How to clean the palace from plasticine?

When there is a child at home, the question of how to clean the palace from plasticine can be very acute, because children like to make a mess. And then one day you can go into the room and see the traces of your child’s creativity on your favorite family carpet. What to do? How to remove it and at the same time not spoil the coating itself? You will surely be puzzled by the problem, because after each such prank, buying a new coating is not an option, and walking on sticky clumps of sticky mass with dirt is by no means pleasant. Now we will try to give you suitable advice on how to remove all this “disgrace”, or the result of a flight of creative imagination of your precious child.
to contents ↑We get rid of plasticine with the help of cold or heat
To remove our trouble, it is not necessary to immediately resort to using a brush or vacuum cleaner, and try to wipe it. Believe me, make it worse. But there is a way! And this output is physics. Namely, the physical properties of plasticine.
The thing is this, the composition of plasticine includes substances such as:
- clay and wax or rubber;
- polyethylene;
- polyvinyl chloride.
Important! This, in turn, makes the material similar to resin in properties: it becomes brittle at low temperatures, and melts at high temperatures.
It is these properties that will help us in getting rid of the ill-fated spot.
To do this and clean the palace from plasticine:
- You just need to take the ice from the freezer, put it in a clean plastic bag.
- We put this package directly on the spot for a few minutes.
- When the plasticine on the surface ceases to be sticky, you can easily remove it with a knife, an unnecessary plastic card or a vacuum cleaner.
Important! If you use a vacuum cleaner in this case, then after you have removed the stain, you should clean the dust collector of your equipment as soon as possible. There is a chance that the clay will heat up and clog you the entire filter.
Unfortunately, this method will not help in the fight against the so-called “smart plasticine”. If he got on the carpet, then you should contact a dry cleaning service, where they will be happy to help you.
Important! In order for the child not to be ugly, he needs to be occupied with an interesting affair. Find out in our publication all useful tips, what can a child do.
But how can heat help us? Elementary!
Instructions on how to clean the palace from plasticine will be as follows:
- First you need to remove everything you can with your own hands.
- Then put a sheet of paper on the stain, iron it with a small power. A stream of warm air from a hairdryer is also suitable.
- The remains of plasticine simply stick to our sheet.
- Change the sheet as it becomes dirty.
- We complete this action by simply walking along the carpet with a damp cloth.
Important! Be careful if your carpet is made of synthetics, then you need to carefully approach the moment with heating, because together with plasticine you can melt part of your carpet.
Alcohol way
In the fight against plasticine on the floor, alcohol can help us, an alternative to which can be purified gasoline or acetone.
Important! With such cleaning, it is worth removing children from the room, because all these products have a sharp specific smell that will be harmful to children. Cleaning should be carried out with an open window or window if it is warm outside.
So, cleaning will be carried out simply:
- You need to pour a little alcohol, or what we replace it with, on plasticine, which will dissolve it.
- Then remove with a knife or an unnecessary card what we get.
Important! This cleaning has its drawbacks:
- The smell can be absorbed into the surface to be cleaned for a long time;
- Acetone can remove the color of your carpet along with soiling, so be extremely careful.
In connection with such disadvantages, we advise you to test the reaction of the carpet with this reagent in a section that is invisible to the eye and is not used.
The method of "wedge-wedge"
We need a ball of plasticine. They we will collect clay from the carpet. But in no case should you rub it - it will give little sense, on the contrary - it will make a plasticine stain on the carpet even more.
To remove the clay from the carpet, you must put the ball on the clay on the carpet and “pull” the arm up.
Important! This method has its own nuances, for example: the plasticine that you use as a ball should not be soft, otherwise the effect will be negative.
Of course, there is an alternative. Instead of a plasticine ball, you can use a simple household adhesive tape, which will reduce the likelihood of even more pollution.
to contents ↑Important! If you see your child’s ability to draw, they should be developed. In our separate article you will find information on how to teach a child to draw.
Remove the stain
Since plasticine also contains a dye, after you removed the problem itself, we have a greasy stain. We solve this problem in the following ways:
- You can remove such a stain with a regular soap solution made from laundry soap and water. The consistency should be thick and warm. We wet a rag in the solution, and wipe the stained area until we achieve a clean surface.
- You can also use chemical solutions that are specifically designed for cleaning carpets.
- An ordinary dishwashing liquid can also help, after which you just need to wipe the place where the stain was with water. After all, these concentrates are specifically designed to dissolve fat, therefore they give excellent results.
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The list of methods and means of carpet cleaning from plasticine is not exhausted. Everything is limited only by your imagination and experience. We hope that the simplest methods presented were quite enough for you to restore the beauty of your flooring.
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