How to repair a leather jacket at home?

A leather jacket is a basic element of a wardrobe that attracts with its practicality and durability. This thing always looks very stylish and complements any outfit. Unfortunately, even material such as leather is prone to spoilage, respectively - your jacket becomes unusable. In order to fix it, you can turn it in at the studio, or you can familiarize yourself with how to repair a leather jacket at home, and do it yourself.

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We repair a leather jacket with our own hands

If you decide to fix the product yourself, then you should take into account the fact that the work is scrupulous, you need to do it very carefully. Depending on the chosen method, you may need the following inventory.

  • Convenient workplace;
  • Glue that is designed to work with the skin;
  • A solution for degreasing the surface - you can use a tool to remove nail polish without acetone;
  • Toothpicks
  • Bristle brush;
  • Threads in color;
  • Needle;
  • Wide tape;
  • Paint for working with skin;
  • Gloves;
  • Patch.

Important! When choosing a patch for a patch, it is necessary that the physical properties of the materials coincide.


Today, there are the following ways to repair leather products with your own hands:

  • Sealing up. In this embodiment, the damage is sealed with a special glue. At the same time, the seamy side is also glued in order to “strengthen” the damage site.

Important! A huge advantage of this method is its budget and speed of repair.

  • Patch patch. Here, due to mechanical damage, the hole is sutured with a patch. The disadvantage of this method is its complexity and the future appearance of the product, since the repaired area cannot be hidden.

Important! A bright accent can be made from the patch using various accessories and sewing accessories.

  • Complete replacement of the damaged area. This is a very complicated method, which is used if the damage cannot be fixed using the first two methods. Therefore, if you do not have basic sewing skills, then you better seek the help of a professional.
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Doing the repair of a leather jacket with our own hands, depending on the type of damage

Getting started, it is very important to consider the location and form of damage. The most common are “angular” incisions, and when a piece of skin is completely torn out.

How to fix a gap in the shape of a corner?

  1. Turn the jacket to the wrong side.
  2. Carefully spread the seam that is at the junction of the sleeve with the product.
  3. The rupture site is treated with a degreasing solution on both sides.
  4. Combining the edges of the gap, glue a piece of tape on the front side.
  5. Prepare the patch of the required size, with glue, attach it to the wrong side to the gap.
  6. Leave the product for 30-40 minutes to dry the glue.
  7. On the front side, the gap should be bent along the edges of the hole.
  8. Using a toothpick, gently apply glue to the joint.
  9. Level the surface and press down with weight. Leave for a day.

Important! If the gap is more than one centimeter, then after the glue dries, it is also necessary to seam it.And in order to make it less noticeable, you should use skin paint.


What to do if a piece of skin is torn out?

In order to close up a hole on a leather jacket, you need to perform the following steps:

  • Using tweezers, carefully insert the torn leather patch into its place, fix it with tape.
  • Turn the product inside out, get to the place of the gap in the same way as in the previous method (point 1, 2, 3).
  • The prepared patch of tissue should be glued directly to a piece of skin.
  • Remove the tape from the front of the product.

Important! Until the fabric is stuck, you can move it, thereby adjusting the leather patch placed on the front side.

  • Leave the product for a while so that the glue seizes and dries.
  • Sew the lining.

Important! If the work was done carefully, then the gap will be almost invisible.

Repairing with Liquid Skin

Today, in addition to standard methods of repairing leather products, there are also new methods, for example, the use of liquid skin. Its main advantage is ease of use.

Important! You can buy liquid skin in any store with sewing accessories. And thanks to a wide range of colors, you can choose the tone that you need, or mix them to achieve the desired shade.

In order to close the cut on a leather jacket with liquid skin, you need to clean and degrease the product. The following stages of work depend entirely on the shape and size of the damage:

  • Small cuts. To do this, you need to apply a small layer of the mixture on the edges of the ragged hole. This should be done very carefully so that the product does not go beyond the boundaries of the damage. Gently pat the mixture with a sponge to give the finished look and texture to the damaged area of ​​the skin.

Important! If, however, during operation, the mixture has gone beyond the boundaries of the cut, it can be wiped with a dry sponge.

  • Through cuts. In this case, you first need to place the patch inside. In this way you will avoid deformation of the material during operation. After the patch is glued, then apply 2-3 thin layers of the mixture on top of it, give the texture with a sponge.
  • Incisions with jagged edges. If the edges of the damage are uneven, then they must be leveled with a blade. Next - inside, you need to glue the patch, after which several layers of liquid skin are applied.

Important! Drying time varies depending on the type of damage, and can take from 10 minutes to 8 hours.


Should I sew a hole on a leather jacket?

If the hole is not small and looks more like a hole, then in this case it needs to be sewn up.

Important! In order to avoid creeping of the leather material, an adhesive plaster should be glued on before damage.

In order to sew a leather jacket with your own hands, you need to do the following:

  1. Unzip the lining at the seam.
  2. Cut the edges of the hole so that they become even.
  3. Apply the patch on the wrong side of the product.
  4. From the outside, apply a second shred.
  5. Sew patches to the product.

Important! The needle must be chosen so that it is suitable for working with dense materials.

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How to repair a leatherette jacket?

The algorithm for repairing leather products is similar to genuine leather. The only difference is that when gluing, you need to choose a special glue that will match the material. This is a very important point, since the adhesive mixture and leatherette are products of inorganic production. Therefore, an improperly selected product can not only not help, but also significantly spoil the product.

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Useful Tips

In order for you to succeed and please the result, we offer you some tips:

  • Before using adhesive tape, make sure its quality. To do this, you need to glue a small piece to the area of ​​the skin that is not visible when worn.
  • Work must be done very carefully and quickly.Therefore, in order not to be distracted, it is better to remember or write down the algorithm of work on a separate piece of paper, which you will constantly have before your eyes.
  • Make sure that the glue layer does not dry before you repair the gap.
  • So that the patch does not catch your eye, you can sew several more on the entire surface of the product.
  • Skin cannot be wetted. Work exclusively with dry rags.
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Leather goods are very expensive and not everyone can buy a new thing in case of damage to the old one. Therefore, so that your favorite jacket still lasts several seasons, you can fix it yourself. And if you adhere to our advice and recommendations, then the work will be done quickly and efficiently.


