How to clean a drape coat at home without washing?

Almost every girl has a favorite coat, which she has been wearing for more than one season. It warms perfectly, gives a feminine and elegant look to the whole image, is practical and comfortable to wear, but in any case it gets dirty, although not so often. That is why it is worth paying special attention to cleaning it - preferably immediately after the end of the cold season, but if it did not work, at least once every couple of years. Our article will tell you how to clean a drape coat at home without washing.
to contents ↑Can I clean my coat at home?
It should be noted that the coat, of whatever material it is made, needs regular care.
Important! An excellent way to care for such clothes is daily cleaning with a roller with adhesive tape, which removes the smallest dirt.
Of course, for a long time nobody will be able to save the primordial appearance of outerwear. Over time, small spots will begin to appear on the coat, it will become a little darker and absorb an unpleasant odor, at the same time, spools or scuffs may form on the material itself.
The easiest option is to give your favorite thing to dry cleaning, paying the announced price. However, many of its owners do not think about the fact that aggressive chemical exposure can worsen the situation several times. It is for this reason that girls prefer dry-cleaning their coats at home with their own hands. This procedure is best done at the beginning or end of the season in which the thing was worn.
Important! To understand whether a coat needs deep cleaning, help sleeves, a collar and the area above the pockets. If the procedure was carried out recently, and such spots have re-formed, you can repeat the procedure, while processing only certain areas. Remember that stains of any kind must be removed immediately after they appear.
In order not to make mistakes, the first thing is to determine the type of material from which the thing is made. The most famous materials are:
- Drap.
- Wool.
- Suede.
- Cashmere.
- Leather.
to contents ↑Important! On the label, which is usually located near the collar or on the side seam, there are often written many useful recommendations for cleaning a particular product. They should not be neglected.
Go to the procedure
It is possible to dry-clean a coat at home, and any material from which it is made can always be cleaned. In total, there are two ways to carry out this procedure:
- Dry.
- Wet.
The first method involves treating the garment with a brush and a dry cleaner, followed by cleaning.
Important! Before implementing this method, it is recommended to check its effectiveness on an inconspicuous area of clothing or on a piece of fabric, which usually comes with this product.
The second method is the most difficult and may include the following actions:
- Processing clothes with steam.
- Wipe with a damp cloth or cloth.
- Wash.
Drape coat cleaning
Cleaning a drape coat at home without washing is a very difficult task, which is not always possible even for experienced housewives. This material is a two-layer fabric made of wool. Wash it in a mechanical machine is strictly prohibited.There is only one way left - to dry clean.
Important! For subsequent convenience in the processing of the coat, it is recommended to straighten and hang on a hanger.
So, for starters, the coat from the drape should be treated with a roller with adhesive tape so that it collects all excess dirt. Next, the garment is processed in the selected way:
- The first of them is designed for small and nondescript pollution. To implement it, use only a brush. At first, the wetted bristles pass in the direction of the pile of the drape, then the brush is moistened and the same movements are carried out until the speck disappears. After this procedure, the coat is dried in a well-ventilated room or on the balcony.
- For more noticeable dirt, a carpet cleaner is used as a coat cleaner (it can be replaced with soda). In this case, the procedure will be more complicated: first of all, the product must be diluted with water and stirred until foam is formed, then apply it to the surface to be cleaned, while avoiding liquid. In the end, it remains only to wait for the foam to dry and clean it using a brush.
- A very original and effective method is using bread crumb. Rye bread is the best choice here. The cleaning method is very simple: the bread is crumbled onto the contaminated area and rolled out by hand until the bread balls appear, and then they are brushed off.
- If the product is heavily soiled, you can resort to the use of a laundry conditioner. In order to clean the drape coat at home without washing, it is enough to moisten the microfiber fabric in this balm and spend a little on the site, following the direction of the villi. Next, rinse the napkin and carefully pass through the treated area again.
Important! If the label says that machine wash is still acceptable, you can use manual or delicate mode. An important factor is the temperature: it should not be more than 40 degrees. To accelerate drying, use a steamer or iron with this function.
Cleaning a cashmere coat
To clean a coat of cashmere at home, you need to be as careful as in the previous method.
Before proceeding directly to cleaning, it is necessary to remove from the material all spots previously on it:
- A greasy stain on cashmere can be removed using refined gasoline. It is carefully applied to the material and sprinkled with talcum powder. After complete drying, the talcum powder is removed using an ordinary brush.
- To remove sweat stains, use a soap solution, which, in turn, is applied to the contamination with a cosmetic cotton swab. Next, the stain is treated using ammonia and wet wipes.
Important! Cashmere coats are allowed. However:
- To do this, use only special liquid-based products.
- Hand wash after a short soak. During the implementation of the procedure, remember that you can not rub it, it is only allowed to wrinkle it slightly and squeeze it in a roll way.
- Do not refuse and mechanical washing. When washing such a coat in a typewriter, you should remember that you only need to use the delicate mode at a temperature of 30 degrees. Rinse this thing twice.
Wool coat
Cleaning a woolen coat at home without washing is similar to cleaning other woolen products. The main thing is to be able to properly care for them, observing our tips:
- If the look of your item is already stale, a cotton pad pre-soaked in tightly brewed in green tea can fix the situation.
- To clean such a coat from hair and from small impurities, you can use a sticky roller for clothes.
- If the label says that machine wash is allowed, you can process the product from wool in the same way as from cashmere.
- Separate spots are removed using a soap solution.
to contents ↑Important! Using salt and ammonia in a ratio of 4: 1, you can occasionally process the area around the pockets, on the sleeves and the collar. To do this, rub the contaminated areas with a mixture, and after drying, clean off with a dry brush.
We clean a light coat
Lastly, I want to give an important recommendation on how to clean a light coat at home without washing. White color and all its shades are the most moody, so care for such a thing needs special.
In order for such a bright element of clothing to acquire a pristine, clean look, as when buying it, you need to follow the following algorithm:
- Soak the item in a large container with water mixed with a special tool.
- Rinse using a fabric softener.
- Rinse in cool water to prevent yellowing.
- Allow fluid to drain.
- Wrap the workpiece in a soft towel so that it absorbs excess moisture.
- Allow things to dry on their own by hanging it on a hanger.
to contents ↑Important! To clean a black coat, it is not necessary to carry out such a complex procedure. Simply clean as described above.
Universal tips
For quality care for your favorite thing, you must follow these tips:
- Before processing the product, you must familiarize yourself with the labels on the label.
- Before the test use of a particular product, it is necessary to test it on the wrong side of the processed clothing.
- When stains are removed, they are cleaned from its edges to the center. This is necessary so that there are no visible traces.
- Under the cleaned area, it is recommended to lay a dense fabric.
- Greasy spots are removed from the wrong side.
- Beer stains can be removed with hydrogen peroxide.
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Following the advice that was given in this article, any housewife can easily take care of her favorite thing and dry clean her coat at home, without fear of spoiling the material.
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