How to clear ugg from salt?

Ugg boots rightfully take pride of place both on the catwalks and in everyday life. True ugg boots, in addition to being beautiful, are also made from natural sheepskin. This makes them ideal shoes for the Russian cold winter. They can be seen on the feet of millions of fashionistas who appreciated the comfort, softness and warmth of shoes in the cold season. But they have a rather serious drawback - they are very whimsical to care for. If you bought the original uggs, giving them a tidy sum of money, then you have the right to expect that they will serve more than one season. And for this you need to properly and carefully approach the care and storage of these wonderful Australian boots. In this article we will try to help you with our practical advice in this difficult matter - we will tell you how to clean the uggs from salt and dirt, because these are the most basic problems.

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How to clean?

  • The most affordable means for cleaning these boots will be the most ordinary cold clean water.
  • But if you have more serious pollution than traces of dust, then you should use vinegar solution for cleaning.
  • If the spots are much more serious, for example, greasy marks, then purified gasoline can help you in this difficult matter.
  • If traces of salt have formed on your boots, then you can get rid of them with a mixture of ammonia, alcohol and vinegar.

Important! For internal maintenance of the cleanliness of the boots, you can use the most common sprays to eliminate the unpleasant smell from the shoes.

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Clean ugg boots with water

After a walk, it is best to immediately clean the uggs from dust and dirt, otherwise - all this can be firmly rooted in the villi of your boots:

  1. First of all, use a dry brush to shake off dust and dirt that has not adhered.

Important! During brushing, move it in one direction.

  1. After you have removed all the dust and particles of dirt, you can safely proceed to washing your beautiful boots with ordinary water.

Important! In no case do not substitute uggs under a stream of tap water, do not dip into a container of water. To wash your favorite shoes you need to use a soft sponge and a small container in which you will pour water.

  1. Water should be clean and transparent, as soon as it is contaminated, it must be replaced.
  2. Before you wipe the sponge with your sponge, it is worth squeezing it very well, since it is undesirable to wet the uggs very much.
  3. After wet cleaning your boots, they should be put to dry, before stuffing with a newspaper, so that they do not lose their shape.

Everything, now your ugg boots are clean and pleasant to look at.

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Clean with vinegar

The mixture of vinegar and water that we will use in this method should be mixed in a proportion of 4 tbsp. tablespoons of 7% vinegar to five tablespoons of water. To clean ugg boots from stains:

  1. All this is bred in a small convenient container.
  2. The mixture itself we will use for external wiping boots.
  3. The wipe method is exactly the same as with ordinary water.

Important! We remind you that you don’t need to wet the sponge very much, and the surface itself should already be cleaned of dirt and dust.

  1. After the vinegar water dries, simply wipe the surface with a sponge with clean water.


Important! The main thing is not to overdo it with water, with plain or vinegar, and not to pour ugg boots.

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Clean from greasy stains

To do this, we will need, as described above, refined gasoline, and we will also use starch.Yes, starch. All we need to do to clear the ugg boots is:

  1. Add a few drops of gasoline to the starch to make a slurry, which you must put on a greasy stain and leave to dry.
  2. Then, with a shoe brush, shake out this slurry.

All spots as it had happened!

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We clean from salt

We can remove fresh traces of salt with ordinary water, as we described above. But if the spot got eaten, then we are forced to resort to the help of heavy artillery.

And again good old vinegar, or rather a solution of three percent vinegar with ammonia. So, to clear the uggs from salt, when it has already thoroughly eaten into the material:

  1. We breed everything in a 1: 1 ratio.
  2. Next, apply this solution to the problem surface with a soft brush.
  3. After - just dry and ventilate the boots.

That's it, in such a straightforward way, you got rid of the salt on the shoes.

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Remove unpleasant odor

Long-term use of shoes threatens not only with a change in appearance, but also with a change in the smell directly inside the shoe. Incorrect storage can also cause unpleasant odors. But no matter what the reason contributed to the appearance of this unpleasant phenomenon, you need to get rid of it - the shoes themselves will need to be processed with aromatic means:

  • The main and first assistant in this matter is a spray that must be sprayed inside. You can use perfumes, special sprays for shoes, which can be found in any shoe store, or a deodorant that does not contain talc.
  • If neither one nor the other is at hand, you can use a bag of salt and soda. It can simply be put inside and left overnight, and then removed in the morning - the smell is gone.
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Yes, caring for ugg boots is not an easy and painstaking job. Properly conducted procedures are the key to the beautiful appearance of your favorite boots, which will delight you with their magnificence and comfort for more than one year.

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