How to remake a skirt if small?

It often happens that your favorite clothes do not have time to serve their own. It is especially annoying in those situations when things cease to fit in size. Not every fashionista will agree to put her clothes in the closet and wait until she is losing weight. In addition, not everyone can quickly lose weight. But you don’t have to wait for this time - it’s enough to restore the thing before it is out of fashion. In addition, often several things in the wardrobe are connected to each other, that is, if one fails, the others instantly also become unnecessary. Therefore, today we will tell you how to remake a skirt, if small, in the most popular and simple ways.

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Ways to expand a small skirt

At the moment, there are several ways to expand a tight skirt, which, for example, "rose" at the waist, they are considered the most effective and simple. These include the following methods:

  • The pencil model can be increased by inserting into the upper part of the side seams and on the belt. Inserts do better in the form of a trapezoidal or rounded pocket entry. Wedges are inappropriate here.
  • To increase the pencil skirt at the same time in the belt and hips, it is necessary to make inserts from the belt along the entire length to the very bottom. You can also use a detachable zipper as an insert - it is simply sewn into the side or middle seam.
  • To increase the product by a couple of sizes, it is enough to make an insert in front of another material, due to which the canvas itself will expand.
  • The direct model can be converted into a wraparound skirt, for this you need to insert an expanding part from another material.
  • A flared skirt is even easier to expand - just cut it off from the top. Only in this case it is necessary to take into account that the clothes will become much shorter.


Which version of the alteration is suitable for specific purposes - we will talk later, because first you need to consider no less important nuances.

The process of expanding a small skirt has certain conditions:

  1. If there is no stock of material left in the allowances, then the product cannot be altered.
  2. It is better to refuse expansion if the skirt is different in color from the allowances. This often happens when things fade in the sun or molt when washed.
  3. It is better not to alter things from thin fabrics, since holes from old seams are too noticeable on them.

Important! Enlarging any clothes by more than one size is quite difficult, because not every thing can stand it.

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How to increase the skirt on your hips with your own hands?

As we have already found out, there are several methods to increase the size of a skirt, including a leather one. First, we will consider the option of expansion in the hips.


To complete this work, prepare the following tools:

  • Small scissors, blade, steamer.
  • Sewing machine.
  • A needle.
  • A thread.
  • Tailor centimeter.
  • Iron.


It is necessary to carefully prepare for the expansion of the product, to carry out such preparatory work:

  1. Measure the hips of the skirt and your hips. Determine the difference between these values, divide it into four.
  2. The resulting figure is the same amount by which it is necessary to increase the skirt. It is easiest to change each allowance to this number in centimeters.
  3. Carefully inspect the allowances, because it is important that they have a sufficient supply of fabric. If there is not enough material, then better forget about this venture.


Expand the product according to this scheme:

  • Spread the skirt at the seams. Iron all seams with a steamer.
  • Fold the product halves together, pre-plan new seams, then plan them.

Important! If you previously sewed something, then you can immediately take up the basting thread. Only in this case it is better not to change the tucks.

  • Stitch the seams, then iron.
  • If there are hooks or buttons on the skirt, be sure to alter them too.

Important! This method can also be used to reduce clothing.


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How to independently expand the bottom of a narrow skirt?

This option is suitable not only for expanding things from below, but also on the hips. This way to increase the skirt is best used for models that consist of wedges.

You will need:

  • Fabric meter.
  • Blade.
  • Steamer.
  • Scissors.
  • Threads.
  • Needles.
  • Sewing machine.

Important! The material consumption directly depends on how much you want to expand a thing. If you need to add just a couple of centimeters from the bottom, then the amount of tissue will be equal to the amount of expansion. Remember the seam allowances. You can choose any fabric by color. But for girls who want to look slimmer in their hips, it is better to give preference to dark fabrics, so that the color is several shades darker than the skirt itself.


You must do the following to increase the skirt in size from the bottom:

  1. Determine the size of the future thing, measure the volume of the product, determine how many centimeters are missing.
  2. From the auxiliary fabric, cut out the triangles of the required size. Be sure to consider seam allowances.
  3. Spread the thing from the bottom to the hips, smooth the seams with an iron.
  4. Insert the resulting triangles into the resulting gaps. Then sew them with a basting seam.
  5. Try on a skirt to see if this width is enough for you.
  6. Sew all seams, then iron.

Important! You can also use a satin ribbon for this method, for example, sew it on the sides in the form of stripes. Models of skirts a year are expanded by inserting a satin ribbon oblique in all seams. To embroider a skirt-sun, it is enough to cut off a piece of fabric of the required length, then put it instead of a belt on top. Due to this, the main line drops a little lower.


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How to stretch a small skirt?

In this section, we will give several examples of how to independently stretch a skirt without resorting to the help of specialists and without the use of a sewing machine.

Stretch the product as follows, based on the type of material:

  1. Cotton clothes should be soaked in warm water with the addition of vinegar. It is enough to leave it for half an hour in it, then spread it on a terry towel on a horizontal surface, stretch it in different directions to the desired size. Then the clothes are laid out on a dry towel until completely dry.
  2. The woolen skirt should be placed in a bowl of warm water, add a mild shampoo, a special emollient or conditioner for the coat. Clothing after such processing is stretched in small sections until it is fully expanded. Then it is dried at room temperature.
  3. Woolen things can also be stretched using a special solution of water, vodka, turpentine, ammonia. It is necessary to pour five liters of water into the container, add three tablespoons of alcohol, a spoonful of vodka and turpentine. Then the skirt is soaked in the solution for an hour, rinsed and stretched by hand.
  4. The knitted product can be soaked in warm water and left for 20 minutes. Then load into the washing machine and wash in non-spin mode. Next, just stretch the skirt with your hands and let it dry. It is better to dry the product vertically so that it does not return to its previous state.
  5. A leatherette and genuine leather pencil skirt can be stretched by steaming. You need to hang it over boiling water, leave it for a couple of hours. The main thing is to make sure that its edge is located directly above the water.
  6. To stretch the skirt in length, you should wash it, then moisten it well, hang it in an upright position and attach a small load from below.
  7. To increase the width of the denim skirt, just wet it and pull it on a wide metal hanger. As soon as the fabric dries, you need to put on a skirt on yourself and be a little like it.
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Now you know what to do if the skirt is small, what methods to use to achieve the desired effect. In the future, to avoid deformation of products, try to take care of them correctly, taking into account the type of fabric. If you need to lengthen, tighten or "set" the skirt, then this can be done using our tips from another article.

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