How to tie a bow on a dress?

To be beautiful and attractive is the key to every girl. Therefore, it is very important to always look perfect and tasteful. The formation of the future onion requires taking into account not only the style of clothing, but also small details that can make a bright accent and emphasize individuality. Today, fashion trends are returning to the past. What was trending several decades ago is again at the peak of popularity today. This also applies to the bow. It is appropriate both on clothes and in hairstyles. Most often, a bow is worn as a decoration for a dress. Despite its simplicity, a bow can not only decorate the image, but also spoil it. Therefore, in order to know how to tie a bow on a dress beautifully, you need to take into account not only fashion trends, but also the basic rules for shaping your image.

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Wear the bow properly and tastefully

An accessory such as a bow is very versatile. It can be purchased at the store, but you can do it yourself. Bows can be either wide or narrow, made of fabrics of different textures. The most important thing is that it should be neat and harmoniously fit into the style of your dress.

You can attach a bow in various places - it all depends on your imagination. Most often, a bow is attached to:

  • Breasts He is caught mainly on dresses with a deep neckline.
  • Behind, tied at the waist. This is the most common and feminine version of bow socks. It looks best in a duet with an evening or wedding dress.
  • Front at the waist. This option of wearing bows is suitable for young girls and girls. He creates a playful and cute image of its owner.
  • On the neck. Most often used as decoration for dresses of strict style. In this case, it is better to make it from light chiffon fabric.
  • On the shoulder. This option is suitable for self-confident women, especially if the bow is quite large.

If you have decided on the style of your dress and the place where the bow will be tied, we offer you the most popular ways to tie a bow to the dress beautifully.

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Classic french bow:

  1. Calculate the length of the ribbon so that you get 2 loops of the same size.
  2. You overlap both loops.
  3. Pull the upper loop under the formed “cross” and gently pull it into the knot.
  4. Spread out and give it a presentable look.

Important! This bow tie method has been familiar to you since childhood, as it is similar to tying shoelaces.

There is another option how to simplify or modify this accessory:

  1. Lay the two ends of the ribbon loops on top of each other.
  2. Fix in the middle with a brooch, a decorative pin or sew beads, while fixing the bow itself.

Important! In this method of tying bows, fabrics of various textures can be used. The main thing is not to forget that equally tied bows will look completely different, depending on what type of fabric you used.

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Single loop bow

This method of tying bows has been popular for more than one year. Despite its simplicity, it has sophistication and aesthetics:

  1. Make two loops in the same way as in the classic version.
  2. Take one end of the loop and wrap around the other. You must pass the knot in half.
  3. You need to pass the second end through the knot completely - so that it flows downward.
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For those who are not afraid to experiment

There are several options for how to tie a bow. Compared to the previous ones, they are more complicated. But if you master these methods, you will not refuse them:

  1. Four loops. It is made according to the classical scheme. Only on previously tied 2 loops, tie another 2 new ones.
  2. Layering. For this method, you need to make several bows from two or four loops. Then collect all the parts in a pile and secure them with a pin.

Important! You can use fabrics of various colors and textures, but keep in mind that the maximum number of layers should not exceed 7.

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Do it yourself simple bow

In order to make a bow on a dress with your own hands, you will not need much work and financial costs.

Materials for work

Before you start work, you should prepare:

  • material stitched on both sides - it can be chiffon, silk or satin;
  • needle with thread - the thread should be the same color as the fabric.



When everything is ready, we proceed directly to the creation of the bow:

  1. Harvest the number of loops you need. In order to make a loop, you need to take a small length of tape and fasten both ends with a stitch.
  2. Gather all the loops and sew in the middle so that they do not fall apart.
  3. When everything is ready, expand each loop so that your bow has a presentable appearance.

Important! This bow option can be used not only for dress decor, but also as an accessory for hair.

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DIY satin bow belt

In order to make a bow from a satin ribbon on a belt, you should have:

  • satin, size 20x50 cm.;
  • scissors;
  • a needle with a thread in the color of the fabric;
  • sewing machine.


When everything is ready, go directly to sewing the product:

  1. To begin with, you should iron the fabric well.
  2. Next, you need to cut out rectangles from fabric in size: 18x22, 18x15.5x8 cm (future bridge).
  3. We take the largest rectangle, fold it in half with the inside out, grind the slices at a distance of about 1 cm. Do not touch the sides. Do the same with the smallest part.
  4. The second rectangle is also added and sewn. Only deferment should be done for all sections (except one) in the form of a trapezoid.
  5. We turn both parts on the face.
  6. Iron both parts. On the jumper, unscrew the seam allowances and secure them with an iron.
  7. Put the first part with a longitudinal seam outward. Stitching ends.
  8. Now you should cut the allowance, leaving the distance from the seam about 3-4 mm, and turn the part.
  9. Fold the future bow in the middle. Sew the formed fold with a thread and a needle.
  10. Without breaking the thread, sew the second part folded in half.
  11. Wrap it with a jumper and secure with a pin. We do all the work from the wrong side.
  12. What is superfluous - cut and stitch manually.
  13. Already finished bow, correct and align.

Important! This type of bow is most appropriate for little girls and teenage girls.

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Wear a bow in line with fashion trends

Thanks to such an accessory as a bow, you can emphasize your strengths and hide flaws. We bring to your attention a few recommendations that will help you with wearing this accessory:

  • On tall and thin girls, a dress with a bow located on the back looks harmonious.
  • For girls with a long neck and beautiful contours of the face, a bow tie tied around the neck is suitable.

Important! A bow tied around the neck hides age and is young.

  • If you are the owner of a perfect waist, without extra folds, you can wear a bow at the waist level.
  • Long dresses with a train, an open back and a bow at the back at the waist look luxurious and elegant.

Important! You can tie a bow not only on the fabric.They look great on belts too. Often, we refuse to purchase this accessory just because we don’t know how to tie it beautifully. But the belt can not only be a bright detail, but radically change and improve your image.

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How to tie a belt on a dress beautifully?

A belt in the wardrobe of a modern woman is not only a way of fixing, but also an opportunity to emphasize oneself, make a bright accent, and decorate even the most ordinary-looking dress.

Therefore, before choosing a belt for yourself, you should clearly navigate your style of clothing:

  • Business style. Here, strictness must be observed. Therefore, give preference to thin and discreet belts. As for the color palette, contrasting and neutral colors - black, beige, white, gray, dark blue or brown will be appropriate.
  • Romantic style. To create such an image, tie a belt with a bow in front, side or back.

Important! If you have a fluffy or voluminous dress, opt for a belt tied in a bow on the back.

  • Casual style. In this case, it all depends on your imagination. You can use both thin and wide belts, one-color or with various patterns and decorations. The main thing is not to forget that all this in a duet with a dress looks harmonious.

Important! It looks very stylish to use several identical thin belts at once. They can be either monophonic or have a different color.

  • Do not refuse to wear a belt if you do not have a perfect figure. There are small tricks that will help you not only be in a trend, but also visually hide your shortcomings:
    1. If you have extra centimeters on your sides, hips, wear a belt under your chest.
    2. If you have beautiful hips and want to draw attention to them, then tie a belt with a bow on the side.


Types of belts

To date, the range of choice of this accessory is incredibly large. It can be woven from threads, woven from beads, from chain mail elements, laces and various leather strips. But the most popular, practical are belts sewn from leather or light tissues.

Despite the wealth of choice, the main types of belts are distinguished:

  • Classical. Its width is not more than 5 cm. It is mainly made of leather or suedefastens with a buckle.
  • Corset. This accessory is designed to highlight, emphasize the waist. It can be worn both with evening dresses and in a casual style.
  • Sash. Very long and wide belt. It is wrapped several times around the waist, and the ends are tied in the form of a bow.

Ways to tie a belt on a dress

There are several simple, but very effective ways of how to tie a belt on a dress:

  • Single node. Pass the end of the belt through the buckle, enter it down under the strap, pull it up, then down again, re-direct the tip under the belt, pull it into the loop.
  • Loop-knot. Pass the end of the belt through the buckle, then down under the strap, then pull it up through the loop of the belt, pass it into a large loop.
  • Loop free. Fold the long belt in half, wrap it behind your back so that the loop and ends of the belt are in front of you. Pass the ends into the loop, tighten it.

Important! For this method, it is recommended to use leather belts. Materials such as silk and satin are not suitable here.

If you want something even more original, try the ideas below.


  1. Put the belt behind your back so that the ends are in front of you.
  2. Place the right end on the left, lead inward from the bottom up.
  3. The end, which was brought out from above, is bent down on the outside, after - we start under the second.
  4. We measure 15 cm from the intersection with the free end, make a bend. You will get a “half-ear” ear.
  5. The “eye” is threaded into the knot that you made in step 3.


For this method, you need a belt with a width of 15 cm or more:

  1. Tie a hem.
  2. Take the “ear” of the half-bow in the middle and push under the knot.
  3. You form a loop in two semicircles.Due to the presence of folds on it, it visually resembles a flower.

Important! In order for the belt tied with this method to last long, the “flower” should be imperceptibly secured with a pin.

We tie a belt on a dress with a bow

In order to tie a belt on a dress in the form of a bow, you will not need much time. We bring to your attention a way to decorate your outfit with a beautiful and magnificent bow:

  1. Flatten your belt and pick up the ends. Place the left end over the right and circle around it. Leave the left end perpendicular up, and the right - down. You should succeed and tighten the first node.
  2. Fold the lower end of the belt into a loop “hem”.
  3. Pick up the upper end, circle the lower half of it so that the front side of the girdle remains on the outside. Next - stretch the free end into the loop formed. You got one more half-bow. In order to get a second bow, you need to twist it slightly and pull it out with the front side out while pulling it.
  4. Pull the half-bow in the horizontal direction in order to tighten the knot.
  5. Level the finished bow.
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Experimenting with style and image, you do not have to have a huge wardrobe and wear a new outfit daily. You should have only a few belts. They can differ in styles, material and accessories. Thanks to this accessory and the ability to tie it beautifully, you can change your image every day, while remaining in the same dress.


