How to clean a white sole on sneakers?

To date, the most popular shoes among youth and children are gym shoes, because they are not only incredibly comfortable to wear, but also perfectly harmonize with clothes in a variety of styles. But every happy owner of such shoes sooner or later asks the question: how to clean the white sole on sneakers? Yes, they are certainly very practical and convenient, but sneakers need to be regularly looked after and this is not the easiest process. Here, for example, it’s enough to simply wipe the shoes with a brush with cream, and shoes with a rubber sole should be washed constantly, especially if it is white. In this article, we will consider the most popular and inexpensive options for cleaning shoes with white soles.

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How to care for shoes with white soles?

Naturally, if the sneakers are brand new, then the sole will sparkle with whiteness and emphasize their style and attractiveness.

Unfortunately, over time, this part of the shoe becomes dirty, turns yellow. Often the sole is covered with rusty, black spots, stripes. Moreover, this problem can be touched by any person, even the most accurate one, who carefully treats his things. For this to happen as late as possible, you must:

  • every day to clean shoes upon returning home;
  • at least once a week with intensive wear of the sneaker, clean the sole with a brush and soap.

But you do not need to panic, if you know how to wash the white sole on the shoes, then you can do this at home. There are many proven ways to return your favorite sneakers and sneakers to their former color, the most important thing is not to postpone it for a long time and take measures in a timely manner.

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Why does the white sole turn yellow over time?

The fact is that for the most part the soles of modern shoes are made from synthetic materials such as filaite, filon, polyurethane or wear-resistant rubber. They perfectly cope with their main task - they give elasticity and strength.

The sole made of these materials is characterized by high resistance to aggressive external influences. But, unfortunately, over time, it still turns yellow, sometimes it even acquires a gray-dirty hue and becomes stained. Of course, we all want our sports shoes to look stylish and beautiful, but with a yellow sole this is difficult to achieve:

  • This is the most important feature of the white material, the slightest pollution immediately becomes noticeable on it.
  • The situation is also aggravated by relief surfaces, inside of which dirt constantly accumulates, which slowly eats up into the material itself.

All this in general negatively affects the appearance of the shoes, and therefore the question arises of buying new sneakers or sneakers. But it’s much easier and cheaper to search for information on how to bleach rubber on sneakers yourself, and again enjoy the impeccable appearance of your favorite shoes.

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The most popular ways to whiten a yellowed sole

It is safe to say that it is quite realistic to make the sole perfectly white in appearance again, only for this you will have to work hard and spend a little time. And if the case is very neglected, then most likely, you will need to try several techniques and methods at once.

Now we will learn how to clean the white sole on shoes, and for this we will consider the most popular and simple ways.

Method 1

You need to take the most ordinary stationery eraser and try to clean the sole with it. Ideal for this, the eraser is soft and white so that it does not leave streaks or marks.

Important! This method is unlikely to help if the dirt is already too much ingrained in the material or the sole is too coarse. But with black strokes and stripes, the eraser copes just fine.

Method 2

You can use a bleaching chemical. For example, powder:

  1. It is necessary to draw a little water into the bowl - such an amount that it completely covers the sole.
  2. Then add the powder or bleach there, while filling it with three times more than during normal washing.
  3. Leave it all for at least four hours.

Such a chemical attack is guaranteed to make your shoes shine again.sneaker-makeover-17-1

Method 3

You can use acetone or nail polish remover as bleach.

Important! For work, you can’t take colored fabric, since it sheds under the influence of chemicals and colorful stains will remain on the sole. Therefore, it is better to use a white cloth.

It is necessary to pre-test how much the liquid will act in a place less noticeable to the eyes.

Method 4

Toothpaste and powder also do an excellent job of removing yellow and gray-dirty plaque from the sole. The most important condition for achieving an excellent result is the use of a brush with the most rigid bristles.

Method 5

You can try to clean the sole with acetic or citric acid. Citric acid powder is simply ground in a contaminated area, and vinegar must be diluted with water in a ratio of one to three.

Important! If you are afraid to bleach the sole on your own or if you simply don’t have free time for this, then seek dry cleaning for help, because the specialists working there probably know how and how to wash rubber on sneakers safely.

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Some tips from experts:

  • When buying new shoes, give preference to models with a simpler and smoother tread, devoid of too deep relief to avoid the accumulation of dirt in these places.
  • In addition, still try to wear shoes more carefully, especially with snow-white soles.
  • Avoid wearing it in rainy weather.
  • To keep the shoes outwardly attractive longer, try to wash them more often, so that the dirt does not have time to eat into it.
  • Avoid cleaning the sole with chlorine-based products, because it is this component that contributes to the formation of persistent yellowness.
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In this article, we told you how to clean a white sole on sneakers. We hope these tips helped you restore the attractive look of your favorite sports shoe, and you didn't have to splurge on a new pair.

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