piece of cotton cloth and sew bags from it.
  2. Put baking soda inside.
  3. Put the filled bag in your shoes overnight. Leave for a day to get a better result.
  4. If you do not know how or do not want to sew, then simply pour soda into the boot, and in the morning shake it out or vacuum it.

Important! Soda is not suitable for black leather products. She may leave white spots. An alternative product to replace soda is a powder with salicylic acid or baby talcum powder. For dark products, use activated carbon. At one time you need one plate of black tablets.

Manganese solution and hydrogen peroxide

This method can also be used to remove odors from new leatherette shoes.

Mode of application:

  1. In one liter of water, dilute several crystals of potassium permanganate so that the water acquires a light pink hue.
  2. Apply a small amount of the solution to a cotton swab and wipe the dirt thoroughly.
  3. After cleaning in this way, wipe the areas with peroxide.

Important! If the smell persists after the procedure, pour peroxide inside the shoes. As soon as the liquid stops bubbling, pour the product and dry the product.

Vinegar or ammonia

This method is suitable for leatherette products, and will also help fans of an active lifestyle remove the smell from sports shoes.

Mode of application:

  1. Wipe the inside and outside of the product thoroughly with a solution of one of the specified liquid and water. Enough 1 tbsp. l or 5-6 drops per 1 cup.
  2. Bring the treated pair to the balcony or porch for ventilation.
  3. To get rid of the stench in shoes, if the smell is too harsh and intense, the procedure should be repeated or wet a cotton swab and leave it inside for a while.

Important! Be sure to use only diluted essence. Otherwise, it may hurt your hands and ruin the product.


This method is suitable for owners of several pairs of shoes with a problem of unpleasant aroma. It is universal, as it effectively fights odors - both sweat and mold.

Mode of application:

  1. Pour salt into boots and leave for several days.
  2. At the end of time, pour out salt or vacuum shoes.


Freezing helps to get rid of the stench of shoes because all pathogens die at low temperatures.

Mode of application:

  1. In cold weather - best in winter, take your shoes to the balcony or porch at night.
  2. In the morning, bring it into the room, wait until the shoes warm up to room temperature.

Important! Be careful, some shoes may crack in the cold. Therefore, it is worthwhile to refrain from this method if the shoe is made of low-quality materials or patent leather.

Use of Flavors

This method will help remove odors from both used and new pair of shoes.

Mode of application:

  1. As a flavoring and antibacterial agent, place a tea bag in the shoes, it will also serve as a sorbent.
  2. For intense aromas, use ground coffee.
  3. A great option for flavoring shoes is essential oils. Put a few drops on the inside of the shoe.
  4. You can also use the zest of orange, stuffing it for a while inside the shoes.

Important! After all the wet “operations” to eliminate unpleasant fragrances, you should dry your shoes well so that all actions are not spent in vain.

Industrial shoe odor removers

In order to eliminate the pungent aroma, in stores you can buy special care products for shoes or shoes. Deodorants for shoes perfectly remove the smell of glue, eliminate the smell of the skin, have disinfectant and water-repellent properties. As an aid, it will help with a stubborn darling.


An excellent care product not only for shoes and boots, but also for legs. With the help of additional components in the composition, it eliminates bacteria and fungus from the foot. Inexpensive price and ease of use make it an indispensable tool in every home.


This type of odor deodorant is in the form of a pencil. It effectively eliminates the fetid “aroma”. To get the result, the inside of the products should be constantly processed, which is not very convenient for closed shoes. Also, a pencil with a stronger pressure can break, which is also not its advantage. But in general, it gives a good result if you need to get rid of the stench of shoes.


The new form of deodorant is mainly used for specific shoes of athletes. The special composition of the tablets perfectly removes even the most persistent smell in just a few hours. Substances that are part of the composition prevent the appearance of bacteria and foot fungus. You can buy pills in sports stores.

Creams and Flavors

On sale there are special aromatic pads and creams for shoes. But they are less popular among consumers, so they are more difficult to find on store shelves.

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How to prevent mold smell from shoes?

As a rule, mold appears during improper storage of clothes and shoes. Insufficient ventilation and dampness create a favorable environment for the emergence and development of such microorganisms. Therefore, you should reconsider the place where you store your things. Otherwise, they just have to be thrown away. In order for you not to become a "hostage" of mold, follow these storage tips:

  • Shoes should be washed.In most cases, bacteria and fungus are bred in dirty shoes.
  • Dry and ventilate the shoes completely. To do this, take the boots to fresh air and leave there for a while.
  • Treat with special deodorants for leather, velor or nubuck, depending on the material your steam is made of.
  • Stuff your boots with newspapers, and then fold them into a box in pairs. Check for silica gel. If not, pet fillers can be used.
  • Choose a storage location with good ventilation. Open the ventilation boxes periodically.

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How to remove the smell of mold from shoes?

Following the above recommendations, mold problems do not concern you. But if such a situation has already arisen, tips for resolving it will help to cope with it without making much effort.

Method number 1:

  1. First, you should wash your shoes well to get rid of the smell. To do this, use a warm soapy solution.
  2. Disinfect the inside using a chlorine solution.
  3. To prevent mold residue from remaining anywhere, mix vodka and ammonia and wipe the shoes inside and out. As an additional option, you can use vinegar essence.
  4. You should also replace the insoles and treat them with shoe deodorant.

Important! After processing the shoes with this method, wait for complete weathering. Proper use of shoes without treatment is hazardous to health.

Method number 2:

This method gives a 100% effect, as evidenced by the reviews of many people who have already tried it:

  1. Send the old insoles immediately to the trash, and dry the shoes well.
  2. Take the vinegar essence known to all, moisten a cotton swab and send it to boots. Place the shoe in a plastic bag for one day.
  3. After time, remove the cotton wool from the boots.
  4. Treat the pair with ammonia.
  5. Pour common salt into each boot and leave for one day.
  6. After a day, remove the salt and treat with ammonia a second time.
  7. Finally, clean the shoes with cream, put new insoles and treat them with shoe deodorant.

Thus, your favorite pair of shoes will be saved.

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Shoe Care Tips

In order to avoid all of the above problems, it is worthwhile to properly care for shoes:

  • Keep your favorite pair of shoes clean. Leave it open for ventilation. Also alternate the shoes while wearing so that they can dry before the next time.
  • Treat autumn and winter boots with special means of protection against moisture. If your feet are wet, you can dry your shoes with an electric dryer, and if not, use newspapers. Do not forget to change it regularly until the steam has completely dried.
  • Periodically wipe the shoes inside and treat with protective equipment.
  • Give preference to socks made of natural fibers.
  • Frequent replacement of insoles will protect against the appearance of amber from shoes. Buy insoles from natural materials. To prevent bacteria from appearing in shoes, ventilate and wash them. Deodorizing insoles made of cardboard are also actively coping with bacteria. They have antibacterial properties, but require ventilation and washing, like regular insoles.
  • The place where your shoes are kept should be clean and well ventilated. To eliminate odor, use dry flavored products.
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As you can see, shoe care is not difficult and does not cost much. Do not forget that the state of health of your feet depends on the condition of the shoes. Taking care of shoes and boots, you will provide comfort to your feet, comfort to your body and health of the whole body.

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