How to update leather shoes at home?

If the material of your favorite shoe has lost its luster, cracked or scratched, do not rush to throw or remove the product on the farthest shelf of the cabinet, because you can simply learn how to update leather shoes at home. There are many different ways to restore your skin, whether it’s old shoes or boots that will help you breathe new life into your beloved couple. We will tell you about them in this article.
to contents ↑Remedies for leather products
Without proper cleaning, the necessary nutrition and thorough drying, leather products can be deformed, ugly wrinkles and creases appear on them. To maintain a presentable appearance, it is necessary to care for the skin after each use:
- After you return home, always wipe the surface of the product with a slightly damp sponge (soft rag), then leave the steam to dry away from heating appliances.
- For skin care, you can buy special products, for example, spray, and treat the surface of the shoe with it. After using it, always polish the outer surface with velvet.
Important! Such cosmetics can cope with serious pollution and restore their original appearance.
- To restore shine, treat the leather surface of a completely dry shoe with a cream about a couple of times a week, which has a water-repellent effect. The main purpose of this cream is to soften the skin, as well as prevent cracks on it.
- To restore a dull leather surface, use coloring agents - with them you can not only restore leather shoes at home, refresh their color and mask scratches, but also protect them from cracks.
- To eliminate stains that have appeared on the surface, rub the contaminated areas with a bulb previously cut in half. You can also use a cotton pad dipped in onion juice.
- Treat tarnished skin regularly with petroleum jelly (glycerin, baby cream). In addition, petroleum jelly can eliminate traces of mold that may appear due to dampness.
to contents ↑Important! After the procedure, remove excess fat with a paper towel or soda solution.
How to get rid of cracks?
How to tidy up white or black shoes, and what if the skin is cracked? To remove cracks in leather shoes, you need to know some useful points:
- Cracks on the surface of leather products can be removed using special tools. The main purpose of water-repellent cream is to prevent cracking. Coat the surface with a thin layer of cream, and after completely drying, polish the product with a brush.
Important! Classical skin care is the use of shoe polish, which perfectly protects this material from the effects of adverse factors. Perhaps you have a dried cream and you don’t know how to restore it in order to try on shoes, look at some tips on this topic.
- A piece of leather that has been stripped off the product can be repaired on its own. To do this, lubricate the damaged area (from the inside) with nail polish (or glue) and, pressing it with your finger, hold for a couple of minutes.This procedure can also be carried out to eliminate scratches: grease them with glue and press.
- To refresh the color, wipe it regularly with a cotton pad dampened ammonia. After drying completely, work with the surface with a thin sandpaper.
How to protect old leather shoes from cracking?
- So that the leather boots do not lose their shape and are not covered with ugly cracks, during their storage fill their toe with newspapers, and put a piece of cardboard in the bootleg.
- Every evening after a walk, carefully wipe the leather products with a damp rag, and “make-up” the cracks with a small amount of cream.
Important! You can also use castor oil or fish oil to make your skin water resistant.
- Wash white leather shoes with a soft brush or a foam sponge dipped in water with washing powder. After that, wash the steam with plain warm water and dry it away from the radiators. At the end of the procedure, treat the pair with a colorless cream.
- If you wear varnished shoes in hot weather or often use an automatic shoe-polish device, the varnish film may lose its shape and strength, and then cracks appear. To prevent the occurrence of cracks on such products, regularly treat the surface with a cotton pad moistened with castor oil or glycerin. After 20 minutes after the procedure, do not forget to remove the excess funds and rub the surface with velvet.
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In order for leather shoes to maintain their beautiful appearance for as long as possible, they must be carefully looked after. Dirt, damp, cold in any case spoil the skin, even if after each use you will carefully lubricate the product with cream. That is why it is worth knowing how to update leather shoes at home.. We hope our tips will help maintain the look of your beloved couple for a long time.
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