How to update a coat?

Outerwear needs special care, as it is designed for more than one season. Like any other item, a coat also has a certain period of wear. Preserving it in its original form is quite difficult, but breathing new life is quite real. There are many different ways to help answer the question, how to update a coat. Using one of them, you can make an unsightly and shabby wardrobe item an interesting and unique little thing that will certainly attract the eye.

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Lace inserts

Lace can help mask small traces of time. This is a very interesting solution for lovers of Gothic and romantic styles:

  • Having picked up the fabric a few tones darker or lighter than the main shade, you can make the outfit very beautiful and sophisticated.
  • Complementing the plain coat with beautiful, bright lace, the image will become more original and sharper.
  • Depending on your wishes, the location of the lace may be different. For example, stepping back from the edge of about 3 cm, with the help of small stitches along the entire length of the hem, sew on both sides a wide ribbon of lace, hiding its ends in the inner side of the product. Similarly, place two other lace pieces on the sleeves so that one edge overlaps the other in the area of ​​the side seam.

Important! No special sewing skills are required here - you just need to be careful and your imagination.

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Flowers are quite simple to form from a suitable color of dense fabric:

  1. Stencil the details, each of which will be one centimeter smaller than the previous one.
  2. At the end of the process, attach all the received elements with a thread.
  3. Sew a bright button or bead into the center.

Important! Recently, flowers with zippers have become relevant. You can also machine embroider or sew on floral appliqués. Several of these elements can hide a fairly large area of ​​tissue. And after playing with color, the result will be a completely new wardrobe item.

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Did your coat seam apart? Pocket torn? - Not scary. An easy way to update the old coat with your own hands and hide the hole from prying eyes is to make it even larger and preferably on both sides.

Symmetry will hide flaws, and an ignorant person will not be able to guess that this is not factory work. Sewing a snake into the incision is a very simple and natural solution.

Even if she is on her back, this element of decor will be able to give courage and originality to the overall image. Acquaintances and friends will certainly be interested in the store where you purchased such an unusual thing.

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To mask a spot in a prominent place, the ideal option is to sew a pocket on top of it. For those who do not have a sewing machine and do not have special sewing skills, there is a great way: thick, bright woolen threads and stitches with a slope add to the image of mischief, playfulness and originality.

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Refresh an old coat is also capable of a hood. He will hide all temporary marks on his back. A slight color difference is not scary - it is often difficult to get in tone because of faded material.

Important! To issue a hood with buttons or sew it on - the question always remains at the discretion of the needlewoman.

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Buttons are a rather demanded and very interesting element of a decor which looks more advantageously on a monophonic fabric.By connecting your imagination, from the buttons you can collect various patterns, small mosaics and even interesting inscriptions.

Important! Using threads to match the color of the coat, things are obtained not only original, but also harmonious.

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Outerwear is often wiped with a belt, leaving an ugly faded strip in its place. Imperfections in the waist area can hide a wide belt. Depending on the style of the coat, such a belt will not only hide a defect in outer clothing, but also favorably emphasize the femininity of the figure.

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Stock footage

Often women are not able to part with their favorite wardrobe item, while not putting it on because of their unsightly appearance. Now this problem has a solution - updating the coat will not be difficult using one of the above methods. As a result, the thing will serve you a couple more seasons.


