How to starch a collar?

To give the shirts a more festive and especially solemn appearance, the starch method was used in everyday life for quite some time. If you still have not used it or forgot how to do it, in this article you will find different methods on how to starch a shirt collar.

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Why shirts starch?

Starch penetrates the pores of the fabric, thereby making your shirt stiffer, and it is because of this that it looks like you just bought it. In addition to this, there are other reasons why it is worth starched shirt collar or the entire product:

  • starched things retain their unsurpassed appearance longer, because their texture is compacted, thereby they become more durable and wear less;
  • after this process, things do not wrinkle much longer;
  • the layer that is formed when ironing the starched shirt provides an additional and more pronounced whiteness;
  • starched products are covered with a kind of film, which serves as a dirt-repellent barrier;
  • during washing, the film dissolves, and the item is washed in the most ordinary way.

Important! Remember that only those shirts that are made of natural fabric are allowed to starch. Synthetic materials do not have the necessary porous texture, and that is why you will not succeed in starching them.

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Starching - what you need to know?

A clear disadvantage of using starch is that after this procedure, natural tissues lose the ability to fully pass air through their pores, so there is no need to constantly wear starched clothes. It is for the same reason that it is not recommended to undergo such processing underwear and those items of your wardrobe that fit tightly on your body or are worn every day.

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Preparing the right composition

Before you begin to address the issue of how to starch a shirt, you need to pay attention to the material from which it is made. The required composition and degree of stiffness of the solution will depend on the type of fabric.

The following rules are followed:

  • a product made of chiffon or batista starch using a mild method;
  • a semi-rigid method is used for cotton;
  • dense products or individual parts, such as a collar and cuffs, can be starched using only the tough method.

Important! Even after using starch, you will still need to take care of things and clean them. Find out about how to wash clothes from different fabrics. This knowledge will never be redundant.

The method of soft starches:

  1. From 1 l pour a small amount of cool water into another container and dissolve 1 tsp in it. starch, without a hill.
  2. There should be no lumps, otherwise the effect will be inferior.
  3. Boil the rest of the water and pour the diluted starch into it.
  4. In this form, boil for 3 minutes, while do not forget to mix continuously.

Important! Ready paste must be transparent, as well as homogeneous.

A semi-rigid way to starch shirts:

For a semi-rigid method, the technology for preparing a paste is exactly the same as for a soft one, but it is necessary to take twice as much starch.

Important! Shirts - male and female, perhaps the most difficult things to iron.So that from now on, this process takes away a minimum of time and effort, and the clothes look neat, look at the step-by-step instructions, how to iron shirts.

The hard way to starch shirts:

  1. 2 tbsp. l mix starch in 1 tbsp. l water.
  2. Rub thoroughly to a mushy state.
  3. Separately, take a glass of hot boiled water.
  4. Add 15 g of ordinary salt to it, mix until crystals are completely dissolved.
  5. Mix and boil both solutions for 2 minutes.
  6. Leave this paste for at least 1 hour to insist.

Important! You can not starter the whole shirt, but only a collar and cuffs. Thanks to this tricky move, the collar, as well as the shirt as a whole, will look much more presentable. Plus - it will be much easier to wash, and the collar and cuffs are the most difficult parts, since they are quickly dirty and difficult to wash.

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Before starching the collar, additionally walk along the surface of the fabric with a napkin dipped in hydrogen peroxide. This action will eliminate yellow spots or other contaminants.

The very method of stiffening this part of the shirt is incredibly simple and accessible to everyone. So, in order to starch a shirt, you need to do the following:

  1. Prepare a paste - as described above.
  2. In the resulting solution, completely dip the product and soak it for 35-40 minutes.

Important! If you just need to starch your shirt collar, immerse only this part of your item in the solution.

  1. Take out and carefully hang your shirt straightened so that it is not wrinkled.
  2. As it dries, spray a few times with a spray bottle of water.
  3. At the moment when the shirt is almost dry, but still a little wet, iron it.
  4. Iron the collar and cuffs through gauze to prevent the fabric from sticking to the sole of the iron.

Important! No need to hang a freshly starched shirt to dry on the balcony. There, inevitably direct sunlight will fall on it, and this can lead to yellowing of the fabric. It makes no sense to dry such products also on a battery, because there is a high probability that you will simply dry your shirt, and then smoothing it will be incredibly problematic. The most acceptable and effective method is drying on a hanger in room conditions.

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Some interesting recommendations on the use of starch:

  • You can starch a shirt even in an ordinary washing machine. In order to do this, you need to: pour the diluted starch into the compartment, which is designed for the air conditioner, and you should not use other detergents in this cycle.
  • To give your shirt a more formal and glossy shade, add a small amount of molten stearin to the paste.
  • It is allowed to dry starches in the cold, but it will be extremely difficult to do this. Do not be afraid, this will not give your shirt any extra stiffness.
  • You can add a small amount of salt to the paste in order to add shine to your shirt.

Important! If you decide to apply this method for other clothes, use the information from our separate publication "How to starch fabric?".

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Starching a shirt collar or the whole item of your wardrobe is easy. And this is the easiest way to make it much more attractive and presentable. No washing or dry cleaning will provide such a vivid effect. And now you know how to get such a result and not spend a lot of time on it. Always look beautiful and stylish!


