How to clean vomit from clothes?

Any person had to deal with the symptoms of diseases that cause nausea and vomiting. An attack of nausea in most cases occurs spontaneously, and when a person or animal is ill, it is very difficult, almost impossible to restrain the reflex act. The result is sad - soiled clothes, furniture, carpet, car seats and other surrounding surfaces. It is usually not difficult to remove the pollution, but how to clean the vomit from the clothes and get rid of the smell is a real problem. Today we will reveal some secrets that will help correct the situation.

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How to remove vomiting from clothes?

If an unfortunate incident happened, then you need to act immediately:

  • Quickly clean the traces of clothing (bedding).
  • Take the product to the bathtub and turn on the cold water tap.
  • Spray water from the wrong side to minimize the ingress of dirt into the fabric fibers.

Important! Do not use hot water, otherwise - subsequent cleaning procedures will be inconclusive.

  • If the product could not be quickly jammed, soak it in cool water with a detergent containing enzymes.
  • Wash the product in warm soapy water.
  • If the stain is not completely removed, use bleach: oxygen-containing - for colored items, chlorine - for white products.
  • Rinse the product.
  • To neutralize the unpleasant odor, apply ordinary baking soda to the stain. If the soda does not cope with the problem, use a stain remover. Choose the composition of the product, depending on the type of fabric of the product. It is best to use drugs that have an alkaline basis, since in this case they are the most effective.

Important! If an unfortunate accident happened and the car seat got dirty, then after cleaning the stain, we recommend that you look into the auto chemical goods store. Get a composition that absorbs (absorbs), and does not just mask and drown out the unpleasant odor.

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What tools to use to remove stains and odors?

Removing stains from vomiting is a rather painstaking process. Therefore, the faster you start cleaning the product, the more success you will achieve. In addition, after removing the stain, it is necessary to neutralize the repulsive odor. With difficult tasks, improvised home remedies do an excellent job.



Possessing an alkaline base, soda copes well with the acid base of vomit. To neutralize the stain, and at the same time the smell, proceed as follows:

  1. Wet the stain with cold water.
  2. Pour soda onto the problem area. Do not spare money, sprinkle more so that the contamination is covered with a layer of a thickness of 0.5 cm. Baking soda will absorb the smell and remove the stain from the fibers of the fabric.
  3. Leave the product for several hours, and after drying the treatment site, remove the remaining powder.

Important! Instead of soda, you can use salt or starch, which perfectly absorb moisture and eliminate pollution.


Soda + lemon juice (vinegar)

If the stain is difficult to remove, then add more aggressive preparations to the previous method - lemon or vinegar. How to wash vomit from clothes:

  1. Sprinkle soda on the stain and pour lemon juice (vinegar) on top. Soda starts to hiss.
  2. Using a toothbrush, scrub the stain as hard as possible.
  3. Rinse off any remaining product with warm running water.
  4. Foam the dishwashing detergent.
  5. Apply the detergent to the stain with a toothbrush.Rub the cloth.
  6. Let the product soak for an hour (as much as possible).
  7. Rinse clothes in warm water.
  8. Apply dishwashing liquid to the stain again and throw in the wash.



From among folk remedies, it copes well with the repulsive smell of vomit ammonia. Mix ammonia with water in a 1: 1 ratio, dip a sponge or cloth in the mixture and treat the stain with patting movements.

If the stain is problematic, then use ammonia in the following way:

  1. Soak the stain in 1 liter of cold (slightly warm) water.
  2. Add 8 g of detergent and 10 ml of ammonia to a container of water.
  3. Scrape lightly and lather the stain with a soft brush.
  4. Rinse your clothes thoroughly to remove residual ammonia.
  5. Squeeze the product and wash it.

Important! Before carrying out cleaning procedures with ammonia, vinegar and lemon juice, be sure to test their effect on the fabric. Apply the product on an inconspicuous area and make sure that the material does not react with the drug.

In difficult situations, when the stain is strongly ingrained in the fibers of the fabric, we recommend using a good stain remover and not experimenting with folk recipes.


Stain remover

An industrial product will help to immediately solve two problems: get rid of pollution and make the surface clean, as well as remove an unpleasant odor and give the clothes a pleasant smelling aroma. Before you start using the product, be sure to read the instructions so as not to overdo it with the concentration and time of cleaning.

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Use an industrial product to clean clothes vomit as follows:

  1. Saturate the stain with a stain remover on the front and back of the fabric.
  2. Wash the product in the most hot water for it. To determine the washing mode, look at the label on the clothes. When washing, use a detergent designed to remove stains.
  3. Repeat the process if necessary (if the stain has not disappeared).


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Helpful hints:

  • Air ozonizer will help restore freshness to soiled clothes, since it contains ozone, which kills spores of fungi and bacteria, which are a source of unpleasant odor. You can buy an ozonizer in any store of household chemicals and electronics. However, before using a chemical agent, make sure that the composition does not cause allergies in you and households. Otherwise, it will be possible to say goodbye to clothes.
  • If the problem arose on leather, then you must act immediately, because the skin is known for its ability to quickly absorb odors. Arm yourself with a foam sponge (the skin does not like hard brushes) and apply a little essential oil on it. After the ether has evaporated, wash the problem area with soap and water. Usually such aromatization and purification is quite enough to solve the problem of stain and smell.

Important! In no case do not try to drown out the smell of vomiting with perfumed liquids and deodorizing agents, since when combined, an explosive, disgustingly smelling mixture is obtained.

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Nausea can occur in any person, anywhere and anytime, so you should be prepared for unpleasant consequences and have at hand the simplest but most effective means that we introduced you to. We hope that using our tips and tricks, you will quickly deal with the problem and nothing will remind you of such an unpleasant incident.


