How to determine the size of tights?

Not a single women's wardrobe can do without tights, and this does not depend on age or on preferences in clothes. For many, it is no secret that such a seemingly trifle as nylon tights can either be added to the image of harmony or disfigure even the best outfit. Therefore, the purchase of a new pair of tights should always be approached wisely, armed with the necessary knowledge.
There is no universal definition of which nylon tights are better. An individual approach is needed, since there are a great many types of tights by purpose, size, color, density and pattern. In addition, you need to not ignore the quality. How to determine the size of tights, how to choose them correctly? This article will tell you all the secrets of the right choice.
to contents ↑Choose tights for the intended purpose
As we sometimes call them, “kapronki”, there can be several types:
- ordinary;
- corrective;
- massage;
- compression;
- for pregnant.
Consider each view in more detail in order to understand what their difference from each other is.
Regular tights come in different densities - from 5 to 250 den (depending on the season). They are designed for every day, they can be with shorts and without, of different colors, with drawings and without, with a normal fit or a low waistline.
Important! Often they play a purely decorative function.
Corrective tights remove the irregularities of the figure:
- they can tighten the stomach with the help of sealed shorts (the Slim body can be written on the package) or make cellulite invisible, at the same time pulling the hips (anti-riding breeches);
- there is another type - which effectively tighten the buttocks (effect up), which is important when tight clothing.
The bottom of the product looks like the usual “kapron”, it can be 20 and 40 den, but the part that is located in the “problem” area is denser several times (it can be 120-150 den). Usually, the place of correction is indicated on the picture located in the central part of the package with arrows or other markers.
Important! Doctors do not recommend wearing such products often, since they create excessive pressure on the abdominal organs. They can be worn at events or in special cases when the flaws of your figure are too striking in your clothes, for example, in a tight cocktail dress. But try not to abuse the pantyhose.
Massage tights (Support) do not have a medical purpose, but can help prevent swelling and venous expansion in the legs. This effect is achieved by a special interweaving of threads, with the help of which pressure is created in the right places. This helps blood circulation, relieves fatigue and prevents the veins from expanding, which is especially important for those who spend a lot of time on their feet.
Important! There is another kind - with foot massage. Such products can take the form of classic tights, but in the part where they touch the sole of the foot, a ribbed, undulating dense pattern is tied, which creates a light massage effect.
Similar products are designed for women with problem veins. They can be sold both in stores with stockings and tights, and in pharmacies.The function of such tights is that with the help of tangible pressure, which is correctly distributed over the legs, they protect the veins from expansion, normalize blood flow and reduce the risk of thrombosis. This is created using a special composition and weaving of threads.
Compression can be of varying degrees:
- If you need only prevention, you can purchase special tights with a light compression yourself.
- But if the problem already exists or you underwent surgery on the veins of the legs, then a phlebologist will help you choose such tights.
Important! To achieve the desired therapeutic effect, it is important to choose the degree of compression and size. When choosing, you need to measure the circumference of the lower leg above the ankle, in the upper part of the leg, thigh volume, height and weight. Typically, such tights retain their properties for up to 6 months.
Maternity Tights
Such kapronki is not produced by all brands, but, nevertheless, they exist. As in pants for pregnant women, they have a wide elastic band and inserts that support the stomach when walking, without crushing it. At the same time, the load on the spine and abdominal muscles is facilitated. A growing tummy is no reason to wear only pants.
to contents ↑Choose the right size
In order for pantyhose to sit “like a glove” on your leg, it is very important not to miss the size. How to choose pantyhose by size correctly? Usually it’s enough to know your height and weight.
Important! All self-respecting manufacturers always give a table on the package, in which the height and weight scale goes vertically and horizontally. At the intersection of these parameters, you will find your size of tights.
The size of tights can be indicated both by numbers (from 1 to 6) and Roman letters (XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL). Usually, according to height and weight, the sizes are distributed as follows:
- XS (1) - up to 160 cm tall and up to 50 kg weight;
- S (2) - up to 170 cm and up to 70 kg;
- M (3) - up to 175 cm and up to 75 kg;
- L (4) - up to 185 cm and up to 85 kg;
- XL (5) - up to 185 cm and up to 95 kg;
- XXL (6) - up to 185 cm and up to 105 kg.
This is an averaged table.
Important! Some brands may have their own dimensional grid, so if you buy tights of a new brand, do not be too lazy to look into their size chart.
Useful Tips
How to choose tights by size, if your parameters are on the border of sizes? In this case, it is better to take those that are larger:
- A small product will sit too tight for you, and because of this, it will tear faster.
- Incorrectly sized tights will either be collected by ugly folds or, on the contrary, slide down. In any case, you will feel discomfort.
to contents ↑Important! It must be remembered that it is risky to trust the dimensional table of tights of Chinese manufacturers. They sin that their XXL (meets XXXL and even XXXXL) barely reaches the standards of our M. In addition, there are cheap factories that do not spend money on packaging, but put tights in a plastic bag, where there is only a sticker with a size. For lack of a better option, such ones will do, but their quality is unlikely to please you.
How to choose nylon tights? Product quality and composition
Such tights are often called in the old fashion nylon or simply “nylon”. But their current composition has long been no longer capron.
Important! Ladies stockings were worn even more than four centuries ago, and pantyhose in their present appearance (to the waist) first appeared in the USA in the 50s of the XX century. Just for convenience, combined stockings and underpants. The dancers were the first to test such an innovation, and then such a product became just like hot cakes.
For a very long time, kapron pantyhose was a deficit and a subject of envy for ladies in the USSR. They were not very diverse in appearance, but were considered worth their weight in gold. Modern ladies have the widest selection of tights and stockings, but you need to give preference to quality things.
Which nylon tights are better in quality? If you come to a store and buy tights of an unknown manufacturer and are not sure of their quality, then pay attention to the following external signs.
- It should be made of cardboard, inside have a dense tablet, around which tights are neatly laid. All this should be enclosed in a plastic bag.
- The package should contain all the necessary information about the manufacturer, size and color (a size chart is required), composition, features of this product (the presence of cotton gusset, a tight toe, and tightening shorts).
- Typically, a window is cut through the package through which the color and pattern of the product are visible.
Seams and elastic
Ask the seller to show you stitches in tights:
- Quality products have a flat neat central seam, which when stretched merges into one plane with the rest of the product.
Important! If the seam is rough and convex, then it will be noticeable under the clothes and may cause you discomfort.
- The elastic should be 3-4 cm wide. This is the optimal width so that it does not curl or crush.
Smell and tactile sensations:
- Good tights should not have a sharp chemical smell, on the contrary - high-quality manufacturers additionally flavor their products.
- The fabric should be soft and silky to the touch. Tight tights, where kapron creaks, are clearly of poor quality and will be unpleasant for the body.
Important! Most likely no one will give them a dress or die, but be sure to touch the edge.
- See the tights in the light. In high-quality products, circles similar to saw cut wood will be visible in the light. The more pronounced they are, the better, this is due to the special weaving with a triple thread.
As we already mentioned, there has been no kapron in the composition for a long time:
- Tights consist of polyamide with additives.
- A good sign is the presence of cotton. Usually this is a cotton gusset - a hygienic supplement (optional, but desirable). Cotton should be at least 3% (higher in warm versions).
- Lycra (dorlastan, spandex) is also a required element. She gives the pantyhose elasticity - thanks to her products tightly fit the leg without folds and give freedom of movement. In addition, the strength of the product also depends on the amount of lycra in it. Optimum is 15-25%.
Important! If it is indicated that lycra in kapron is only 3-5%, this means that it is present only in the belt. If you see that lycra is in the composition of 30% or more - do not buy, this is a fake.
- It can be composed of microfiber. It gives the product velvet and softness, it retains heat well, but makes tights less transparent.
- For heat in the autumn-winter models, acrylic can be added to the composition, although it heats, it quickly leads to the formation of pellets.
How to choose women's tights by density?
The density of pantyhose all manufacturers indicate in “den”.
Important! If you go into details, then this unit of measurement denotes the weight of a thread 9 km long. For example, a density of 40 den indicates that 9 km of this thread weighs 40 grams.
Different density of tights is designed for different seasons and occasions:
- Pantyhose with a density of 5 to 10 den is worn in hot weather, in the office, where the dress code does not allow bare feet to come to the event in order to hide defects in the skin of the legs (irritation, lack of sunburn after winter, scars, etc.).
Important! Such tights are practically not felt on your feet, but you need to handle them very carefully, they are easy to tear, not even wearing them.
- 15-20 den are designed for warm weather, they are thin, but visible on the foot. A very important detail in thin tights from 15 to 20 den is a tight toe, as this is the most vulnerable spot, especially for women who spend a lot of time on their feet.
- Tights in 30-40 den are designed for spring-autumn, they are slightly warmer than 20 den, due to a denser weave of threads. In addition, they are stronger. If microfiber is added to the composition, then the product retains heat better, although it looks less transparent.
- Tights 60-250 den are designed for fall-winter. They are practically opaque, dense. Very often, cotton, microfiber, wool or acrylic are added to the composition for heat.
Important! It is worth considering that it is not customary to wear tights of such density in the office.
It is definitely impossible to answer the question which tights are better in density, because they are all designed for different purposes.
to contents ↑Important! The density in a pair of tights is not the same everywhere. She is taller in shorts, elastic and a toe.
How to choose tights by color and pattern?
We came to the most interesting, because the subject of our discussion is so diverse. As they say, tastes are not debated, but there are certain standards that must be adhered to in some situations.
Business lady
If you are an office worker, a public figure, a business woman or just a lady who adheres to the classical style, then try to avoid bright colors and fantasy drawings:
- In the color scheme, black, flesh, graphite, anthracite, smoky, with a density of up to 40 den are permissible. These shades look great with any clothing, even white.
- It is advisable to choose products without a pattern, but small peas or an arrow on the back may be acceptable (provided that the legs are level). This, of course, is a modest arsenal, but it is quite enough for all occasions.
- Do not forget that if you have full legs, then beware of light tones, prefer darker tights.
- Tights of tan color look vulgar.
- Tights with a density of 40 den and above are not worn in the office, but only after hours. Denim and leather dresses, skirts, casual clothes, sports are suitable for them.
Important! For work, choose products without gloss and gloss, matte.
The youth:
- Tights of bright colors - the prerogative of adolescents and youth. They should be combined with at least something in the outfit.
- Fantasy drawings can be worn by young girls. But we must not forget that at the same time, the skirt, shorts or dress should be plain, otherwise it will ripple the eyes.
Important! Vertical patterns or stripes will visually make your legs slimmer, and longitudinal - vice versa.
- Mesh tights are good in hot weather. But under a classic outfit, only a medium-sized flesh-colored mesh is permissible. Black mesh and lace - for discos and intimate dates. Do not forget that the mesh, especially the dark one, involves a heel, a dress or a skirt above the knees and slender legs.
to contents ↑Important! Under the white and beige shoes do not fit any color of tights, except for the flesh.
Tights Care
When you have already acquired the best tights, then it's time to find out how to properly care for them so that they last longer:
- For tights, especially up to 40 den, only hand wash with a mild detergent is recommended, water should not be above 30 degrees. You need to squeeze them, wrapped in a towel, without showing excessive force in this matter.
- If you are too lazy to wash by hand, then you can use the washing machine, but choosing “manual mode” for this is not enough. Tights should be placed in a special bag. Otherwise, when washing and spinning, they will necessarily be woven into one lump with other things and can not only stretch out, but also tear, clinging to a zipper, fastener, button.
- Dry kapron tights on a dryer at room temperature. Drying on radiators adversely affects the longevity of the product.
- To ensure that your tights do not tear during donning, make sure that there are no bulging jewelry on your hands, broken nails. The legs should be well-groomed, without cracked rough skin and pedicure with rhinestones.
- If your physiological shape of the toes contributes to the fact that tights on toes are constantly torn, then try not only to constantly monitor the length of the nails, but also to pull the toe of the tights 5-7 cm before putting on the shoes. This focus will slightly extend the integrity of the thing.
Stock footage
It would seem that such a simple product as kapron pantyhose should not carry a large number of secrets either in its composition or in its choice. But as you can see, this is not so.If you just choose a napkin at random, then you risk coming tomorrow for a new pair. If you want to buy a really high-quality product that will correct your figure, make the legs more slender, will not cause inconvenience, then you need to devote a little more time to the choice. You should definitely know how to choose the right tights by size, why you need them, and also take into account the individual characteristics of the figure. Taking into account all these nuances, you will get the perfect pantyhose that will last you more than one week.
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