How to clean patent leather shoes?

Patent shoes were usually intended for special occasions, but as the fashion advances over time, more and more everyday items are made of patent leather, including handbags and wallets. Thus, the question arises of how to clean patent leather shoes and other accessories from such a material and how often you can wipe white shoes if they turn yellow. Cleaning is actually very simple. Just follow our cleaning tips for leatherette and genuine leather shoes to see if you can.

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Soap and water method:

  1. The first step in cleaning patent leather is to clean the dirt and small stones with soft bristles.
  2. Dampen a soft cotton cloth with very little water and a little mild soap.
  3. Wipe the patched skin with a damp, soapy cloth.
  4. Then dry it with a soft polishing cloth.
  5. Allow things to dry at room temperature for about 24 hours.
  6. After the procedure, apply skin conditioner.
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"Children's" method

Another way to clean varnish shoes at home is with regular baby wipes or pre-moistened dry wipes. They work great for cleaning shoes. Use them on patent leather as you would with a wet washcloth. After - wipe your shoes with a clean, soft cloth. Be sure to monitor their condition.

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Toothpaste Method

For cleaning patent leather of white flowers, regular toothpaste is perfect. She effectively copes with pollution, adding to this shoe original whiteness.

You will also need a small amount of warm water, a soft toothbrush.

Important! A hard brush cannot be used, as it can leave scratches and minor damage.


  • If there are laces, remove them and soak with the addition of bleach.
  • Wet a rag in water and wipe your pair of shoes with it.
  • Then apply the paste on the brush. Gently clean your shoes in a circular motion.
  • When all dirt has been removed, remove any remaining paste.
  • Let the shoe dry at room temperature.

Important! In no case do not use a fireplace, heater for this purpose.

  • Pull the laces out of the water, wash them with detergent and allow to dry.
  • The result will pleasantly surprise you.
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Hydrogen Peroxide Method:

  1. If shoes have shoelaces, remove them first.
  2. Next, take a soft shoe brush and use it to walk over the entire surface. This will help remove dust and dry dirt.
  3. After that, pour 2 cups of room temperature water into a small basin, add three tablespoons of a mild pH-neutral hand soap, such as Method or Ecover, and the same amount of hydrogen peroxide.
  4. Gently mix the resulting mixture.
  5. Dampen a rag in it and walk along the entire outer surface of the shoe. As soon as the fabric is no longer wet, moisten it again and repeat the procedure.
  6. Repeat until dirt is removed.
  7. When the goal is reached, take a dry piece of cloth and wipe it with your patent leather shoes.
  8. After drying, you can polish them well if you wish.
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Petroleum jelly

The next way to clean varnish shoes is with mineral oil, such as petroleum jelly. It is great for cleaning patent leather - yes, this is the same product that you use to combat dry lips!

Apply a small amount of petroleum jelly on a soft and clean cloth and wipe it with your skin. Then use dry to polish the excess jelly. Vaseline will work wonders to revitalize your things!

When you face a question about how to clean patent leather shoes or accessories, these tips will help you take care of patent leather, even if you have little time.

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Cracked patent leather

What to do if patent shoes have cracks? If your patent leather has a deep scratch or scuff, you can sometimes exfoliate it. Use a soft cloth with some kind of mineral oil and rub until the bruise is less noticeable. If the problem still exists, use shoe polish in the same color as your shoes to make the damage less noticeable.

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Leather conditioners

After cleaning your patent leather pair of shoes, it is recommended to apply a special conditioner for the skin. You can buy it at a specialty store or use a small amount of mineral oil.

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What should not be used

This kind of skin will be scratched or dull if you use the wrong product to clean it.

Do not use:

  • Coarse fabrics or washcloths;
  • Hard brushes;
  • Bleach;
  • Plenty of water.
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Tips for storing patent leather

A very important question in this matter: how to care for patent leather shoes after cleaning?

Now that your patent leather is clean and moisturized, store it in a clean and dry place. Put hard paper in your shoes to keep them in shape. Alternatively, store patent leather shoes in clothing bags.

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Helpful hints:

  • It is not recommended to use a universal cleaning agent, as it may contain chemical components that contribute to the dissolution of varnish. In any case, always carefully study its composition.
  • Patent shoes are unlikely to ever go out of fashion, however, you should not wear them daily. The fact is that due to the dampness and dirt of the environment, over time, it will begin to lose its appearance: the varnish will wear off, and cracks will appear on the surface.
  • It is also not recommended to wear shoes with this material in very cold or too hot weather, as it will burst or melt and stretch.
  • If you want to give shine to your shoes, you do not have to buy expensive specialized products - just rub them with half the onion or a cotton pad dipped in milk. The result will be the same, but the cost is much less.
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Adhering to the tips outlined in this article, you can clean your patent leather shoes at home and wear them for a long time, emphasizing your bright personality and beauty.


