How to clean a mink hat at home from dirt?

Mink products have a number of undeniable advantages: they are warm, comfortable and stylish. And with proper care, they can last for many years. Mink hats are worn by both men and women. But over time, the lining gets dirty and becomes unusable, and the fur loses its former attractiveness and becomes dull and nondescript. How to clean a mink hat at home from dirt? Let's look at possible ways.

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We clean a mink hat at home

Natural mink fur is very moody in need of care and needs a special treatment. Before starting to clean the mink hat at home, read the recommendations of specialists:

  • For mechanical cleaning of the fur, it is desirable to use a metal brush, which must first be wrapped with cotton.

Important! Combing with such a brush will remove lumps, surface contaminants, and also smooth out sticky hairs.

  • Washing the fur in the washing machine is contraindicated. The product will lose its shape and attractive appearance.
  • When cleaning the headgear, make sure that the base is not wet. This may cause deformation of the product. To avoid this, put a hat on the jar or other container before the procedures.

Important! To prevent the fur product from jumping off a smooth surface, you can pre-wrap the jar with a napkin or towel.

  • Dry the hat in a well-ventilated place, away from radiators and direct sunlight. A wet hat cannot be blow dry.
  • When using natural products for cleaning, it is important then to clean them properly so that subsequently there is no moth wound up.
  • It is impossible to soak a mink hat.
  • Remove stains on the hat while they are fresh. The more time passes, the less likely to painlessly get rid of pollution.
  • You cannot use cologne to clean light mink products - yellow stains may form from it.
  • When using perfumes or other cosmetics, try not to spray them on the hat. Oily spots may remain on it, which are then difficult to remove.
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Wet Mink Caps

Wet cleaning can be done using wool detergent or shampoo. To clean a mink hat at home:

  1. Dissolve the detergent in warm water and whisk the solution with your hands until a thick foam is obtained.
  2. Sponge the foam onto the fur and spread evenly over the entire surface. Be careful not to damage the villi.
  3. Then the foam must be removed with clean water and a sponge.
  4. Put the wet hat on the jar turned upside down and leave to dry away from heat sources.

Important! Make sure that the fur is not wet to the ground. If the base of the headgear gets wet, then after drying, the cap can greatly decrease in size.

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Cleaning the mink hat with salt

You can clean the cap with the salt that is in every house:

  1. Dissolve a tablespoon of salt in a glass of water.
  2. Add 2-3 tablespoons of alcohol to the solution.
  3. Wet the brush in the resulting solution and properly treat the cap.

Important! Any mink hat can be cleaned with vinegar. To do this, moisten a swab in it and go around the entire headdress, eliminating traces of contamination. In the end, it is recommended to treat the pile with a solution of glycerol.

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How to clean a white mink hat?

Fur products in light shades require special care. How to clean a light mink hat at home?

Talc or Starch

Talc or starch will help to effectively clean the light mink from pollution. Any of these substances will effectively cope with greasy spots and dust:

  1. Sprinkle the fur on the hat with starch or talcum powder and rub it thoroughly with your hands.
  2. Leave the product for several hours. The cleaner during this time absorbs all the dirt.
  3. Scrub the rest of the product with a clothes brush. You can also do this with a vacuum cleaner, only put the minimum power.
  4. Comb the dried-up fur with a special brush.


There is another way to clean a blue mink hat at home. And help us in this bran:

  1. Place the bran in a saucepan and heat over low heat, stirring constantly.
  2. Grind the fur on the cap with these bran, and then comb out the wooden comb.
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Erase Lining

In fur garments, over time, the lining becomes very dirty, because it comes in contact with the skin and hair, respectively - it absorbs sweat and subcutaneous fat, which inevitably is released during the life of the body. How to clean the fur hat lining?

  • Gently flip the lining, wash it and sew it back.
  • If it is difficult to repulse, then you have to clean it locally. Moisten a washcloth or sponge in soapy water, clean the lining. After that, damp excess moisture with a towel or napkin.
  • You can get rid of unpleasant odors if you clean the lining with a solution of salt or ammonia.
  • In extreme cases, if the lining is very dirty and worn, it can be torn off, and instead a new one can be sewn.
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How to clean the mink hat from stains?

You can also get rid of stains at home using improvised means:

  • Yellowness from a white mink hat can be removed using hydrogen peroxide. Pour a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide into a glass of water, pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray over the entire surface of the headgear. To enhance the effect, you can dry the hat in the sun.
  • To remove greasy stains, you can use alcohol or vodka.
  • Yellowness and greasy stains are removed by a mixture of aviation gasoline and starch. Mix the ingredients until a slurry is obtained and apply it to the problem areas. Leave on for a while, and then simply sweep away the rest with a brush.
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How to store mink hats?

Keep capricious products from mink also need to be properly:

  • You should not store such products in suitcases or chests of drawers. It is best to put them in a special fabric bag that lets air through.

Important! Do not forget to put there the remedy for moths.

  • The optimum temperature in the storage place is not more than 10 degrees, and humidity is not more than 60%.
  • Do not allow your hat to come in contact with perfume, varnish, water or other cosmetics.
  • Ventilate your fur product regularly, and at the same time check its condition.
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As you can see, even with such an expensive and delicate product, care will be easy if you know what means to use. Use our tips, and you will always be warm, comfortable in a beautiful mink hat.


